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0.4.2 • Public • Published

Graphology Canvas

Canvas rendering routines for graphology.


npm install graphology-canvas

If you need to use this package's functions in node, you will also need to install node-canvas thusly:

npm install canvas

If you experience any issue when installing the libray check that you have the required dependencies as listed here.



Each node's position must be set before rendering a graph. Two attributes called x and y must therefore be defined for all the graph nodes. graphology-layout or graphology-layout-forceatlas2, for instance, can be used to give positions to nodes if they don't have one already.

Rendering a graph in an arbitrary canvas context

import {render} from 'graphology-canvas';

render(graph, context, settings);

Rendering asynchronously to avoid freezing main thread

import {renderAsync} from 'graphology-canvas';

renderAsync(graph, context, settings, function () {

Rendering a graph to PNG in node

import {renderToPNG} from 'graphology-canvas/node';

renderToPNG(graph, './graph.png', () => console.log('Done!'));
renderToPNG(graph, './graph.png', settings, () => console.log('Done!'));


  • width ?number [2048]: width of the canvas. Will be the same as height if not provided.
  • height ?number [2048]: height of the canvas. Will be the same as width if not provided.
  • padding ?number [20]: padding to keep around the drawing.
  • nodes ?object: node-related settings:
    • defaultColor ?string [#999]: default color for nodes.
    • reducer ?function: reducer fonction for nodes taking the rendering settings, the node key and its attributes and tasked to return rendering info such as color, size etc.
  • edges ?object: node-related settings:
    • defaultColor ?string [#ccc]: default color for edges.
    • reducer ?function: reducer fonction for edges taking the rendering settings, the node key and its attributes and tasked to return rendering info such as color, size etc.

Async Settings

  • batchSize ?number [500]: number of items to render on canvas on each animation frame, increase or decrease to tweak performance vs. UI availability.

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  • yomguithereal
  • jacomyal