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GRIPT - Angular Gulp Sass Typescript application builder

npm npm npm

This project is the basis for the creation of an npm module containing a "complete" Gulp build setup for an AngularJS application using Sass. Your application source and test files can be written in JavaScript or TypeScript. If it's TypeScript, it will be validated and then compiled to JavaScript.

The goal of this tool is to provide the handy workflow for developing Angular based applications (no matter what language you use - JavaScript or TypeScript) and ensure the profound checking of the code quality at the same time. The module orchestrates a collection of Gulp build functionality into a single npm dependency and makes it easier for developers to have and maintain the build setup for own Angular projects.

The Gript Newsgroup is the place for announcements and discussion about Gript's features. Feel free to join.

The project includes a sample application to make it possible to test the build setup. The local sample application exemplifies the needed structure for applications supported by the gript npm package. The sample application resides in the app folder. The index.html in the app folder is especially important - it contains markers where generated files will be included.


  • JavaScript validation using ESLint,
  • TypeScript validation (TSLint) and incremental compilation,
  • scss validation (scss-lint) and compilation,
  • HTML validation using htmllint,
  • unit tests performed using Karma and PhantomJS (tests can be written in JavaScript or TypeScript),
  • unit testing coverage metered by Istanbul,
  • HTML partials pre-loading into the Angular $templateCache,
  • includes custom generated Modernizr script
  • full concatenation/minification for all production JS and CSS files,
  • Live-reload capability: web app is auto-refreshed if HTML, TypeScript or scss files change,
  • watch tasks: if your source files change, they will be checked for errors, compiled and then injected into your application, Gript uses Chokidar which notices the changes instantly, keeping the CPU usage down at the same time,
  • contains the mock server based on YAML/JSON/JS configuration files. Refer to the Mock Server section for usage guidelines.
  • contains the locked set of specific npm dependencies, to minimize "the dependency hell".

Structure requirements for applications supported

The use of the this Gulp build tool is based on applications code being structured according to Google's Best Practice Recommendations for Angular App Structure. The primary directories and files are:

|---- /app
|     |
|     |---- components
|     |---- sections
|     |---- img
|     |---- styles
|     |---- resources
|     |---- lib
|     |---- index.html
|     |---- app.js
|     |---- .eslint.rc.yml
|     |---- constants.json
|---- /bower_components
|---- /target
|     |---- dist
|     |---- tmp
|---- /mocks
|---- gulpfile.js
|---- bower.json
|---- package.json
|---- .eslint.rc.yml
|---- .scsslint.rc.yml
|---- tslint.json
|---- .htmllint.rc

which means:

  • app : contains the application source code
  • app/sections : contains the subsections of the application code
  • app/components: contains the components (directives, services etc.) embedded in the application
  • app/app.js or app/App.ts : the entry point of the Angular application
  • app/resources: the place for other resources, like translation files. This will be copied to /target/dist
  • app/lib: the place for JavaScript libraries not coming from Bower. It will be excluded from linting.
  • app/constants.json: optional constants file from which Angular constants module will be generated
  • bower_components : libraries downloaded by Bower
  • node_modules : tools downloaded by npm
  • target/tmp : contains generated files (compiled TypeScript, compiled scss styles, Angular templates etc.)
  • target/dist : contains app distribution package
  • mocks : contains your mock services definitions.
  • gulpfile.js : the build files importing the Gulp tasks defined in the node_modules/gript
  • bower.json : contains Bower dependencies
  • .eslint.rc.yml : contains rules for es-linter (ESLint). Cascading rules configuration is possible.
  • .scsslint.rc.yml : contains rules for scss linter (scss-lint)
  • tslint.json : rules for the TypeScript linter (TSLint)
  • .htmllint.rc : rules for the HTML linter (htmllint)

Setup GRIPT in your project

To make use of the gript npm module define the dependency to gript in the package.json file in your own application:

  "dependencies": {
      "gulp": "3.9.0",
      "gript": "~0.0.38",

together with your other npm dependencies. Gript is available in the npm repository.

Running the command

`npm install --save-dev`

will include gript in your node_modules folder and make it available for development.

Configure your project

The tool comes with a guide for the enabling of the build tool in your project.

The sample Gulp file and configuration files

The supported Angular application is built by Gulp, which is controlled by the gulpfile.js. Gript includes a sample Gulp file, located in the sample_configs directory. There are also example configuration files for Bower, es-lint, and scss-lint in the sample_configs directory.

Using the sample Gulp file

This sample_configs/gulpfile.js can be used as a starter for your project. This is where you define the dependency to gript module and specify the options for the build process of your own application:

       var gulp = require('gulp');
       // Set the config to use across the gulp build
       gulp.config = {
           repository: '',
           skipAppCacheGeneration: true,
           app: {
               module: 'yourApp',
               constantsFile: 'app/constants.json'
           server: {
               module: 'yourApp',
               configFile: 'app/config.json'
           partials: ['app/**/*.html'],
           server: {
               port: 8080,
               host: 'localhost',
               livereload: {
                   port: 35729
           serverDist: {
               port: 8080,
               host: 'localhost'
           proxy: {
               port: 8001,
               hostHeader: 'gript',
               targetURL: 'http://gript'
           mocks: {
               stubby: {
                   location: 'localhost',
                   stubs: 8050,
                   tls: 8443,
                   admin: 8051,
                   relativeFilesPath: true,
                   files: [
               multimocks: {
                   src: 'multiMocks'
           typeScript: {
               compilerOptions: {
                   noImplicitAny: true,
                   target: "es5",
                   sourceMap: true,
                   declarationFiles: true,
                   noExternalResolve: false,
                   sortOutput: true,
                   removeComments: false,
                   preserveConstEnums: true
           minification: {
               html: {
                   removeEmptyAttributes: false,
                   collapseBooleanAttributes: false,
                   collapseWhitespace: true,
                   caseSensitive: true
               css: {
                   safe: true,
                   autoprefixer: false,
                   discardUnused: false,
                   reduceIdents: false,
                   mergeIdents: false
               javascript: {
                   mangle: true,
                   preserveComments: false
           modernizr: {
               //cssprefix: true, // add this line to fix conflicts with bootstrap (e.g not adding class 'hidden' to html tag)
               options: [
               'feature-detects': []
           fontsScan: [
           karma: {
               browsers: ['PhantomJS']

Be sure to set values for the configuration in your copy of the sample_configs/gulpfile.js.

These values are:

  • app.module : mandatory name of the project. It's being used as a module name when generating Angular modules, like $templateCache or constants modules.
  • repository the GIT url of your application, used in the release and prerelease tasks.
  • skipAppCacheGeneration allows to do not generate appcache manifest as it is not recommended anymore
  • partials is a glob pattern to specify what files should bne considered as Angular $templateCache templates. Refer to the Partials section for details.
  • server configuration options for the web server like port number, live reload port number, host name etc.
  • serverDist configuration options for the web server started from dist by using server:dist task.
  • proxy optional proxy port, host header and target URL configuration. The proxy will start only if you specify proxy section in your gulpfile.js.
  • mocks mock server configuration
  • typescript typescript compilation options
  • minification minification related options

You may kickstart your project by copying sample_configs/gulpfile.js to the root of your own project. This gives you a very simple build configuration as a starting scenario.

NOTE: If you have no tests the

gulp test

command will fail, until you create your first piece of logic and its corresponding test.

Building your project

The default task builds an application and then starts the development server. Your source code (TypeScript, HTML, scss) will be watched for changes, and - if neccessary, compiled and injected into the index.html. Just by running


you are ready to start developing your project.

The gulpfile.js from Gript contains also these specific tasks:

  • build : builds the application for the development
  • dist : builds and minifies the application for the deployment. The application will be copied to target/dist directory.
  • ts : compiles your app TypeScript files
  • partials : compiles HTML partials into Angular's $templateCache Javascript files. All files matching partials config glob are considered as templates.
  • styles : compiles scss files
  • inject : injects Bower dependencies, compiled HTML partials, TypeScript and scss into your app's index.html. Files will be injected according to the marking in the index.html file. Refer to the Files injection section of this readme for details.
    • inject-bower : downloads and injects Bower dependencies
    • inject-styles : compiles and injects scss styles
    • inject-partials : compiles HTML partials into Angular's $templateCache and then injects them into the index.html
    • inject-js : complies the TypesScript and then injects all JavaScript files
  • lint : runs linters on the HTML, scss, Javascript and TypeScript source files. Refer to the Linting section for possible options.
    • lint-js
    • lint-scss
    • lint-ts
    • lint-html
  • test : runs the unit tests through Karma - NOTE: fails if no tests are available. Refer to the Testing section for details.
  • clean : removes the whole target directory (temporary generated files and distribution package)
    • clean-dist : removes the target/dist directory (the distribution package)
    • clean-tmp : removes the target/tmp directory (all temporary generated files)
    • clean-js : removes the target/tmp/js directory (compiled TypeScript files)
    • clean-partials : removes the target/tmp/partials directory (Angular's $templateCache Javascript files)
    • clean-styles : removes the target/tmp/styles directory (compiled scss files)
    • clean-bower : removes the bower_components directory
  • fonts : searches for all eot, ttf, woff , woff2 files, flattens the directory structure and copies them into your app. It will search the whole bower_components directory, unless you configure it otherwise in the fontsScan array in the config section of the gulpfile.js.
  • images : copies all image files into the dist directory
  • watch : watches the source code for changes and runs the relevant task(s) whenever something changes
  • server : starts a development server
  • server:dist : starts a server using the deployment directory (target/dist)
  • mocks : starts a server with mock services. Refer to the Mock server section for guidelines.
  • modernizr : builds custom Modernizr script and injects it into index.html
  • config : creates an optional Angular constants module with values from the file specified in The default is app/constants.json.

You can list all of the available tasks by running the command:

gulp --tasks


Gript will automatically run your tests using Karma. Your tests can be written in JavaScript or TypeScript (they will be compiled first). Tests filenames must end in test or Test (for example PortfolioServiceTest.ts, PortfolioService_test.ts, portfolioService_test.js). Your tests will be executed using headless, PhantomJS browser. You can customize this behavior altogether with other Karma options in the karma section of the gulpfile.js. Refer to Karma Configuration docs for possible options and values. For example, if you need to run your tests under Chrome browser, amend the default configuration:

 karma: {
        frameworks: ['jasmine', 'sinon', 'angular-filesort'],
        plugins: [
        browsers: ['Chrome']


The partials task will create Angular $templateCache files from your HTML files. The resulting JavaScript files will be created in the target/tmp/partials directory. These files will then be injected into the index.html file, according to <!-- inject:partials --><!-- endinject --> markings. The dist task will minify and concatenate them with other JavaScript files from your application. Gript considers all HTML files in the app directory (except the index.html) as partials by default. You can change this behaviour by setting up the partials configuration value in the gulpfile.js. This may come in handy when you don't want a specific HTML file to be converted to Angular $templateCache partial. For example:

partials: ['app/**/*.html', '!app/sections/welcome/testOauth.html']

will generate $templateCache from all HTML files except the app/sections/welcome/testOauth.html. Take note that all files excluded from partials generation will be just copied to the target directory. At the same time, all files considered as partials will not be copied - after the conversion to JavaScript we don't need them anymore.

If you need to customize the partials generation, use the partialsOptions in the gulpfile.js, for example:

partials: ['app/**/*.html'],
partialsOptions: {
    prefix: './'

Refer to the gulp-ng-html2js documentation for possible options.


To ensure the profound checking of the code quality of your application, Gript will check all your HTML, scss, TypeScript and JavaScript files. The linting process is executed during the build, and is also included in the watch task, to re-lint the file on the fly, after you change it. The number of configuration files are being used to customize the linting options:

  • .eslint.yml contains configuration for the powerful JavaScript linter, the ESLint. Refer to the Options section for avaialable options.
  • .scss-lint.yml contains configuration for scss linter, the scss-lint. Referer to the Configuration for options.
  • tslint.json contains options for TSLint. Refer here for the description of rules.
  • .htmllintrc contains setup for htmllint. Refer to the options for possible settings.

For your convenience, Gript contains sample configuration files for all linters in the sample_configs directory. During the linting process, Gript generates Checkstyle-like XML reports in the target directory:

  • es-lint-result.xml
  • html-lint-result.xml
  • scss-lint-result.xml
  • ts-lint-result.xml

The reports from tests execution and code coverage are also generated into the target directory:

  • cobertura-coverage.xml
  • test-results.xml

You can use linting, test and coverage reports in your continuous integration setup, like Jenkins for example.


During the build process, Gript will analyse your JavaScript and CSS files and generate custom Modernizr. The custom script will be injected into the index.html. You can customize the script generation by changing options in the modernizr section of the gulpfile.js. Refer to the Modernizr build options for possible values.

TypeScript compilation

If you develop your app in the TypeScript, files will be compiled and then injected. The example setup uses DefinitelyTyped to get the TypeScript types definitions. They are being downloaded by Bower into the bower_components/DefinitelyTyped directory, which is excluded from the TypeScript linting. The resulting JavaScript files will be placed in the target/tmp/js directory. You can customize your TypeScript compile options using the typeScript section in the gulpfile.js. Refer to the Compiler-Options section in the TypeScript documentation for available options.


After executing a dist task, all resulting HTML, CSS and JavaScript files will be concatenated and minified. You can customize the minification options by modyfying the minification section in your gulpfile.js.

⚠️ Note: too agressive optimisations will break your build or make your app useless. Gript includes the default set of options, which are pretty safe.

Compiled files injection

By default, all TypeScript, scss and HTML files will be compiled and injected into your app's index.html file. The target/tmp directory is the place for the compilation output:

  • target/tmp/js : will contain compiled TypeScript files
  • target/tmp/partials : will contain all HTML partials from your Angular app compiled into Angular $templateCache.
  • target/tmp/styles : will contain compiled scss files

Compiled scripts and styles will then be injected into the app's index.html according to the injection markings:

  • <!-- bower:css --><!-- endbower --> : Bower CSS dependencies
  • <!-- inject:css --><!-- endinject --> : compiled scss files
  • <!-- bower:js --><!-- endbower --> : Bower JS dependencies
  • <!-- inject:js --><!-- endinject --> : TypeScript files compiled into JS
  • <!-- inject:partials --><!-- endinject --> : HTML partials compiled into Angular's $templateCache.

After executing the dist task, all the stylesheets and JavaScripts will be minimized and concatenated. The result will be injected into target/dist/index.html according to these injection markings:

  • <!-- build:css styles/vendor.css --><!-- endbuild -->: vendor stylesheets (from bower_components)
  • <!-- build:css styles/main.css --><!-- endbuild -->: your own stylesheets
  • <!-- build:js scripts/vendor.js --><!-- endbuild -->: vendor scripts (from bower_components)
  • <!-- build:js scripts/main.js --><!-- endbuild -->: your own scripts

Refer to app/index.html or sample_configs/index.html for an example how to define these markings.

Mock server

There are two mock engines implementations included in Gript: stubby4node and Angular-Multimocks. stubby4node allows you to have a mock server running during the development, using the standard gulp or gulp server tasks. Angular-Multimocks, on the other hand - will generate some source code which will enable mocking services within your application (useful when you want to deploy your application with mocked services). You setup the mock configuration in the mocks section in the gulpfile.js:

mocks: {
    stubby: {
        location: 'localhost',
        stubs: 8050,
        tls: 8443,
        admin: 8051,
        relativeFilesPath: true,
        files: [
    multimocks: {
        src: 'multiMocks'

You have an option to start both of them, just a single one or none. If the configuration for the specific mock engine is not present in the gulpfile.js - it will not be started.


stubby4node It's a highly configurable server for mocking/stubbing external systems during development. Gript takes endpoint descriptors in the form of a YAML or JSON files that tell it how to respond to incoming requests. For each incoming request, configured endpoints are checked in-order until a match is found. The endpoints can contain regular expressions, any of HTTP methods, queries, headers, dynamic token interpolation, defined fake response latency and so on. The response can be parametrized or served from a file - the possiblities are endless. Refer to the Stubby endpoint configuration section for assistance how to define your own endpoints. By default, the mocks Gulp task will start together with the server and server:dist tasks. Gript contains some simple endpoints definitions in the mocks and sample_config/mocks directory to get you started. You can customize the mocks directory name and server ports in the mocks section of your gulpfile.js. To create new mocked service, simply put the new definition of the endpoint into the mocks folder. You can disable the runtime mock server by using --nomocks option when executing any of the tasks, for example:

gulp --nomocks


Angular-Multimocks lets you test how your app behaves with different responses from an API. Angular Multimocks allows you to define sets of mock API responses for different scenarios as JSON files. The only mandatory configuration option exposed for Angular-multimocks is the src: the directory to load mock files from. Gript will read your mock files and generate the needed source files (mock scenarios) into the multimocks.js file in the target/tmp/js folder. They will be minified and concatenated with your other JS files when doing dist. Take note that if you want Angular-Multimocks to do it's job, you need to include angular-multimocks and Angular Mocks (which Angular-Multimocks depends on) in your bower.rc:

 "angular-mocks": "1.2.29",
 "angular-multimocks": "0.6.8",

The sample_configs contains multiMocks directory with example mockResources.json and some mock responses to get you started. Refer to the Angular-Multimocks documentation for more details.

External dependencies

Gript makes use of node-gyp which is a cross-platform command-line tool written in Node.js for compiling native addon modules for Node.js. To use node-gyp you will need some external dependencies, depending on your platform:

On Unix

  • python (v2.7 recommended, v3.x.x is not supported)
  • make
  • A proper C/C++ compiler toolchain, like GCC

On Mac OS X

  • python (v2.7 recommended, v3.x.x is not supported). It's already installed by default on Mac OS X.

  • Xcode

  • You also need to install the Command Line Tools via Xcode. You can find this under the menu Xcode -> Preferences -> Downloads. (This step will install gcc and the related toolchain containing make)

  • for scss-lint to work properly, you need scss-lint Ruby gem installed:

      $ gem install scss_lint


  • Python (v2.7.10 recommended, v3.x.x is not supported). Make sure that you have a PYTHON environment variable, and it is set to drive:\path\to\python.exe not to a folder

Windows XP/Vista/7

  • Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2013 (Express version works well). If the install fails, try uninstalling any C++ 2010 x64&x86 Redistributable that you have installed first. If you get errors that the 64-bit compilers are not installed you may also need the compiler update for the Windows SDK 7.1

Windows 7/8

  • Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2013 for Windows Desktop (Express version works well)

Windows 10

All Windows Versions

  • For 64-bit builds of node and native modules you will also need the Windows 7 64-bit SDK

  • You may need to run one of the following commands if your build complains about WindowsSDKDir not being set, and you are sure you have already installed the SDK:

      call "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\bin\Setenv.cmd" /Release /x86
      call "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\bin\Setenv.cmd" /Release /x64

Building the gript module

The gulpfile.js for the gript npm module is located in the root of the project. It contains a Gulp task to package and the verify the npm module:

  • create-package creates the npm package
  • verify-package verifies its contents

After that the npm module is ready to be published to the npm repository.

The Gript logo contains modified version of the Link icon licensed under Creative Commons license.



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