
0.2.2 • Public • Published


Combine multiple images into CSS Sprites using advanced layouts from CSS::SpriteMaker Perl module.

Getting Started

The requirements of this plugin are:

  • Grunt >=0.4.0

  • Perl 5 installed and compiled with -fPIC and -Duseshrplib. Normally, linux distribution's system perl works.

  • CSS::SpriteMaker module 0.10+ installed from CPAN (cpan install CSS::SpriteMaker). You should be able to run perldoc CSS::SpriteMaker.

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-css-spritemaker --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


The "css_spritemaker" task


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named css_spritemaker to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

  css_spritemaker: {
    options: {
      // Task-specific options go here.
    your_target: {
      options: {
          // Target-specific options go here.
      // Target-specific settings follow here ...



Type: Boolean Default value: false

If true, the path to dest will be created


Type: Object Default value: undefined

An object used for CSS (or LESS) spritesheet file. If specified, a .css/.less spritesheet will be also generated, therefore the targetCssPath attribute is required.

Other options for generateCss are:

  • renameSpriteImagePath: an alternative name that points to the image sprite. This can be useful if the spritesheet is to be moved elsewhere with other tasks that stem from grunt-css-spritemaker.

  • cssClassPrefix: a prefix to be added to each css class name

In summary, this is the kind of object expected:

generateCss: {
    // required
    targetCssPath : "tmp/sprite.css",
    // optional
    renameSpriteImagePath : "somewhere/over/the/rainbow.png"
    // optional
    cssClassPrefix: "icon-"


Type: Object Default value: undefined

Used to specify options related to image generation. At the moment you can specify layouts in this section. For example this is a structure like:

generateImage: {
    layout: {
        'name' : 'FixedDimension',
        'options' : {
            n : '2'   // see CSS::SpriteMaker Docs!

Usage Examples

Generate a sprite from a directory containing images

In this example, the default options are used to generate the sprite image. All the images in src will be combined into a single image into tmp/sprite.png.

  css_spritemaker: {
    options : {
        createTargetPaths: true,
    src: 'test/fixtures/nsti/',
    dest: 'tmp/sprite.png'

You can specify individual images and directories too!

In this example, src is an array of files and directories.

  css_spritemaker: {
    options : {
        createTargetPaths: false,
    src: [
        'images/iconsdir/'              // a directory, ends with '/'
    dest: 'tmp/withSourceImages.png',

Use specific layouts

In this example, a Packed layout is used to compose the images.

  css_spritemaker: {
    options : {
        createTargetPaths: false,
        generateImage: {
            layoutName: 'Packed'
    src: 'test/fixtures/nsti',
    dest: 'tmp/withPackedLayout.png'

The layouts available depend on the version of CSS::SpriteMaker you have currently installed. You can have a look at for a list of available layouts. At the moment, the following layouts are available:

  • DirectoryBased

  • FixedDimension

  • Packed

Specify names and options of layouts

Some layouts have options. To specify options you need to use the following 'extended' form, using the layout key instead of layoutName:

  css_spritemaker: {
    options : {
        createTargetPaths: true,
        generateImage: {
            layout: {
                'name' : 'FixedDimension',
                'options' : {
                    n : '2'   // see CSS::SpriteMaker Docs!
    src: 'test/fixtures/nsti/',
    dest: 'tmp/withExtendedLayoutDefinition.png'

You can consult CSS::SpriteMaker documentation to know about the options for the various layouts. For example, you can get the documentation of the FixedDimention layout by running perldoc CSS::SpriteMaker::Layout::FixedDimension.

Create sprite image using layouts of layouts

In this example, the resulting sprite image (tmp/withCompositeLayout.png) is made up of two parts, which are in turn lay out through a 'glue' layout.

Note the dest argument is the same across the various parts of the sprite.

  css_spritemaker: {
    options : {
        createTargetPaths: true,
        generateCss: {
            // required
            targetCssPath : "tmp/sprite.css",
        generateImage: {
            // The 'glue' layout goes here
            layout: {
                'name' : 'FixedDimension',
                'options' : {
                    n : '2'
    files: [
        // Parts of this sprite follow
        { src: [
          dest: 'tmp/withCompositeLayout.png', // NOTE: is the same in the next file definition
          options: {
              layoutName: 'Packed'             // compact layout spec
        { src: ['test/fixtures/nsti'],
          dest: 'tmp/withCompositeLayout.png', // See NOTE above
          // options specific to one part follow
          options: {
              // 'extended' layout spec
              layout : {
                  'name' : 'DirectoryBased'
              includeInCss : 0,
              removeSourcePadding : 1, // first remove padding from source images
              addExtraPadding: 5       // then add extra 5px padding

As you can see each part can be independently specified. Two options can be specified for each part:

  • includeInCss: if set to false, the resulting sprite.css stylesheet will not include the images from the layout part in which the option is specified;

  • removeSourcePadding: if set to false, won't touch the padding in source images. Otherwise each image in the part will have the surrounding padding (transparent color) removed.

  • addExtraPadding: amount of pixel of padding to add to each image.

Fake CSS

Sometimes you don't want to wait for the layout to be computed and just need a css without the sprite image. This css will be including images using a url attribute. Rules will look like:

.icon-zoom- { url('test/fixtures/nsti/zoom--.png'); width: 32px; height: 32px; }

To generate a fake css just specify fakeCss = true among the options:

  css_spritemaker: {
      options : {
          generateCss: {
              fakeCss: true, // activate fake css mode
              targetCssPath : "tmp/fakeCss.css", // required
              cssClassPrefix: 'icon-'            // optional
      // where to find the source images (also sourceImages is fine here)
      src: 'test/fixtures/nsti/'
      // NOTE: in fake css mode, no image or layout related parameter must be specified!

IMPORTANT NOTE: turning fakeCss on will not generate any sprite image, and ignore any options related to image sprite generation. grunt-css-spritemaker will warn about this.


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.

Release History

  • 0.2.2 - Sun Jun 12 11:11:31 CEST 2016

    • update peerDependencies to be compatible with grunt 1.0
  • 0.2.1 - Fri May 30 12:06:49 CEST 2014

    • allow addExtraPadding option introduced in CSS::SpriteMaker v0.14
  • 0.2.0 - Mon May 19 11:17:57 CEST 2014

    • IMPORTANT: change of interface. Now css_spritemaker complies with grunt standard interface.
  • 0.1.0 - Wed May 14 01:58:44 CEST 2014

    • First release
  • 0.1.1 - Wed May 14 11:30:28 CEST 2014

    • Update dependencies
  • 0.1.2 - Thu May 15 00:01:24 CEST 2014

    • added fakeCss option to generate fake CSS spritesheets (requires CSS::SpriteMaker 0.10+)

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