
0.1.17 • Public • Published


Gulp plugin for uploading resources and downloading translations in Transifex

Feel free to fork and improve


var options = {
    host: <String optional. Defaults to ''>,
    base_path: <String optional. Defaults to '/api/2/project/'>,
    user: <String required. Transifex username>,
    password: <String required. Transifex Password>,
    project: <String required. Transifex projects name>,
    local_path: <String optional. Local root path for the translations>,
        <ISO 639-1 language code>: <custom language code>
    use_custom_language_codes: <Boolean>,
    language_codes_as_objects: <Boolean>

Using Custom Language Codes

Transifex uses ISO 639-1 to code languages. If you want to use your custom language code (another standard or just map es to Klingon) use the custom_language_codes option with use_custom_language_codes set to true.


By default the languages() method returns an array of strings with the language codes. If you specify custom_language_codes AND use_custom_language_codes is set to true, it will return an array of strings with your own custom codes. Additionally, if language_codes_as_objects is set to true it will return an array of object in the form:

        <ISO 639-1 language code>: <custom language code>

Uploading Resource files:

gulp-transifex will go file by file uploading them to the project as a resource Transifex will check if the file has changed and will store the changes

var transifex = require('transifex').createClient(options)
var gulp = require('gulp')
gulp.task('upstream', function(){

Downloading translation files:

Similarly, for every resource file, gulp-transifex will check on the server for the languages and will start going to every file in each language and copy it in the local translation folder: options.local_path

var transifex = require('transifex').createClient(options)
var gulp = require('gulp')
gulp.task('downstream', function(){

Chaining Tasks with gulp-transifex

Since this plugins makes remote requests you have to call it asynchronously if you need the translation files in next tasks, just return the stream:

var transifex = require('transifex').createClient(options)
var gulp = require('gulp')
gulp.task('downstream', function(){
    return gulp.src('path/to/source/language/*')
gulp.task('requireTransifexFiles', ['downstream'], function () {

Other methods exposed

There are other methods exposed that doesn't return streams but accepts callbacks:


Gets an array of resources in the project

var transifex = require('transifex').createClient(options)


Gets an array of language codes in the project

var transifex = require('transifex').createClient(options)
transifex.languages(function (data){


  • Add local modifications check. If there's no local modifications, don't bother check the file in transifex
  • Add updates check in translation files. If there ain't new translation why download the file.
  • Better division of concerns (Modularize further, separate transform function from stream declarations)

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  • kevin.martin