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Jetpack extensions are no longer supported by Firefox. Use web-ext instead to build a WebExtension.


0.0.7 • Public • Published


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Validate a directory with a manifest for Firefox Add-ons using the Jetpack/Add-on SDK and jpm.


npm install jetpack-validate --save


The main export takes a path to a directory and returns an object containing properties that have error messages as values. Some should be showstoppers (invalid ID) and some should just be used as warnings (invalid semver version, only for use with npm).

var validate = require("jetpack-validation");

var errors = validate("/path/to/my/addon");

if (Object.keys(errors).length) {
  Object.keys(errors).forEach(function (key) {
    console.error("Found " + key + " error: " + errors[key]);
} else {
  console.log("No errors found!");


  • id: Uses jetpack-id to ensure a proper ID for AMO. Manifest must contain either an id field, adhering to Mozilla's Add-on manifest rules as either a GUID or a domain (in the case of jetpack addons converted from the cfx tool), or just a valid name field, which works as identification in jpm addons, and is compatable with npm's naming scheme.
  • main: Ensures that the main entry in the manifest refers to a file that exists, or resolves to a file that exists (using node loading rules), or that there is an index.js file in the root.
  • title: Ensures that the manifest contains either a title property to be displayed when using the addon, and falls back to the more strict name property.
  • name: Validates that the name property is a valid name for use with npm.
  • version: Validates that the version property is in proper semver format, for use with npm, as Mozilla's toolkit version format is much less strict.


MIT License, Copyright (c) 2014 Jordan Santell

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  • kumar303
  • jsantell
  • addons-robot