
1.0.2 • Public • Published


Module that wraps ES6 code for it to work in browsers, Node.js or AMD, from CLI or programmatically.

1. Installation

~$ npm installation --save-dev js-exporter

2. Preparation

2.1. Things to know

  1. This module is prepared only to work per file: a module can only be contained in 1 file.

  2. This module expects that you write the Node.js version of the module, and it will adapt the source code to make it work also in AMD and browsers.

  3. This module expects that you use the module.exports expression to export your module.

  4. This module expects that you use the module.exports expression at the end of the file. This is because, under the hood, the module.exports will be transformed into a return expression.

2.2. Required comments of the file

There are 2 comments required for this module to work against a JS file.

Comment 1: define exportation variable

This comment tells the js-exporter the name of the variable to export the file to.

This is required for browser environments.

// >> export module to $variable

This will make the browsers to export the module into $variable variable.

Comment 2: define the module to export

// >> export module
module.exports = { YourModuleData };

This will be translated into a return statement, so be careful and put this part of the code at the end of the file.

3. Usage

3.1. API usage

3.1.a) Export a file:

const { JsExporter } = require("js-exporter");
const code = JsExporter.exportFile("my-source.js", "my-source.universal.js", {});
// Now you can import the generated module:

3.1.b) Export a text:

const { JsExporter } = require("js-exporter");
const codeInput = require("fs").readFileSync("my-source.js").toString();
const code = JsExporter.exportCode(codeInput, {});
// Now you can import the generated module:

3.2. Command-Line Interface usage

~$ ./node_modules/.bin/js-universal-export -i my-source.js -o my-source.universal.js

Or, if you install the module globally:

~$ js-export -i my-source.js -o my-source.universal.js

4. API reference

JsExporter = require("js-exporter").JsExporter

Type: {Class}

Description: This class contains the whole API of this module. Right now, it is not instantiable.

JsExporter.exportCode(code:String, options:Object)

Type: {Static method}

Parameter: {String} code. Required. The code to be universally exported to browsers, AMD and Node.js.

Parameter: {Object} options. Optional. The options to be passed to UglifyES. By default, the options passed to UglifyJS will be:

 compress: false,
 output: {
   beautify: true

Return: {String} codeExported. The code once wrapped and beautified.

Description: This method wraps the provided code for it to work in browsers, in AMD systems or Node.js, and then it is beautified with UglifyES with the options provided.

JsExporter.exportFile(srcFile:String, dstFile:String, options:Object)

Type: {Static method}

Parameter: {String} srcFile. Required. File to be exported.

Parameter: {String} dstFile. Required. File to which dump the exportation into.

Parameter: {Object} options. Optional. The options to be passed to UglifyES.

Return: {String} codeExported. The code once wrapped and beautified.

Description: This method does the same as the JsExporter.exportCode(code:String, options:Object), but it automatically reads and writes the implied files. It returns the code exported too.

JsExporter.getMetadataFromCode(code:String, optionsBeautification:Object, token1:String, token1group1:Number, token2:String)

Type: {Static method}

Parameter: {String} code. Required.

Parameter: {Object} optionsBeautification. Optional. The options to be passed to UglifyES. By default: {}.

Parameter: {String} token1. Optional. The text of the regular expression that defines the name of the exported module for the browsers. By default: "(^|\n)[\t\r\n ]*\/\/ *\>\> *export +module +to +([a-zA-Z$_][a-zA-Z0-9$_]*) *(\n|$)".

Parameter: {Number} token1group1. Optional. The number of the group, from the previous regular expression match, that contains the name of the exported module. By default: 2.

Parameter: {String} token2. Optional. The text of the regular expression that precedes the data exported by the module. By default: "(^|\n)[\t\r\n ]*\/\/ *\>\> *export +module[\t\r\n ]+module\.exports *= *".

Return: {String} codeExported. The code once wrapped and beautified.

Description: This method is an internal feature, but the developer can use it too. It specifies the parameters of the exportation, and obtains the exported code. The other methods call to this method under the hood. Using this method, one can customize the tokens that define both, the name of the module (used as global variable in browsers) and the data of the module.

5. CLI reference

--help        Show help                                              [boolean]
--version     Show version number                                    [boolean]
--input, -i   Set a file as input.                         [string] [required]
--output, -o  Set a file as output.                        [string] [required]

Missing required arguments: input, output
Please, provide --input (or -i) and output (or -o) parameters.

The usage is very simple:

js-export -i "my-file.js" -o "my-file.universal.js"

This will try to universalize and beautify the file "my-file.js" and dump the results into "my-file.universal.js".

6. Commands for the project development

Run tests, coverage reporting, CLI compilation and documentation generation

6.1. To run tests:

~$ npm run test

6.2. To generate coverage reports:

~$ npm run test-coverage

6.3. To compile the CLI tool:

~$ npm link (probably, sudo ~ will be required)

6.4. To generate documentation:

~$ npm run docs

7. Conclusion

Simple tool that can be very useful to universalize your modules for browsers, AMD systems and Node.js.

Usable as API or CLI.

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