
0.17.39 • Public • Published


A pack of frontend vue components based on VueMaterial and css grid.


kmh-common-components uses only VueMaterial material design library as dependency:


To start demo app simply run

npm install
npm run serve


yarn serve



Install the dependencies.

$ npm i vue-material
$ yarn add vue-material

Install components

$ npm i kmh-common-components
$ yarn add kmh-common-components

Use components

import kmhCommonComponents from 'kmh-common-components';
import 'kmh-common-components/dist/kmh-common-components.css';


Components settings

Our components pack uses predefined css grid style.

  1. NavigationDrawer - first bar on the left
  2. Infobox - 2nd from left
  3. Infopanel - 3rd from left (optional)
  4. Sidebar - slides in/out from right, as top layer in app
  5. CartPopupContent - Content component from inside the cart popup for use outside a popup

Optional you can use your own toolbar component as horizontal header i.e.:

.main-header {
    grid-row: 1
    grid-column: 1 / 5
    height: 50px
    background: #dedede

An full example of the use of this components is given in die Demo.


Used as main navigation vertical bar.

  • in template
  • to configure navigationItems in NavigationDrawer pass as property an Array of Objects i.e.
    icon: 'people', //material icon name
    action: this.dummy,
    actionArgs: ['first argument', 9999],
    disabled: false
  • you can pass also settingsItems, to show buttons at the bottom of NavigationDrawer

NavigationItems & SettingsItems Props

property name description type example
icon icon to show String 'people'
active set css style to active Boolean true/false
disabled disables item Boolean true/false
action callback to fire on menu item click Function
actionArgs arguments which will be passed to action callback Array [1,'test']
submenuItems if not null, on click submenu will be shown Object see below
listItems if not null, on click popup Checklist will be shown Object see below
cartItems if not null, on click popup Cart will be shown Object see below

SettingsItems (only) Props

property name description type example
content only used to pass i.e. initials for settingsItem, with combination icon: null, will be show as rounded button String 'PT'

submenuItem Object

 { icon: 'people', title: 'submenu name', action: this.dummy, actionArgs: ['first argument', 9999] }

listItem Object

    title: 'another list',
    items: [
      { title: 'test first title', done: false },
      { title: 'totedo 2nd title long description', done: true }

cartItem Object

    icon: 'shopping_cart',
    title: 'Warenkorb',
    actions: {
      showButtons: true,
      activeOnTab: 1,
      buttons: [
        { name: 'Gesprächsaufzeichnung', action: this.cartActionButton }
    categories: [
    finalProducts: [],
    notFinalProducts: [],
    notFinalProducts: [],
    unvalidatedProducts: [],
    additionalOffers: []

In cartItem you have to pass four properties as arrays of objects

  1. finalProducts: [],
  2. notFinalProducts: [],
  3. additionalOffers: [],
  4. unvalidatedProducts: []

finalProducts, notFinalProducts & unvalidatedProducts objects structure

    'contractNumber': '999999',
    'contractType': 'strom',
    'isFinal': true,
    'isSaved': true,
    'isValidated': true,
    'voiceFileRequired': true,
    'shippingAddress': {
      'address': {
        'streetName': 'Bonnstraße',
        'houseNumber': 999,
        'zip': 54125,
        'city': 'köln',
        'district': 'Köln süd'
      'predefinedAddress': null,
      'status': null
    'tariff': {
      'selectedProduct': {
        'tariff': 'Strom Zuhause+ (24 Monate)',
        'bonus': '50,00€'
      'bonus': {},
      'usage': '5000',
      'info': {
        'bonus': '50,0€',
        'tariff': {
          'tariff': 'Strom+ (24 Monate)'
      'status': null
    'specialPromotions': {
      'list': [],
      'selected': [],
      'info': null,
      'status': null
    'additionalOffers': {
      'list': [],
      'selected': [],
      'status': null
    'customerData': {
      'customer': {
        'salutation': '',
        'firstName': '',
        'lastName': '',
        'dateOfBirth': null,
        'company': null,
        'identicalAddress': false,
        'iban': 'DE12 3456 7890 0987 6543 21',
        'bic': '',
        'bank': '',
        'contactInformation': {
          'emailAddress': ''
        'phone': '01574654132',
        'counterNumber': '123456',
        'startOfDelivery': '02.02.2018',
        'preSupplier': 'XXX AG',
        'phoneNumber': '01574654132'
      'invoiceAddress': {
        'address': {
          'streetName': 'Südstraße',
          'houseNumber': 21,
          'zip': 15120,
          'city': 'Berlin',
          'district': 'Süd'
        'predefinedAddress': null
      'status': null

additionalOffers object structure

    { title: 'offer 1: very good' }


event name description
listItemChanged called if Checklist item clicked
deleteCartItem called if Cart item deleted
editCartItem called if Cart item edited


Used as infobox with customer info. You can also pass your own content adding it to

and setting showMainContent to false. If not, there will be shown predefined component with customer personal info & comments & optional infos.

To use predefined component you have to pass mainContent object.

  • in template
      <div slot="info">
        <div class="padding">
          test without main content


property name description type example
titles pass title of pane in opened state and in closed (vertical title(in predefined content) or close title(in own content)) Object { titleOpen: 'subpanel title', titleClosed: 'subpanel closed', titleVertical: 'title vertical' }
opened shows/hides pane Boolean true/false
mainContent predefined content data Object see below
showMainContent show predefined content or your own content if false Boolean true/false

mainContent object

property name description type
id Number
personal customer infos Object
actionButton icon and callback for action Function
others array of objects { title: 'contact', items: [{ name: 'phone', value: '123123']} to show below personal infos Array
comments at bottom you can show comments for selected customer, check example below Array
infos data from infos will be rendered as cards with optional CTA callback passed to component, check example below Array

mainContent object example

        id: 234343,
        personal: {
          salutation: 'Herr',
          firstName: 'Peter',
          lastName: 'Pan',
          dateOfBirth: '28.03.1954',
          age: '54'
        actionButton: {
          action: this.openSideBar,
          icon: 'edit'
        others: [
            title: 'Kundennummer',
            items: [{ name: '', value: '479340953' }]
            title: 'Addresse',
            items: [
              { name: '', value: 'Newstreet 34a' },
              { name: '', value: '45357 Essen' }
            title: 'Phone',
            items: [
              { name: '', value: '0049 34534 32342343' },
              { name: '', value: '0049 112 9976666' }
            title: 'Mail',
            items: [
              { name: 'privat', value: '' },
              { name: 'geschäftlich', value: '' }
        comments: {
          isSaveButtonVisible: false,
          placeholder: 'Add new comment',
          tabs: [
              label: 'Kampagne',
              entries: [
                  author: 'Agent Tom',
                  campaign: 'Secret service',
                  created: '16.03.2018 19:34 Uhr',
                  text: 'Secret comment for user X.'
                  author: 'Agent Eva',
                  campaign: 'Winter Campaign',
                  created: '16.12.2017 22:22 Uhr',
                  text: 'Winter is comming.'
              label: 'Alle',
              entries: [
                  author: 'Agent Tom',
                  campaign: 'Secret service',
                  created: '16.03.2018 19:34 Uhr',
                  text: 'Secret comment for user X.'
                  author: 'Agent Bomba',
                  campaign: 'Campaign SSdfsdf',
                  created: '23.03.2018 14:34 Uhr',
                  text: 'Bomba & co.'
        infos: [
            icon: 'star',
            header: 'NBA (3534535435345)',
            text: 'Neuvertrag FN/BB',
            action: this.dummyAction
            icon: 'highlight',
            header: 'NBQ (3534535435345)',
            text: 'Opt-in einholen'


event name description
visibilityChanged fired if pane collapsed/showed
commentAdded fired if new comment saved
commentChanged fired if comment was changed/edited

Infopanel (optional)

Used as infobox with additional info

        test subpanel optional


property name description type example
titles pass title of pane in opened state and in closed (vertical title) Object { titleOpen: 'subpanel title', titleClosed: 'subpanel closed' }
opened shows/hides pane Boolean true/false


event name description
visibilityChanged fired if pane collapsed/showed


Used as placeholder for additional components. You have to pass to sidebar component: path, type (name) and data for component you are injecting into.

  • in template
        My sidebar content
  • payload example
      show: false, //for toggling the sidebar
      closing: false, //default false; will only be used for the fading out animation
      blocked: false, //if true, then closing the sidebar is disabled
      title: '',
      props: {} // custom propertys

Sidebar Props

property name description type
sidebar sidebar payload. See the example above Object

Cart Popup Content

The Content from CartPopup inside the kmh-navigation-drawer component can be used as a single component outside an popup

  • in template
      :mini="true" // Default false
      @deleteCartItem="deleteCartItem" />


property name description type
mini Mini-Verison of the cart content (without tabs & actions). There will be shown only the unvalidated cart items Boolean
items cart settings. It needs the same CartObject as in the NavigationObject, but without icon, title and actions. Example Object


event name description
deleteCartItem called if Cart item deleted
editCartItem called if Cart item edited


  • Write MORE Tests
  • Expand documentation

Package Sidebar


npm i kmh-common-components

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Unpacked Size

6.86 MB

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  • ruslan92
  • mlabenski
  • rgiermann-kmh
  • julianpung
  • cpropp-kmh
  • soulz