
1.0.2 • Public • Published

loco-cache - front-end caching using browser local storage

npm package



Sometimes a website's performance can be greatly improved if commonly used data is cached on the front end. Most browsers provide APIs to allow storing data on session or domain level. loco-cache provides a robust abstraction on top of the storage APIs to make caching simple. It provides the following features:

  • Caching with expiration - each key can be automatically expired
  • Sweep - automatically removes old entries to free up storage space
  • Collision prevention - keys are prefixed to avoid name collision with other packages
  • Optional compression - supports optional compression to save storage space



loco-cache API is intuitive yet customizable.

Example 1: basic example using .get() and .set()

var cache = require('loco-cache')()

// assume we have to obtain a list of countries via AJAX to populate a dropdown
// before the AJAX call, check the cache first
var countries = cache.get('countries')
if (countries == null) {
    // not in cache, maek the AJAX call instead, then store in cache
    countries = await ajax('/api/countries').data
    cache.set('countries', countries)

Example 2: customize with options

var cache = require('loco-cache')({
    prefix: "acme",
    expiresIn: 1200,     // each key expires in 1200 seconds
    storage: 'local'  // use local storage

// only customization is different. everything below stays the same
var countries = cache.get('countries')
if (countries == null) {
    // not in cache, maek the AJAX call instead, then store in cache
    countries = await ajax('/api/countries').data
    cache.set('countries', countries)


Simple cheatsheet to get you going. For detailed documentation please visit Docs

var cache = require('loco-cache')(options)

  • options - options to customize the cache. If null, default values are used
    • prefix - prefix used for each key to avoid name collision. default: loco
    • expiresIn - how many seconds to keep a key in cache. default: 600
    • storage - session or local storage. default: session


  • key - needs to be a string, cannot be null
  • returns the stored object

cache.set(key, obj)

  • key - needs to be a string, cannot be null
  • obj - a simple object to store

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  • seanpower
  • johnfliu