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2.3.0 • Public • Published

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Lupdo Driver For SQL Server.

Supported Databases

Third Party Library

Lupdo-mssql, under the hood, uses stable and performant npm packages:

Note Lupdo-mssql use forked tedious-better-data-types to preserve data integrity


Base Example

const { createMssqlPdo } = require('lupdo-mssql');
// ES6 or Typescrypt
import { createMssqlPdo } from 'ludpo-mssql';

const pdo = createMssqlPdo(
        server: 'localhost',
        options: {
            port: 1433,
            database: 'database'
        authentication: {
            type: 'default',
            options: {
                userName: 'user',
                password: 'password'
    { min: 2, max: 3 }

const run = async () => {
    const statement = await pdo.query('SELECT 2');
    const res = statement.fetchArray().all();
    await pdo.disconnect();


Driver Options

Lupdo-mssql patch for tedious expose 4 new options:

  • customParsers: CustomParsers | undefined Custom Parsers For Values Types. (default: undefined)
  • returnDecimalAndNumericAsString?: boolean If true, Numeric and Decimal will be serialized as string. (default: false)
  • returnDateTimeAsObject?: boolean If true, Dates and Times will be serialized as object. (default: false)
  • returnMoneyAsString?: boolean If true, Money and SmallMoney will be serialized as string. (default: false)

Note The server option also accepts a list of host:port the pool will generate the connection using a random host from the list.

Tedious Overrides

By default Ludpo-mssql overrides user connection options with this:

    tediousOptions.options.debug = undefined;
    tediousOptions.options.rowCollectionOnDone = false;
    tediousOptions.options.rowCollectionOnRequestCompletion = false;
    tediousOptions.options.abortTransactionOnError = false;
    tediousOptions.options.useColumnNames = false;
    tediousOptions.options.useUTC = false;
    tediousOptions.options.camelCaseColumns = false;
    tediousOptions.options.debug = {};
    tediousOptions.options.enableConcatNullYieldsNull = true;
    tediousOptions.options.enableCursorCloseOnCommit = false;
    tediousOptions.options.enableImplicitTransactions = false;
    tediousOptions.options.enableNumericRoundabort = false;
    tediousOptions.options.enableQuotedIdentifier = true;
    tediousOptions.options.columnNameReplacer = undefined;
    // new config after patch tedious
    tediousOptions.options.returnDecimalAndNumericAsString = true;
    tediousOptions.options.returnMoneyAsString = true;
    tediousOptions.options.returnDateTimeAsObject = true;
    tediousOptions.options.customParsers = mssqlParser;

Lupdo mssql has a custom type parser

  • boolean are returned as number 1 or 0
  • intN are returned as number or BigInt when necessary
  • binary are returned as Buffer
  • all others types are always returned as string


  • MSSQL_DATE_BINDING Choose Mssql DateTime TYPE Binding between: [Default MSSQL_DATE_BINDING_TEMPORAL]
    • MSSQL_DATE_BINDING_TEMPORAL Mssql DateTime TYPE Binding use Temporal Instant
    • MSSQL_DATE_BINDING_DATE Mssql DateTime TYPE Binding use Date
  • MSSQL_PARAM_SMALLDATETIME Param type for sql-server SmallDateTime

Lupdo Exec

Ludpo-mssql will return affected row number, even if a select will be executed.

const affected = await pdo.exec("INSERT INTO test (name) values ('Claudio')");
console.log(affected); // 1
const affected = await pdo.exec('SELECT * FROM test');
console.log(affected); // row retrieved

Parameters Binding

Lupdo-mssql does not support array of parameters.
The use of TypedBinding is strongly recommended for prepared Statement.

Warning Lupdo-mssql can only retrieve the correct type from the value in certain restricted circumstances.

Parameters Binding Map To DB Type

  • PARAM_FLOAT Float **
  • PARAM_NUMERIC Numeric **
  • PARAM_BIGINT NVarChar **

** when value < Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER || value > Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER Javascript can not safely generate a BigNumber so value will be sent to Database as NVarChar

Parameter Value Map To DB Type

When parameter are bound as primitive Lupdo-mssql try to generate the right column Type with this rule

  • is Boolean Bit
  • is BigInt NVarChar or Int
  • is Number Numeric or NvarChar or Int
  • is Date DateTime
  • is Buffer VarBinary
  • others NVarChar

Warning null value will be always typed as NVarChar, but is not compatible with some database column types and sql-server will raise an error. Please prefer Lupdo TypedBinding

TypedBinding Options

option { scale: number } is available for:


when scale is provided nanoseconds will be rounded to provided scale even if db column has a larger scale.

Mssql Named Parameter

Lupdo-mssql support named parameter with syntax :name, the support is guaranteed only if all placeholder have a binding.
Native @param syntax is supported.

Mssql Numeric Parameter

Lupdo-mssql support numeric parameter with syntax ?, you can escape it using syntax ??.

Kill Connection

Lupdo-mssql support kill query.

Mssql Output

Lupdo-mssql support queries with OUTPUT, results can be fetched from statement.

const stmt = pdo.query("INSERT INTO users (name, gender) OUTPUT INSERTED.* VALUES ('Claudio', 'All');");
    [33, 'Claudio', 'All']

Mssql lastInsertId

When pdo.query() is executed, lupdo-mssql automatically try to fetch LastInsertId and if available it will return last id when stmt.lastInsertId() is called.

Lupdo-mssql can fetch LastInsertId on real-time when called inside a transaction or when statement is prepared through pdo.prepare().
If you pass sequence name as parameter, it should retrieve current value of sequence.

Warning Calling stmt.lastInsertId() without sequence name outside a transaction or a PreparedStatement should not works.

Note You can always get insert ID through output syntax.

Tedious Fork

Here you can find a discussion about Tedious Data Types.
Lupdo-mssql use a forked version tedious-better-data-types

Decimal and Numeric

Tedious by default read Decimal and Numeric bytes from Buffer as Number, when data are big decimal or big integer precision and scale are lost.
Through the new options returnDecimalAndNumericAsString it will read byte from Buffer as String without loosing precision and scale.

Note credits to tedious-decimal fork.


Tedious by default read Money bytes from Buffer as Number, when data are big decimal or big integer precision and scale are lost.
Through the new options returnMoneyAsString it will read byte from Buffer as Number but it will cast high value through BigInt and merge low and high value as String without loosing precision and scale.

Datetime Object

Tedious by default read Date and Time bytes from Buffer as Number, but to generate a real date (sql server do not return a real date) it use javascript Date. This cause a lot of problem due to Local System Timezone and it also lost precision due to microseconds and nanoseconds (tedious try to fix it with date.deltaNanoseconds).
Through the new options returnDateTimeAsObject it will return db data as a DateObject.

interface DateTimeObject {
    // year from which start adding
    startingYear: number;
    // day to add
    days?: number;
    // minutes to add
    minutes?: number;
    // milliseconds to add
    milliseconds?: number;
    // nanoseconds to add
    nanoseconds?: number;
    // timezone offset in minutes
    offset?: number;

Here an example to generate a Temporal.ZoneDateTime.

// dto is DateTimeObject
const timezone = dto.offset ? offsetToTimezone(dto.offset) : '+00:00';
// console.log(dto);
const instant = Temporal.Instant.from(
    `${dto.startingYear.toString().padStart(4, '0')}-01-01 00:00:00.000000000${timezone}`
const minutes = (dto.minutes ?? 0) + (dto.offset ?? 0);

let zdt = instant.toZonedDateTimeISO(timezone).add({
    days: dto.days ?? 0,
    milliseconds: dto.milliseconds ?? 0,
    nanoseconds: dto.nanoseconds ?? 0

if (minutes !== 0) {
    zdt = zdt[minutes > 0 ? 'add' : 'subtract']({
        minutes: Math.abs(minutes)

Custom Parsers

Tedious by default doesn't Have a Custom Parser. This cause a lot of problem due to Complexity of Variant Type And TypeN.
Through the new options customParsers it will apply a custom Callback if type is found on customParsers. First Parameter is The original callback, second parameter is the value decoded from the buffer.
Before quit custom function must to call the original callback with the value, otherwise iterator will be stuck forever.

type CustomParserCallback = (parserCallback: (value: unknown) => void, ...value: any[]) => void;

interface CustomParsers {
    BigInt?: CustomParserCallback;
    Binary?: CustomParserCallback;
    Bit?: CustomParserCallback;
    Char?: CustomParserCallback;
    Date?: CustomParserCallback;
    DateTime?: CustomParserCallback;
    DateTime2?: CustomParserCallback;
    DateTimeOffset?: CustomParserCallback;
    Decimal?: CustomParserCallback;
    Float?: CustomParserCallback;
    Image?: CustomParserCallback;
    Int?: CustomParserCallback;
    Money?: CustomParserCallback;
    NChar?: CustomParserCallback;
    NText?: CustomParserCallback;
    Real?: CustomParserCallback;
    SmallDateTime?: CustomParserCallback;
    SmallInt?: CustomParserCallback;
    SmallMoney?: CustomParserCallback;
    Text?: CustomParserCallback;
    Time?: CustomParserCallback;
    TinyInt?: CustomParserCallback;
    UDT?: CustomParserCallback;
    UniqueIdentifier?: CustomParserCallback;
    Xml?: CustomParserCallback;

Here An Example:

const customParser = {
    BigInt: function (parserCallback: (value: unknown) => void, value: string | null): void {
        if (value === null) {
            return parserCallback(null);
        const bigint = BigInt(value);
        if (bigint > Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || bigint < Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER) {
        } else {

Temporal Types

tedious-better-data-types add new Types to Manage Date And Time columns:

  • TYPES.DateTemporal
  • TYPES.DateTime2Temporal
  • TYPES.DateTimeOffsetTemporal
  • TYPES.DateTimeTemporal
  • TYPES.SmallDateTimeTemporal
  • TYPES.TimeTemporal

this new TYPES use an experimental @js-temporal/polyfill for javascript Temporal.

through these new types, full data consistency is ensured, when you bind a date string to a parameter.

     CAST('2007-05-17 23:59:59.999999999' AS time(7)) AS 'time'
    ,CAST('2007-05-08 23:59:29.999999999 -14:00' AS date) AS 'date'
    ,CAST('2007-05-13 23:59:29.998' AS smalldatetime) AS
    ,CAST('2007-05-13 23:59:29.999' AS datetime) AS 'datetime'
    ,CAST('2007-05-13 23:59:59.998456789 -01:00' AS datetime2(7)) AS
    ,CAST('2007-05-13 23:59:59.998456789 -01:00' AS datetimeoffset(7))AS

Output from these query will be always consistent no matter which is your timezone locale.
The options.useUTC does not affect temporal types.

Valid string Dates are ISO 8601/RFC 3339 string like 2020-01-23T17:04:36.491865121-08:00 or 2020-01-24T01:04Z.

[YYYY-MM-DD][T| ][hh:{mm:ss.sssssssss}][Z|±hh{:mm}]

Warning when string contains microseconds and/or timezone TYPES.DateTimeTemporal and TYPES.SmallDateTimeTemporal will raise an error.

Output String Date will Be:

  • TYPES.DateTemporal output YYYY-MM-DD
  • TYPES.DateTime2Temporal YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.ssssssss
  • TYPES.DateTimeOffsetTemporal YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.ssssssss+hh:mm
  • TYPES.DateTimeTemporal YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.sss
  • TYPES.SmallDateTimeTemporal YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:00.000
  • TYPES.TimeTemporal hh:mm:ss.sssssss

Warning Using a date with the new Temporal Types, do not guarantee consistence for datetimeoffset type. Use Strings.

Note Since the temporal library is still experimental, package has been locked to version 0.4.3

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