
0.0.6-md • Public • Published


A WikiBonsai Project NPM package

Extension for mdast-util-from-markdown and mdast-util-to-markdown to support wikirefs (including [[wikilinks]]). Converts the token stream produced by micromark-extension-wikirefs into an abstract syntax tree.

Note that this plugin only parses the input -- it is up to you to assign appropriate linking information and/or index relationships between files.

Using remark? You probably shouldn’t use this package directly, but instead use remark-wikirefs. See wikirefs-spec for a full description of the supported syntax.

🕸 Weave a semantic web in your 🎋 WikiBonsai digital garden.


This package is ESM only. Install mdast-util-wikirefs on npm.

npm install mdast-util-wikirefs


Markdown to AST

WikiRefs (MKDN -> AST)

To use all wiki constructs, use wikirefs:

import fromMarkdown from 'mdast-util-from-markdown'
import { syntaxWikiRefs } from 'micromark-extension-wikirefs'
import { fromMarkdownWikiRefs } from 'mdast-util-wikirefs'

let ast = fromMarkdown('[[fname]]', {
  extensions: [syntaxWikiRefs],
  mdastExtensions: [fromMarkdownWikiRefs]

See specific abstract syntax tree node forms below...

WikiAttrs (MKDN -> AST)

The corresponding wikiattr node for...

':attrtype::[[fname]]\n' first converted to a data node which takes the form below:

  "type": "attrbox-data",
  "data": {
    "items": {
      "attrtype": [
          "type": "wiki",
          "doctype": "",
          "filename": "fname",
          "htmlHref": "/fname-url",
          "htmlText": "title",
          "baseUrl": "",

Data nodes like this are then extracted after render, are merged, and a single attrbox node is generated and inserted at the top of the document in the abstract syntax tree. It has the form below, where:

  • data.items contains the original markdown source parsed into the individual components of the wikiattr.
  "type": "attrbox",
  "data": {
    "items": {
      "attrtype": [
          "type": "wiki",
          "doctype": "",
          "filename": "fname",
          "htmlHref": "/fname-url",
          "htmlText": "title",
          "baseUrl": "",
    "hName": "aside",
    "hProperties": {
      "className": ["attrbox"],
  "children": [{
      "type": "attrbox-title",
      "data": {
        "hName": "span",
        "hProperties": {
          "className": ["attrbox-title"],
      "children": [{
        "type": "text",
        "value": "attrtype",
    }, {
      "type": "attrbox-list",
      "data": { "hName": "dl" },
      "children": [
          "type": "attr-key",
          "data": { "hName": "dt" },
          "children": [{
            "type": "text",
            "value": "attrtype",
        }, {
          "type": "attr-val",
          "data": { "hName": "dd" },
          "children": [
              "type": "wikiattr",
              "children": [{
                "type": "text",
                "value": "title",
              "data": {
                "hName": "a",
                "hProperties": {
                  "className": ["attr", "wiki", "reftype__attrtype"],
                  "dataHref": "/fname-url",
                  "href": "/fname-url",

To use only the wikiattr construct:

import fromMarkdown from 'mdast-util-from-markdown';
import { syntaxWikiAttrs } from 'micromark-extension-wikirefs';
import { fromMarkdownWikiAttrs } from 'mdast-util-wikirefs';

let ast = fromMarkdown(':attrtype::[[fname]]\n', {
  extensions: [syntaxWikiAttrs],
  mdastExtensions: [fromMarkdownWikiAttrs]

The corresponding wikilink node for...

[[fname]] the abstract syntax tree has the form below, where:

  • data.item contains the original markdown source parsed into the individual components of the wikilink.
  "type": "wikilink",
  "children": [{
    "type": "text",
    "value": "title",
  "data": {
    "item": {
      "filename": "fname",
      "doctype": "",
      "label": "",
      "linktype": "reftype__linktype",
      "htmlHref": "/fname-url",
      "htmlText": "title",
    "hName": "a",
    "hProperties": {
      "className": ["wiki", "link"],
      "dataHref": "/fname-url",
      "href": "/fname-url",

To use only the wikilink construct:

import fromMarkdown from 'mdast-util-from-markdown';
import { syntaxWikiLinks } from 'micromark-extension-wikirefs';
import { fromMarkdownWikiLinks } from 'mdast-util-wikirefs';

let ast = fromMarkdown('[[fname]]', {
  extensions: [syntaxWikiLinks],
  mdastExtensions: [fromMarkdownWikiLinks]

WikiEmbeds (MKDN -> AST)

The corresponding wikiembed node for...

![[video.mp4]] the abstract syntax tree has the form below, where:

  • data.item contains the original markdown source parsed into the individual components of the wikilink.
  "type": "wikiembed",
  "data": {
    "item": {
      "doctype": "",
      "filename": "embed-doc",
      "media": "markdown",
      "htmlHref": "/fname-url",
    "hName": "p",
  "children": [{
    "type": "embed-mkdn-wrapper",
    "data": {
      "hName": "div",
      "hProperties": {
        "className": ["embed-wrapper"]
    "children": [{
      "type": "embed-mkdn-title",
      "data": {
        "hName": "div",
        "hProperties": {
          "className": ["embed-title"]
      "children": [{
        "type": "a",
        "data": {
          "hName": "a",
          "hProperties": {
            "className": ["wiki", "embed"],
            "dataHref": "/tests/fixtures/embed-doc",
            "href": "/tests/fixtures/embed-doc",
        "children": [{
          "type": "text",
          "value": "embedded document",
    }, {
      "type": "embed-mkdn-link",
      "data": {
        "hName": "div",
        "hProperties": {
          "className": ["embed-link"]
      "children": [{
        "type": "a",
        "data": {
          "hName": "a",
          "hProperties": {
            "className": ["embed-link-icon"],
            "dataHref": "/tests/fixtures/embed-doc",
            "href": "/tests/fixtures/embed-doc",
        "children": [{
          "type": "i",
          "data": {
            "hName": "i",
            "hProperties": {
              "className": ["link-icon"],
    }, {
      "type": "embed-mkdn-content",
      "data": {
        "hName": "div",
        "hProperties": {
          "className": ["embed-content"]
      "children": [{
        "type": "root",
        "position": {
          "start": { "column": 1, "line": 1, "offset": 0 },
          "end": { "column": 22, "line": 1, "offset": 21 },
        "children": [{
          "type": "paragraph",
          "position": {
            "start": { "column": 1, "line": 1, "offset": 0 },
            "end": { "column": 22, "line": 1, "offset": 21 },
          "children": [{
            "type": "text",
            "value": "Here is some content.",
            "position": {
              "start": { "column": 1, "line": 1, "offset": 0 },
              "end": { "column": 22, "line": 1, "offset": 21 },
  "type": "wikiembed",
  "data": {
    "item": {
      "doctype": "",
      "filename": "audio.mp3",
      "media": "audio",
      "htmlHref": "/fname-url",
    "hName": "p",
  "children": [{
    "type": "embed-media-span",
    "data": {
      "hName": "span",
      "hProperties": {
        "className": ["embed-media"],
        "src": "audio.mp3",
        "alt": "audio.mp3",
    "children": [{
      "type": "embed-media-audio",
      "data": {
        "hName": "audio",
        "hProperties": {
          "controls": true,
          "className": ["embed-audio"],
          "src": "/tests/fixtures/audio.mp3",
          "type": "audio/mp3",
  "type": "wikiembed",
  "data": {
    "item": {
      "doctype": "",
      "filename": "image.png",
      "media": "image",
      "htmlHref": "/fname-url",
    "hName": "p",
  "children": [{
    "type": "embed-media-span",
    "data": {
      "hName": "span",
      "hProperties": {
        "className": ["embed-media"],
        "src": "image.png",
        "alt": "image.png",
    "children": [{
      "type": "embed-media-image",
      "data": {
        "hName": "img",
        "hProperties": {
          "className": ["embed-image"],
          "src": "/tests/fixtures/image.png",
  "type": "wikiembed",
  "data": {
    "item": {
      "doctype": "",
      "filename": "video.mp4",
      "media": "video",
      "htmlHref": "/fname-url",
    "hName": "p",
  "children": [{
    "type": "embed-media-span",
    "data": {
      "hName": "span",
      "hProperties": {
        "className": ["embed-media"],
        "src": "video.mp4",
        "alt": "video.mp4",
    "children": [{
      "type": "embed-media-video",
      "data": {
        "hName": "video",
        "hProperties": {
          "controls": true,
          "className": ["embed-video"],
          "src": "/tests/fixtures/video.mp4",
          "type": "video/mp4",

To use only the wikiembed construct:

import fromMarkdown from 'mdast-util-from-markdown';
import { syntaxWikiEmbeds } from 'micromark-extension-wikirefs';
import { fromMarkdownWikiEmbeds } from 'mdast-util-wikirefs';

let ast = fromMarkdown('[[fname]]', {
  extensions: [syntaxWikiEmbeds],
  mdastExtensions: [fromMarkdownWikiEmbeds]

AST to Markdown

Taking the asts from the previous example...

WikiRefs (AST -> MKDN)

import fromMarkdown from 'mdast-util-from-markdown'
import { toMarkdownWikiRefs } from 'mdast-util-wikirefs'

let markdownString = toMarkdown(ast, {
  extensions: [toMarkdownWikiRefs]

WikiAttrs (AST -> MKDN)

...result will be:


To use only the wikiattr construct:

import fromMarkdown from 'mdast-util-from-markdown'
import { toMarkdownWikiAttrs } from 'mdast-util-wikirefs'

let markdownString = toMarkdown(ast, {
  extensions: [toMarkdownWikiAttrs]

...result will be:


To use only the wikilink construct:

import fromMarkdown from 'mdast-util-from-markdown'
import { toMarkdownWikiLinks } from 'mdast-util-wikirefs'

let markdownString = toMarkdown(ast, {
  extensions: [toMarkdownWikiLinks]

WikiEmbeds (AST -> MKDN)

...result will be:


To use only the wikiembed construct:

import fromMarkdown from 'mdast-util-from-markdown'
import { toMarkdownWikiEmbeds } from 'mdast-util-wikirefs'

let markdownString = toMarkdown(ast, {
  extensions: [toMarkdownWikiEmbeds]


mdast Options

Works for both fromMarkdown and toMarkdown:

// defaults
let mdastOpts = {
  attrs: {
    enable: true,
  links: {
    enable: true,
  embeds: {
    enable: true,

Options Descriptions

See remark-wikirefs readme for option descriptions.

Package Sidebar


npm i mdast-util-wikirefs

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180 kB

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  • manunamz