
0.4.10 • Public • Published
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microPromise(uP) - A+ v1.1 compliant promises

Promise([mixin]:Object, [resolver]:Function)

Promise constructor

  • param Object [mixin] - Mixin promise into object
  • param Function [resolver] - Resolver function(resolve,reject,progress,timeout)
  • return Object Promise


Promise resolver

  • param Function resolver - resolver function(fulfill,reject,progress,timeout)
  • return Object Promise


Helper for identifying a promise-like objects or functions

  • param Object p - Object or Function to test
  • return Boolean - Returns true if thenable or else false

Promise.wrap(class:Function, [instance]:Object)

Wrap a promise around function or constructor

  • param Function class - class to wrap
  • param Object [instance] - optional instance
  • return Function function to wrap
  • throw

Example: wrap an Array

   p = Promise.wrap(Array);
   var r = c(1,2,3); // => calls Array constructor and returns fulfilled promise
   r.valueOf(); // => [1,2,3];

Promise.defer(-:Function, [args]:...)

Deferres a task and returns a pending promise fulfilled with the return value from task. The task may also return a promise itself which to wait on.

  • param Function - task to defer
  • param ... [args] - optional list of arguments
  • return Object - returns a pending promise

Example: Make readFileSync async

   fs = require('fs');
   var asyncReadFile = Promise().defer(fs.readFileSync,'./index.js','utf-8');
       console.log("Read error:", error);

Promise.async(function:Function, [callback]:Function)

Make function asyncronous and fulfill/reject promise on execution.

  • param Function function - function to make async
  • param Function [callback] - optional callback to call
  • return Object promise

Example: make readFile async

   fs = require('fs');
   var asyncReadFile = Promise.async(fs.readFile);
       console.log("Read error:", error);


Check if promise is pending

  • return Boolean - Returns true if pending or else false


Check if promise is fulfilled

  • return Boolean - Returns true if pending or else false


Check if promise is rejeced

  • return Boolean - Returns true if pending or else false


Check if promise has resolved

  • return Boolean - Returns true if pending or else false


Get value if promise has been fulfilled

  • return Boolean - Returns true if pending or else false


Get reason if promise has rejected

  • return Boolean - Returns true if pending or else false

Promise.then(onFulfill:Function, onReject:Function, onNotify:Function)

Attaches callback,errback,notify handlers and returns a promise

  • param Function onFulfill callback
  • param Function onReject errback
  • param Function onNotify callback
  • return Object a decendant promise

Example: catch fulfillment or rejection

   var p = Promise();
       console.log("received:", value);
       console.log("failed with:", error);
   p.fulfill('hello world!'); // => 'received: hello world!'

Example: chainable then clauses

       console.log('v is:', v);
       if(> 10) throw new RangeError('to large!');
       return v*2;
       // gets v*2 from above
       console.log('v is:', v)
       console.log('error2:', e);
   p.fulfill(142); // => v is: 142, error2: [RangeError:'to large']

Example: undefined callbacks are ignored

       if(< 0) throw v;
       return v;
       e = -e;
       return e;
       console.log('we got:', value);
   p.fulfill(-5); // => we got: 5

Promise.spread(onFulfill:Function, onReject:Function, onNotify:Function)

Like then but spreads array into multiple arguments

  • param Function onFulfill callback
  • param Function onReject errback
  • param Function onNotify callback
  • return Object a decendant promise

Example: Multiple fulfillment values

   p = Promise();
       console.log(a,b,c); // => '1 2 3'

Promise.done(onFulfill:Function, onReject:Function, onNotify:Function)

Terminates chain of promises, calls onerror or throws on unhandled Errors

  • param Function onFulfill callback
  • param Function onReject errback
  • param Function onNotify callback

Example: capture error with done

       console.log('v is:', v);
       if(> 10) throw new RangeError('to large!');
       return v*2;
       // gets v*2 from above
       console.log('v is:', v)
   p.fulfill(142); // => v is: 142, throws [RangeError:'to large']

Example: define onerror handler defined on promise

   p.onerror = function(error){ console.log("Sorry:",error) };
       console.log('v is:', v);
       if(> 10) throw new RangeError('to large!');
       return v*2;
       // gets v*2 from above
       console.log('v is:', v)
   p.fulfill(142); // => v is: 142, "Sorry: [RangeError:'to large']"


Terminates chain, invokes a callback or throws Error on error

  • param Function callback - Callback with value or Error object on error.


Catches errors, terminates promise chain and calls errBack handler.

  • param Function onError callback
  • return undefined

Example: Catch error

   p = Promise();
       console.log("someone said:", v);  //-> "Hello there"
       return "boom!";
    .then(function(v){ if(=== 'boom!') throw "something bad happened!";})
   p.resolve("Hello there");


Fulfills a promise with a value

  • param Object value
  • return Object promise

Example: fulfillment

   p = Promise();

Example: multiple fulfillment values in array

   p = Promise();
   p.resolved; // => [1,2,3]

Example: Pass through opaque arguments (experimental)

   p = Promise();
       console.log(x,o[0]); // => "hello world"
       return "bye bye";
       console.log(x,o.join('')); // => "bye bye world!"


Rejects promise with a reason

  • param Object reason
  • return Object promise


   p = Promise();
   }, function(error){
   p.reject('some error'); // outputs => 'error: some error'


Resolves a promise and performs unwrapping if necessary

  • param Object value - Promise or literal
  • return Object promise

Example: resolve a literal

   p = Promise();
   p.resolve(123); // fulfills promise to 123

Example: resolve value from pending promise

   p1 = Promise();
   p2 = Promise();
   p2.fulfill(123) // => p1 fulfills to 123


Notifies attached handlers

  • param Object arguments


   p = Promise();
   }, function(error){
   }, function(notify){
   p.progress("almost done"); // optputs => 'almost done'
   p.reject('some error'); // outputs => 'error: some error'

Promise.timeout(time:Number, callback:Function)

Timeout a pending promise and invoke callback function on timeout. Without a callback it throws a RangeError('exceeded timeout').

  • param Number time - timeout value in ms or null to clear timeout
  • param Function callback - optional timeout function callback
  • throw
  • return Object promise

Example: timeout & abort()

   var p = Promise();
   // ... after 5 secs ... => Aborted: |RangeError: 'exceeded timeout']

Example: cancel timeout

   p.timeout(null); // timeout cancelled


Resolves promise to a nodejs styled callback function(err,ret) and passes the callbacks return value down the chain.

  • param Function callback - Callback function
  • return Object promise


   function cb(err,ret){
     if(err) console.log("error(%s):",err,ret);
     else console.log("success:", ret);
     return "nice";
   p = Promise();
      console.log("callback says:", cbret); //-> callback says: nice 
   p.fulfill("ok"); //-> success: ok


Joins promises and collects results into an array. If any of the promises are rejected the chain is also rejected.

  • param Array promises
  • return Object promise

Example: join with two promises

   a = Promise();
   b = Promise();
   c = Promise();
   c.fulfill('!'); // => 'hello world !''

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