
0.1.8 • Public • Published

BETA - Use at your own risk

I am still working out the final method corrections and improved error handling, I do not consider this ready for production use. However, PRs are welcome if you would like to help develop this package or have opinions on how to improve the infrastructure.


Dedicated Node logic for scripting automated changes and reports for Marketo instances. Emphasis on Asset (Email, Landing Page, Form, File, Folder) interactions, as well as Lead record and User record management. Written using Async/Await Axios and ES6 Class definitions.

Read more on Marketo REST API Here: Marketo REST Api Docs



$ npm i --save mkto-manager

Create your Manager Object

//  Retrieve the mkto-manager factory
const MktoManagerInit = require("mkto-manager")

//  Define your REST API Credentials
const marketoRestCredentails = {
    mktoBaseUrl: "https://<Marketo Instance ID>",
    mktoClientId: "marketo-client-id-guid-here",
    mktoClientSecret: "marketoClientSecretHashHere",

//  Mkto Config
const { mktoManager } = new MktoManagerInit(marketoRestCredentails)


The primary focus of this library is for Asset management. Some Asset handlers are still in progress.

  • mktoManager.assets.Channel
  • mktoManager.assets.Email
  • mktoManager.assets.EmailTemplate
  • mktoManager.assets.File
  • mktoManager.assets.Folder
  • mktoManager.assets.Form
  • mktoManager.assets.LandingPage
  • mktoManager.assets.LandingPageRedirect
  • mktoManager.assets.LandingPageTemplate
  • mktoManager.assets.Program
  • mktoManager.assets.Segment
  • mktoManager.assets.SmartCampaign
  • mktoManager.assets.SmartList
  • mktoManager.assets.Tag

Static methods are offered for querying the API for an Asset record

//  Find Landing Page by ID
mktoManager.assets.LandingPage.find({ id: 1234 })
//  The `find` method will amend and change the Endpoint URI as needed depending on the search parameters you pass

//  Find Landing Pages by Parent Folder
    folder: {
        id: 123,            //  Folder ID
        type: "Folder",     //  ["Program", "Folder"]

//  Get multiple Programs
    offset: 0,              //  Offset value, like a paging token (sort of)
    maxReturn: 200,         //  Defaults to 20 per the API Docs, maximum 200


All Marketo API logic is contained within lib/.

lib/index.js will read the lib/assets/ directory and load all Asset Handlers into the module export. This include BaseAsset, which all other Asset Handlers are based on. Usage, User, and Lead Handler library information is also consumed here.

⚠️ All HTTP request methods are asynchronous and return Promises.

Core Functions


The MktoRequest class is a Marketo specific Axios/RateLimit/ApiConsumer wrapper that instantiates our Axios HTTP instance with necessary details to communicate with our Marketo API. MktoRequest accepts the necessary API credentials as parameters, and returns an object with initial methods.

Uses axios-rate-limit to set a default Rate Per Second to try and remain compliant with Marketo's 100 calls per 20 seconds and Maximum of 10 concurrent API calls.

Default Rate Limit: {maxRPS: 4}.

You will not need to use MktoRequest directly.


MktoResponse wraps API responses in an interactive Collection-type object. MktoResponse validates HTTP and API responses and offers result-array getter methods that return instantiated instances of each Asset's corresponding Handler.

//  Get all Landing Page's in a specific Folder
    folder: {
        id: 123, //  Folder or Program ID
        type: "Folder", //  ["Program", "Folder"]
}).then(function (mktoResponse) {
    //  Check if the API Response was successful
    if (mktoResponse.success === true) {
        //  Get the first result - still needed if you only expect 1 result
        const firstLandingPageResult = mktoResponse.getFirst()
        //  firstLandingPageResult is an instantiated instance of the LandingPage Handler

        //  Get all results as an array of instantiated instances of the Handler
        const allLandingPageResults = mktoResponse.getAll()
    } else {
        //  Capture Mkto API Warnings or Errors
        const mktoWarnings = mktoResponse.warnings
        const mktoErrors = mktoResponse.errors

MktoResponse Properties

Property Description
_res Full Axios Response Object - minus the Axios data property.
_resultClass Stores the Handler instance if one was passed.
_data Raw Axops data property.
--- ---
status HTTP Status Code as returned by Axios.
success Handler specific logic for True/False success. Successful responses can still return Zero results.
result Raw Marketo 'result' data, usually an array of records.
warnings Array of Marketo Warnings - will return empty array if no warnings.
errors Array of Marketo Errors - will return empty array if no errors.
data Handler specific - either an Array of results Instantiated as Handler instances, or a single Instantiated Handler object.

A summary prop is also available that offers a quick summary of Axios Request and Response / Mkto API Response information - great for quickly visualizing a summary of the response when developing.

mktoResponse.summary = {
    //  Request
    header: this._res.request._header,
    requestURL: this._res.config.url,
    method: this._res.config.method,
    params: this._res.config.params,
    //  Response
    status: this._res.status,
    success: this.success,
    result: this.result,
    errors: this.errors,
    warnings: this.warnings,

Full mktoResponse Example Print

mktoResponse = {
    status: 200,    //  HTTP Status Code
    success: true,  //  API Response Success

    //  Array of raw results
    result: [
        { id: 1, name: 'My Landing Page' ....}
    //  `result` Array as Instantiated Handler instances
    data: [
        <Instantiated Handler Result>,
        <Instantiated Handler Result>,

    //  Response Warnings and Errors
    warnings: [
        //  Array of Marketo Warnings, if they were sent
        //  Defaults to empty array
    errors: [
        //  Array of Marketo Errors, if they were sent
        //  Defaults to empty array

    summary: {
        //  Request
        header: this._res.request._header,
        requestURL: this._res.config.url,
        method: this._res.config.method,
        params: this._res.config.params,
        //  Response
        status: this._res.status,
        success: this.success,
        result: this.result,
        errors: this.errors,
        warnings: this.warnings,

    //  Original Marketo Response Data
    _data: {
        success: true,
        requestId: '#asdasdasd',
        result: [
            { id: 1, name: 'Toaster' ....} <Raw Asset Results>

    //  Reference to the Handler Instance
    _resultClass: <Asset Class reference>,

    //  Raw Axios Response
    _res: <Raw Axios Response>

NOTE: MktoResponse is extended for some of the "special" Marketo endpoints, like User Management. More details below in the User section.


BaseAsset is a factory function that creates a starting point for all Asset API "Handlers", including the instantiation of our shared instance of MktoRequest. API Credentials are passed to the exported factory function. Each Asset Handler Instance shares this MktoRequest instance for REST API communication.

Create Asset

To create a net-new Asset, you can instantiate an instance of the Asset Handler, and then call the create() method.

const myNewLandingPageData = {
    name: "My First Landing Page",  //  Page Name, required
    description: "",                //  Page Description, optional
    template: 9,                    //  Template ID, required
    folder: {                       //  Folder Object, required
        type: "Folder",
        id: 11

const myNewLandingPage = new mktoManager.assets.LandingPage(myNewLandingPageData)

//  Send the Create request for our new Landing Page
const createMktoResponse = await myNewLandingPage.create();

if(createMktoResponse.success === true) {
	//  The Response Object should now contain a newly instantiated Landing Page with the data from the API, including the new ID
	//  Get the first (and only) result
	const myLandingPage = createMktoResponse.getFirst()

You can now use this instantiated instance to set your Landing Page content!

Update Asset

Each extended Class defines an Active Record type approach to API record management.

For example: A retrieved Landing Page record will store it's record data (only metadata per the API) in the data property. Record properties are retrieved and set via the corresponding methods:

Method/Property Description Object with all Asset or User record data.
Asset._data Object with all Asset or User record data - we store this object to compare changes to the data property.
Asset.get(propertyName) Retrieves the given Property from the object.
Asset.set(propertyName, newValue) Sets the given Property in the object to newValue.
Asset.isChanged Computed boolean for depicting if any data property has been altered from it's original API data.
Asset.changedData Computed object that will always list the data properties that have been altered from what was last retrieved from the API (the _data property).

Here is an example of retrieving a record from the API, and updating one of it's properties:

//  Find Landing Page by ID
const specialPageSearchResponse = await mktoManager.assets.LandingPage.find({
    id: 1234,

//  Local reference to our first (and only) Landing Page Result
const mySpecialLandingPage = specialPageSearchResponse.getFirst()

//  Check the Landing Page Name
if (mySpecialLandingPage.get("name") === "My Special LandingPage") {
    //  Update the Landing Page Name
    mySpecialLandingPage.set("name", "My Super Special Landing Page")

At this point, the instance of mySpecialLandingPage has one of it's properties changed, but the Update call has not been made to the API.

You can check if a record instance has pending updated property data with the computed properties:

//  Check if the record has pending changes (Not submitted to the API)
if (mySpecialLandingPage.isChanged) {
    //  Is true because we changed the `name` property

    //  Get the properties that have been changed
    //  Prints: 
    //  {
    //    name: "My Special Updated Landing Page"
    //  }

Now that we have updated the local instance of the API Record, we can make the update call to POST the updated data back to Marketo:

const updateMktoResponse = await mySpecialLandingPage.update()

//  This returns a new instance of `MktoResponse` - you check for API success the same way.

if (updateMktoResponse.success === true) {
    //  Successful update of the Landing Page name property!
    //  If the `update()` response was successful, 
    //    the record self updates the `_data` property, 
    //    so it no longer is "changed"
    //  mySpecialLandingPage.isChanged === false

The original record self updates its property tracking to aknowledge the update() success, meaning isChanged will now be false.


To standardize and consolidate certain record type logic, shared functionality (props and methods) are written in Mixin objects and assigned to Class definitions where required.

Examples: Clone, Delete, Content, and Variables methods and property handlers.


    status: 'approved'  //  Optional, ['approved', 'draft']

Asset.updateVariables(variableId, newValue)


    status: 'approved'  //  Optional, ['approved', 'draft']
//  Content Response structure is unique to each Asset. See Asset details below.

Asset.updateContent(contentId, newContent)
//  newContent is encoded as a Query String using the qs package.


//  Traditionally, only a Folder target is needed for cloning an Asset
    folder: {
        type: "Folder",  //  ["Folder", "Program"]
        id: 0            //  Folder ID


//  Not all Assets can be deleted - some Assets must be "Unapproved" prior to deletion
//  Traditionally returns { id: <ID of deleted asset> }


//  Approve a Draft Node, if one exists
//  Traditionally returns { id: <ID of deleted asset> }

//  Discard a Draft Node, if one exists
//  Traditionally returns { id: <ID of deleted asset> }

//  Unapprove an Approved Node, if one exists
//  Traditionally returns { id: <ID of deleted asset> }

All Asset method instructions:

All Assets extend BaseAsset, so the above mentions of data property management and create() and update() methods remains the same unless otherwise noted.

Additional Asset specific methods metnioned below.


Marketo API does not allow for Channel Creation or Updating.

Methods create() and update() are voided. This is primarily offered for the static find() method.



Due to Marketo's interesting choice of splitting Email "Metadata" updates to two separate endpoints, this method will need to check changedData for certain props and fire TWO Post requests.

The first POST is for the Email Metadata:

  • 'name',
  • 'description',
  • 'operational',
  • 'published',
  • 'textOnly',
  • 'webView'

The second POST is for the Email "Content" - but not email body content.

  • 'fromEmail',
  • 'fromName',
  • 'replyEmail',
  • 'subject'

This returns a custom response object to compensate for sending two POST requests.

//  ./lib/assets/Email.js - Line: 46
//  Return the boolean response of both
let returnData = {
    status: (metaDataResponse.status === 200 && contentResponse.status === 200) ? 200 : 666,
    success: (metaDataResponse.success && contentResponse.success) ? true : false,
    errors: [
        ...(metaDataResponse.errors ? metaDataResponse.errors : []), 
        ...(contentResponse.errors ? contentResponse.errors : []), 
    warnings: [
        ...(metaDataResponse.warnings ? metaDataResponse.warnings : []),
        ...(contentResponse.warnings ? contentResponse.warnings : []),

    metaDataResponse: metaDataResponse,
    contentResponse: contentResponse,

Send Sample Email

Send a Sample Email by supplying a single Email Address, and optional LeadID for token/personalization processing.

const sendEmailResponse = await myEmail.sendSample({
    emailAddress: '',  //  Required, will return false if not provided
    leadId: 1234,       //  Optional, allows you to sample email token/personalization processing by Lead Record
    textOnly: false,    //  Optional

Get Variables

Returns Array of Variable Data such as Strings, Colors, Booleans, Numbers, Lists.

const variablesEmailResponse = await myEmail.getVariables({
    status: 'approved' //  Optional, Status string, ['approved', 'draft']
//  Data will be an array of EmailVariableResponse objects = [
EmailVariableResponse {
    "name": "twoArticlesSpacer6",   //  Treat this like the ID
    "value": "15",                  //  Value - String, 
    "moduleScope": false

Get Content

Returns Array of Content Sections such as Modules, Rich Text areas, Images, etc. Does not return Variables.

const contentEmailResponse = await myEmail.getContent({
    status: 'approved' //  Optional, Status string, ['approved', 'draft']
//  Data will be an array of EmailContentResponse objects = [
EmailContentResponse {
    contentType (string): Type of content to set for the section. ,
    htmlId (string): HTML id of the content section ,
    index (integer, optional),
    isLocked (boolean, optional),
    parentHtmlId (string, optional),
    value (object): Contents of the section

Get Full Content

Returns the Full HTML Content of an Email Record for Version 2 Emails. A shim is in place to return the JSON string content from getContent() method for Version 1 emails.

const fullContentEmailResponse = await myEmail.getFullContent({
    status: 'approved', //  Optional, Status string, ['approved', 'draft']
    leadId: '',         //  Optional, process HTML by lead record
    type: 'HTML'        //  Optional, render as HTML or plain text

Approve Draft

See Drafts Mixin

Unapprove Email

See Drafts Mixin

Discard Draft

See Drafts Mixin

Delete Email

See Delete Mixin

Landing Page

Get Content

Returns Array of Content Sections such as Modules, Rich Text areas, Images, etc. Does not return Variables.

const contentLandingPageResponse = await myLandingPage.getContent({
    status: 'approved' //  Optional, Status string, ['approved', 'draft']
//  Data will be an array of LandingPageContentResponse objects = [
LandingPageContentResponse {
    content (object, optional): Content of the section. Expected values vary based on type. Image: An image URL. RichText: HTML Content. HTML: HTML Content. Form: A form id. Rectangle: Empty. Snippet: A snippet id. ,
    type (string): Type of content section = ['Image', 'SocialButton', 'Form', 'DynamicContent', 'Rectangle', 'Snippet', 'RichText', 'HTML', 'Video', 'Poll', 'ReferralOffer', 'Sweepstakes']

    followupType (string, optional): Follow-up behavior of a form. Only available for form-type content sections. Defaults to form defined behavior. = ['url', 'lp', 'formDefined'],
    followupValue (string, optional): Where to follow-up on form submission. When followupType is lp, accepts the integer id of a landing page. For url, it accepts a url string. ,
    formattingOptions (JsonNode, optional),
    id (object): Id of the content section, may be a string or an int ,
    index (integer, optional): Index of the content section. Index orients the elements from lowest to highest ,

Get Full Content

Returns the Full HTML Content of an Approved Landing Page Record. This utilizes it's own Axios instance for a simple HTTP Get request to the Page URL. Returns false if the Landing Page is not approved.

const fullContentEmailResponse = await myLandingPage.getFullContent()
if(fullContentEmailResponse.success === true) { === '<doctype>...'
else { === {axiosError}

Approve Draft

See Drafts Mixin

Unapprove Email

See Drafts Mixin

Discard Draft

See Drafts Mixin

Delete Email

See Delete Mixin

Marketo REST API Inconsistencies

Likely due to the evolution of Marketo and its REST API over time, there are some serious inconsistencies with how the API responds, Asset to Asset.

I have tried to standardize the API interaction within this library as much as possible. However, some issues are unavoidable and should be taken into consideration.

I have documented these inconsistencies over at my personal blog: Coming Soon


⚠️ Work in progress

Due to Marketo's API return limit of 200, BulkProcess acts as an event-emitting auto-paging processor for large scale content reviews/updates.

const { mktoManager, bulkProcess } = new MktoManagerInit(marketoRestCredentails)

Pass BulkProcess a config param detailing the Asset Handler, search criteria, and asynchronous success & error callbacks to handle large scale reviews/updates.

Example BulkProcess Config

    handler: null, //  <BaseAsset> Asset Specific instance

    searchParams: {}, //  getAsset Search Params

    //  Depicts if we should wait for the successCallback to finish before continuing to next iteration
    awaitSuccess: false,
    awaitError: false,

    successCallback: async function ( /*MktoResponse*/ response) {
        //  Accepts the getAsset method response MktoResponse instance

        if (response.success) {

    errorCallback: async function ( /*MktoResponse*/ response) {
        //  Accepts the getAsset method response MktoResponse instance

        if (response.success) {

Config Property Description
handler MktoManager Asset Class, such as mktoManager.assets.LandingPage.
searchParams Object passed to the find() method for narrowing the API Get results.
offset Starting offset value for the API request.
cycleMaxReturn Set an integer for the maxReturn value of records from Marketo. Determines the number of results that will be offered to your successCallback() method or success event. Defaults to 5, max 200.
cycleMaxIteration Set an integer for the maximum iterations of the while loop. Offered as a safety feature to help limit the total number of API calls per BulkProcess usage, and to mitigate run-away looping if there is a break in the logic.
--- ---
awaitSuccess Boolean if you want the while loop to await the finished Promise for your successCallback()
awaitError Boolean if you want the while loop to await the finished Promise for your errorCallback()
successCallback() Async method to be used on every successful retrieval from the API. Optional, event listener can be used instead.
errorCallback() Async method to be used on every failed retrieval from the API. Optional, event listener can be used instead.

⚠️ NOTE: To process the returned API results once they are returned, you can either define an asynchronous successCallback() method within the BulkProcess config, OR attach a listener to the success BulkProcess event.

Personally, I prefer the event listener usage.

successCallback() Usage Example

//  Set BulkProcess config
const myBulkProcessConfig = {
    handler: mktoManager.assets.LandingPage,  //  Define which Asset type we are retrieving and processing
    searchParams: {
        status: 'approved'  // Will only retrieve and process Approved records

    awaitSuccess: true, //  Will Await your successCallback before continuing
    successCallback: async function ( /*MktoResponse*/ response) {
        //  Accepts the getAsset method response MktoResponse instance

        if (response.success) {
            //  Save all results into my fake db
            response.getAll().forEach(landingPage => {

//  Instantiate the BulkProcess
const processor = new this.bulkProcess(myBulkProcessConfig)

//  Run the BulkProcess

success Event Listener Usage Example

//  Set BulkProcess config
const myBulkProcessConfig = {
    handler: mktoManager.assets.LandingPage,  //  Define which Asset type we are retrieving and processing
    searchParams: {
        status: 'approved'  // Will only retrieve and process Approved records

    //  No successCalback() definition required

//  Instantiate the BulkProcess
const processor = new this.bulkProcess(myBulkProcessConfig)

//  Add Event Listeners
processor.on('success', (response) => {
    if (response.success) {
        //  Save all results into my fake db
        response.getAll().forEach(landingPage => {

//  Run the BulkProcess

BulkProcess Events

Event Description
logger Fired every time a BulkProcess log is recorded. Receives data object from Tracer Logger. Easily log or print data.output to view the BulkProcess log.
request_http_error Fired when the Axios status !== 200. Recevies MktoResponse instance response object.
request_mkto_error Fired when the MktoResponse.success === false. Recevies MktoResponse instance response object
request_success Fired when the MktoResponse.success === true. Recevies MktoResponse instance response object.
success Fired when the MktoResponse.success === true AND we have some Mkto Results. Recevies MktoResponse instance response object. Also the event when we would fire the successCallback within the BulkProcess config, if one was passed.
finished Fired when the BulkProcess while loop is completed. Receives the entire BulkProcess instance.

Under continuous improvement.


  • [ ] Implement Lead classes
  • [x] Implement User Management classes
  • [ ] Improve BaseAsset validation with Yup
  • [ ] Improve MktoResponse validation with Yup
  • [ ] Review MktoRequest retry method requirement
  • [ ] Implement Event Emitter on MktoRequest (for database hooks)
  • [x] Implement Event Emitter on BulkProcess instead of synchronous callback system
  • [ ] Cleanup BulkProcess logging
  • [ ] Develop tests and stubs for API



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