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mongo-redline is a very lite an simple Node.js library to connect to Mongodb and map documents with plain Javascript objects. It's purely schemaless, fully compatible with official Mongo API and made like a toolkit to fit your needs, rather than a full functional framework like Mongoose. It's only a read-only ODM, writes MUST be done manually. You can use it just to connect to Mongo, it may not very useful, but could be efficient : use only one connection, callback made, so easily integrated with node.js and async. If you look for a thin layer to define models in a non intrusive manner, it will give you the beginning of the answer ...


Define a Model

var redMongo = require('mongo-redline')
  , Mixin1 = require('mixin1');
var MyModel =  redMongo.defineModel({ 
  collection: 'my_models',
  mixins: [Mixin1],
  instanceMethods: {
    get age(){
      return (new Date()).getFullYear() -  this.birthdayYear;
  staticMethods: {
    function doIt(newModel){}

Connect, Query and Manipule Objects

var redMongo = require('mongo-redline')
  , myModel = require('my_model');
redMongo.connect({}, function(err){
  if( err) return console.error( "...");
  // Query my_models collection
  my_model.findOne({name: 'toto'}, function(err, model){
    else console.log(model.age)



redMongo.connect(options, cb)

Create a MongoDB connection, and callback it has result.

  • options Object, passed to mongodb.Server and new mongodb.Db

    • host: server address, default to
    • port: server's port, default to 27017
    • auto_reconnectdefault to true
    • poolSize default to 10
    • w default to 1
    • strict default to true
    • native_parser defaut to true


Create a new redMongo model.

RedMongo models offer:

  • type definitions via redMongo models
  • a binding between collections and redMongo models
  • a binding at reading time between mongo's documents and javascript objets
  • facilities to query (findOne, findAll) documents based redMongo models and a bridge to mongodb API

Returns a redModel.

  • options Object:

    • collection: collection's name. May be optionnal for polymorphisme.
    • extends: redMongo super model, default as redMongo.Model (see ex pieces.js)
    • mixins: list of javascript objects to be used as mixins for the new model
    • instanceMethods: javascript object used to define documents methods
    • staticMethods: javascript object used to define redModel methods. Adding an entry within this object is similare to set a function attribute on the resulting redModel. 'init' key is reserved to define constructor (see below)

RedModel.bless, defined within staticMethods or in an other manner, is used to 'type' mongo's document. At reading time each document is blessed depending on its collection. For polymorphism you have to do it manually (see below).

var Printable = {
  toString: function(){
    return this.type + ' => ' + this.surface;
var Piece  = redMongo.defineModel({
  collection: 'pieces',
  mixins: [Printable],
  staticMethods: {
    init: function(name){ = name;
      this.type = 'piece';
    bless: function (obj){
      switch( obj.type ){
        case 'square':
          return redMongo.Model.bless.bind(Square)(obj);
        case 'circle':
          return redMongo.Model.bless.bind(Circle)(obj);
       return redMongo.Model.bless.bind(Piece)(obj);
var Square = redMongo.defineModel({
  extends: Piece,
  instanceMethods: {
    get surface(){
      return this.size * this.size;
  staticMethods: {
    init: function(size){
      this.size = size;
      this.type = 'square';
redModel.findOne( arguments )

Use same signature as node-mongodb-native driver. will call redModel.bless(document) on resulting document.

Return only one result, the first if many.

  Piece.findOne({_id: ObjectId("52de8aa97a2731486fdcf8ee")}, function(err, piece){});
redModel.findAll( arguments )

Same as node-mongodb-native#find, but will call redModel.bless(document) on each resulting document.

  Piece.findAll({type: 'square'}, function(err, pieces){});

In this example, you will extract all squares documents from the collection, resulting documents will be blessed as Square.

Square.findAll() will give you all Pieces, not only Squares. You have to select type manually.


Give you direct access to node-mongodb-native driver:

  Piece.collection.insert([new Square(2), new Circle(2)], function(err, res){})



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  • ebasley