
1.0.0-alpha.41 • Public • Published

Nephele Serve - File System or S3 Backed WebDAV Server

Run Nephele WebDAV server to serve files from either a file system or an S3 compatible object store.

What is WebDAV

WebDAV (Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning) is a protocol that allows users to access and manage files stored on a remote server. It is commonly used for web-based file sharing and collaboration, as it allows users to upload, download, and manage files directly from a web browser or file manager.

WebDAV is a popular protocol for file sharing and collaboration, as it is easy to use and allows users to access their files from any device with an internet connection. It is also secure, with support for encrypted data transfer and authentication to prevent unauthorized access to files.


Quickly install Nephele Serve using npm:

sudo npm install -g nephele-serve

Note: By default, Nephele Serve uses a .htpasswd file for user authentication. Create this file in the directory you're serving. Use Apache's htpasswd utility or an online generator like for ease.

Adding System User Authentication

To authenticate with system users instead of an htpasswd file, follow these steps to install PAM development libraries and build tools for your OS:

  1. Install PAM development libraries:
  • For CentOS/RHEL: sudo yum install pam-devel gcc gcc-c++ make
  • For Fedora: sudo dnf install pam-devel gcc gcc-c++ make
  • For Debian/Ubuntu: sudo apt install libpam0g-dev build-essential
  • Arch and macOS come pre-installed with the necessary tools.
  1. Now install Nephele Serve:
sudo npm install -g nephele-serve

Note: Files and directories will be created with the proper ownership for the logged in user when using the PAM authenticator.


Serve the current directory.

sudo nephele-serve .

Serve the current directory with a specific username and password (not .htpasswd file).

sudo nephele-serve --auth-username admin --auth-password "S3cur3P4ssw0rd" .

Serve users' home directories (requires PAM libraries).

sudo nephele-serve --home-directories

Serve user directories under the server root. This creates directories with the users' usernames, and serves their own directory to them.

sudo nephele-serve --user-directories .

If you want to run it without installing it, you can do that too.

sudo npx nephele-serve .

If you want to run it without root, you can do that too, but you must set the port to something higher than 1000, and you'll likely only be able to log in (with PAM) as the user who runs the script.

nephele-serve -p 8080 .

Serve an S3 compatible object store bucket.

sudo nephele-serve --s3-endpoint "https://mys3endpoint/" --s3-region us-east-1 --s3-access-key "mys3accesskey" --s3-secret-key "mys3secretkeyshhdonttell" --s3-bucket "MyBucket"

Serve a specific path (prefix) within an S3 compatible object store bucket.

sudo nephele-serve --s3-endpoint "https://mys3endpoint/" --s3-region us-east-1 --s3-access-key "mys3accesskey" --s3-secret-key "mys3secretkeyshhdonttell" --s3-bucket "MyBucket" path/to/my/storage/

Serve an S3 compatible object store bucket, using file encryption to keep your data private. (Use to generate your own 3 salt values and global encryption password.)

sudo nephele-serve --s3-endpoint "https://mys3endpoint/" --s3-region us-east-1 --s3-access-key "mys3accesskey" --s3-secret-key "mys3secretkeyshhdonttell" --s3-bucket "MyBucket" --encryption --encryption-salt mylongsaltvalue --encryption-filename-salt myotherlongsaltvalue --encryption-filename-iv-salt mylastlongsaltvalue --encryption-global-password supersecretglobalpassword

Only regular users (UIDs 500-59999) are allowed to log in.

Cluster with PM2

Nephele Serve supports clustering for handling high loads. Here's how to set up a cluster of 8 Nephele Serve instances.

sudo npm install -g pm2
sudo pm2 start -i 8 -u root --uid 0 \
  nephele-serve \
  --node-args "--experimental-specifier-resolution=node" \
  -- \

Then you can save it and have it load at system startup.

sudo pm2 save
sudo pm2 startup systemd

Comprehensive Example Setup

For a complete setup example with TLS, directory listings, and cluster mode, see the extended setup instructions at the end of this document.


Nephele Serve will check for updates on launch, but if your server is set to load on system start with PM2, you probably won't ever see the notification that there's an update. Therefore, every once in a while you should install the latest version (of PM2 and Nephele Serve).

# Update nephele-serve and pm2
sudo npm i -g nephele-serve pm2
# Restart the server
sudo pm2 restart all


nephele-serve --help

Here's a copy of the help output:

Usage: nephele-serve [options] [directory]

Command line WebDAV server with browser support. Serves from file system or S3 compatible object store.

  directory                                  The path of the directory to use as the server root. When using S3, this is the path within the bucket.

  -v, --version                              Print the current version
  -h, --host <host>                          A host address to listen on. The default is to listen on all external hosts. (default: "::")
  -r, --realm <realm>                        The realm reported to the user by the server when authentication is requested. Defaults to the system hostname.
  --cert <cert_file>                         The filename of a certificate to use for HTTPS in PEM format.
  --key <key_file>                           The filename of a private key to use for HTTPS in PEM format.
  -p, --port <port>                          The port to listen on. Defaults to 443 if a cert is provided, 80 otherwise.
  --redirect-port <redirect_port>            The port to redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS. Set this to 80 if you want to redirect plain HTTP requests.
  -t, --timeout <milliseconds>               Request timeout. Requests will be terminated if they take longer than this time. Defaults to 7200000, or 2 hours.
  --keep-alive-timeout <milliseconds>        Server will wait this long for additional data after writing its last response.
  --home-directories                         Serve users' home directories to them when they log in. (Impies --pam-auth.)
  --user-directories                         Serve users their own directory under the server root when they log in.
  --serve-indexes                            Serve index.html and index.htm files when the user requests a directory.
  --serve-listings                           Serve directory listings with file management forms when the user requests a directory.
  --no-auth                                  Don't require authentication. (Not compatible with --home-directories or --user-directories.)
  --pam-auth                                 Use PAM authentication. (Requires PAM libraries.)
  --auth-user-filename                       htpasswd filename. (Defaults to '.htpasswd'.)
  --auth-user-file                           A specific htpasswd file to use for every request.
  --auth-username <username>                 Authenticate with a given username instead.
  --auth-password <password>                 Authenticate with a given password instead.
  --encryption                               Enable filename and file contents encryption.
  --encryption-salt <salt>                   The salt used to generate file content encryption keys.
  --encryption-filename-salt <salt>          The salt used to generate filename encryption keys.
  --encryption-filename-iv-salt <salt>       The salt used to generate filename initialization vectors.
  --encryption-filename-encoding <encoding>  The encoding to use for filenames ('base64' or 'ascii85').
  --encryption-global-password <password>    A password to use globally instead of user passwords.
  --encryption-exclude <globlist>            A list of glob patterns to exclude from the encryption/decryption process.
  --s3-endpoint <endpoint-url>               The S3 endpoint URL to connect to.
  --s3-region <region>                       The S3 region.
  --s3-access-key <access-key>               The S3 access key.
  --s3-secret-key <secret-key>               The S3 secret key.
  --s3-bucket <bucket-name>                  The S3 bucket.
  --no-update-check                          Don't check for updates.
  --help                                     display help for command

Environment Variables:
  HOST                                       Same as --host.
  PORT                                       Same as --port.
  REDIRECT_PORT                              Same as --redirect-port.
  TIMEOUT                                    Same as --timeout.
  KEEPALIVETIMEOUT                           Same as --keep-alive-timeout.
  REALM                                      Same as --realm.
  CERT_FILE                                  Same as --cert.
  CERT                                       Text of a cert in PEM format.
  KEY_FILE                                   Same as --key.
  KEY                                        Text of a key in PEM format.
  HOME_DIRECTORIES                           Same as --home-directories when set to "true", "on" or "1".
  USER_DIRECTORIES                           Same as --user-directories when set to "true", "on" or "1".
  SERVE_INDEXES                              Same as --serve-indexes when set to "true", "on" or "1".
  SERVE_LISTINGS                             Same as --serve-listings when set to "true", "on" or "1".
  AUTH                                       Same as --no-auth when set to "false", "off" or "0".
  PAM_AUTH                                   Same as --pam-auth when set to "true", "on" or "1".
  AUTH_USER_FILENAME                         Same as --auth-user-filename.
  AUTH_USER_FILE                             Same as --auth-user-file.
  AUTH_USERNAME                              Same as --auth-username.
  AUTH_PASSWORD                              Same as --auth-password.
  ENCRYPTION                                 Same as --encryption when set to "true", "on" or "1".
  ENCRYPTION_SALT                            Same as --encryption-salt.
  ENCRYPTION_FILENAME_SALT                   Same as --encryption-filename-salt.
  ENCRYPTION_FILENAME_IV_SALT                Same as --encryption-filename-iv-salt.
  ENCRYPTION_FILENAME_ENCODING               Same as --encryption-filename-encoding.
  ENCRYPTION_GLOBAL_PASSWORD                 Same as --encryption-global-password.
  ENCRYPTION_EXCLUDE                         Same as --encryption-exclude.
  S3_ENDPOINT                                Same as --s3-endpoint.
  S3_REGION                                  Same as --s3-region.
  S3_ACCESS_KEY                              Same as --s3-access-key.
  S3_SECRET_KEY                              Same as --s3-secret-key.
  S3_BUCKET                                  Same as --s3-bucket.
  UPDATE_CHECK                               Same as --no-update-check when set to "false", "off" or "0".
  SERVER_ROOT                                Same as [directory].

Options given on the command line take precedence over options from an environment variable.

  Nephele supports file encryption. It uses either a global encryption password
  or user passwords to encrypt your files.

  To enable encryption, set the encryption option and provide three long,
  random, unique strings for the salt, filename salt, and filename IV salt. You
  can generate long random strings here:

  If you use username passwords for encryption, you can't change a user's
  password or their files will no longer be accessible.

  If you disable auth, you must set a global encryption password to use
  encryption. If you then change this global password, your files will no longer
  be accessible.

  Likewise, if you change any of the salts, your files will no longer be

  You also have a choice of filename encodings. You can set this to 'ascii85' if
  you know your file system supports non UTF-8 filenames. This will allow files
  with longer filenames.

  You can also exclude files from encryption by providing a comma separated list
  of glob patterns.

  You can find more information about Nephele's file encryption here:

S3 Object Store:
  Nephele supports using an S3 object store as its storage backend.

  S3 and S3 compatible servers are essentially key-value stores. Nephele can
  present this store as a hierarchical file structure by using the file path and
  filename as the key. This is a common practice and is often supported by the
  native object browser of the store.

  By combining an S3 backend with Nephele's encryption feature, you can get the
  benefits of cloud storage while maintaining your privacy and security.

  An important note is that an S3 key has a maximum length of 1024 bytes using
  UTF-8 encoding. This means the entire file path, including the slash
  characters that separate directories, can only be 1024 bytes long, so you may
  run into problems with deeply nested file structures.

  You can find more information about S3 keys here:

  WebDAV properties and locks are stored in the metadata of objects. There is no
  support for properties or locks on a directory, since S3 doesn't really have
  "real" directories.

  S3 does not have the concept of an empty directory, since "directories" are
  just common prefixes among keys. As such, Nephele represents an empty
  directory in S3 by creating an empty object under the directory with the name
  ".nepheleempty". It is safe to delete these objects. It is the same as
  deleting the empty directory.

  You can find more information about Nephele's S3 adapter here:

Nephele repo:
Copyright (C) 2022-2024 SciActive, Inc

Node Warning

If you see this warning:

(node:319632) ExperimentalWarning: The Node.js specifier resolution flag is experimental. It could change or be removed at any time.
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)

Don't worry, it's because the script is using --experimental-specifier-resolution=node to be able to load the PAM authentication module from an ES module.

Comprehensive Example

This example shows the steps for a setup where you:

  • use an Ubuntu or Debian based server
  • use a Let's Encrypt certificate for TLS
  • want to serve user directories for system users out of a custom folder
  • want to serve directory listings for browser support
  • want to use a cluster of 8 worker processes
  • want to have the server load on startup

You would replace with your domain, and the path at the end with your server root path.

# Follow these install directions to install Node (the minimum Node version is v18):

# Install requirements.
sudo apt install libpam0g-dev build-essential
# Install nephele-serve and pm2.
sudo npm i -g nephele-serve pm2

# Start a nephele-serve cluster.
sudo pm2 start -i 8 -u root --uid 0 \
  nephele-serve \
  --node-args "--experimental-specifier-resolution=node" \
  -- \
  --pam-auth \
  --user-directories \
  --serve-listings \
  --cert /etc/letsencrypt/live/ \
  --key /etc/letsencrypt/live/ \

# Save the cluster and have it start on system start.
sudo pm2 save
sudo pm2 startup systemd

I recommend installing Node from NodeSource instead of apt, because apt tends to have very outdated versions and lots of unnecessary dependencies.


Copyright 2022-2024 SciActive Inc

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

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