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Next.js Yandex Metrica

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Yandex Metrica integration for Next.js


Add the provider

To enable analytics, include YandexMetricaProvider in the custom _app component.

// pages/_app.tsx
import { YandexMetricaProvider } from 'next-yandex-metrica';

export default function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) {
  return (
      initParameters={{ clickmap: true, trackLinks: true, accurateTrackBounce: true }}
      <Component {...pageProps} />

YandexMetricaProvider Props

Name Description
tagID Yandex.Metrica tag ID.
strategy next/script loading strategy. Defaults to afterInteractive.
initParameters Yandex.Metrica tag initialization parameters.
shouldUseAlternativeCDN Use the alternative CDN to load Yandex.Metrica.

Yandex.Metrica tag ID is read from the tagID property and the NEXT_PUBLIC_YANDEX_METRICA_ID environment variable. If both are set, the provider property takes priority.

Send events

next/router pageviews are tracked automatically.

The package provides useMetrica hook for sending custom analytics events.

import { useMetrica } from 'next-yandex-metrica';

export function ActionButton() {
  const { reachGoal } = useMetrica();

  return (
    <button type="button" onClick={() => reachGoal('cta-click')}>

The returned functions accept the same parameters as those found in the Yandex.Metrica object methods.

All functions are automatically provided with the tag ID that is supplied to the provider or the environment variable. useMetrica hook exposes functions for calling notBounce, reachGoal, setUserID, and userParams without specifying the event name. Other methods can be called using the ymEvent function, with the event name as the first argument. In both cases, all event parameters are type-checked.

import { useMetrica } from 'next-yandex-metrica';

export function ActionButton() {
  const { ymEvent } = useMetrica();

  const handleExternalLinkClick = () => {
    ymEvent('extLink', '');

  // ...

In case if you need to use the Yandex.Metrica object directly, you can access it using the ym property.

import { ym } from 'next-yandex-metrica';

export function ActionButton() {
  return (
    <button type="button" onClick={() => ym(12345678, 'reachGoal', 'cta-click')}>

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