
0.0.2 • Public • Published


🚀 Agonising Form and Datatable creation made easy and splendidly developer-friendly

Quickly and painlessly build fully responsive and validated forms and/or datatables

🎨 Comes with predefined Bootstrap 5 styles including barebone modals and toast notifications

😊 Library bundle is made with Angular v13 and comes without any 3rd party libraries



Environment setup

  1. Install Angular CLI
  2. Install Visual Studio Code
  3. Open command line
  4. Position CLI location to desired folder
  5. Execute following instructions or simply execute prepared shell script:
wget -O - | sh
# Create workspace
ng new workspace-ngx-input-annotations --no-create-application

# Change directory to created workspace
cd workspace-ngx-input-annotations

# Remove unnecessary git init folder
rm -rf .git

# Generate library for development
ng generate library ngx-input-annotations

# Generate testing application that will consume the library
ng generate application ngx-input-annotations-demo --style=scss --routing=false

# Install prepared dependencies for testing application
npm i @faker-js/faker reflect-metadata language-flag-colors
npm i @angular/material@13.3.0 @angular/cdk@13.3.0 @angular/animations@13.3.0 --save --force

# Change directory to created library
cd projects/ngx-input-annotations

# Remove all files from the auto-generated library
rm -rfv * && rm -rfv .*

# Clone the repository
git clone .

# Change directory to workspace root
cd ../../ & ng build ngx-input-annotations

# Unzip prepared testing files (app folder)
unzip -o ./docs/ -d ./../ngx-input-annotations-demo/src
cp ./docs/index.html ../ngx-input-annotations-demo/src/

# Open Visual Studio Code in workspace directory
code ../../.
  1. Start the application from projects/ngx-rapid-interface-builder-test by writing: ng serve -o


  1. Install library dependency
npm install ngx-simple-form
  1. Add module to local module.ts
// ...
import { NgxPainlessFormModule } from "ngx-painless-form";
  // ...
  imports: [NgxPainlessFormModule],
export class AppModule {}


Component call in template file


Important imports

import { Component, ViewEncapsulation } from "@angular/core";
import { IForm, Form, FormControlWrapper, Validators } from "ngx-painless-form";

Example form instance retrieved from a database

let exampleFormValue: IForm = {
  id: "1",
  text: "Thiasddsas",
  date: new Date("2025-07-01"),
  datetime: new Date("2025-07-01"),
  month: new Date("2025-07-01"),
  time: "03:20",
  number: 11,
  textarea: "This is a text area example",
  password: "password-example",
  email: "",
  color: "#000000",
  search: "test",
  checkbox: false,
  url: "",
  phone: "+123/45-67890",
  week: "2021-W01",
  range: 60000,
  select2Multiple: ["1", "2"],
  select2Single: "1",

Form generation modeled by the form instance

  /* ... */
export class AppComponent {
  // Define what happens on submit
  onSubmitFn = (value: IForm): any => console.log(value);

  // Define optional form title
  formTitle: string = "Example title";

  // Define form configuration
  formInstance: Form = new FormControlWrapper(exampleFormValue)
      formControlName: "text",
      label: "Text label",
      placeholder: "Text placeholder",
      validatorConfigs: [
        Validators.required("Text required!"),
          message: "At least 5 characters required!",
          isValid: (v) => v.length >= 5,
      formControlName: "datetime",
      label: "Datetime label",
      validatorConfigs: [
        Validators.required("Datetime required!"),
          message: "Year must be 2022 or above",
          isValid: (d) => d.getFullYear() >= 2022,
      formControlName: "date",
      label: "Date label",
      validatorConfigs: [
        Validators.required("Date required!"),
          message: "Date year must be above 2023",
          isValid: (d) => d.getFullYear() > 2023,
      formControlName: "month",
      label: "Month label",
      validatorConfigs: [
        Validators.required("Month required!"),
          message: "Month must be greater than April",
          isValid: (d) => (d as Date).getMonth() > 3,
      formControlName: "time",
      label: "Time label",
      validatorConfigs: [
        Validators.required("Time required!"),
        { message: "HH should be less than 4", isValid: (t) => t.hh < 4 },
      formControlName: "color",
      label: "Color label",
      validatorConfigs: [
        { message: "Red has to be 0", isValid: (c) => c.rgb?.red === 0 },
      formControlName: "number",
      label: "Number label",
      placeholder: "Number placeholder",
      validatorConfigs: [
        Validators.required("Number required!"),
        { message: "Number should be greater than 10", isValid: (v) => v > 10 },
      formControlName: "textarea",
      label: "Textarea label",
      placeholder: "Textarea placeholder",
      validatorConfigs: [Validators.required("Textarea required!")],
      formControlName: "password",
      label: "Password label",
      placeholder: "Password placeholder",
      validatorConfigs: [Validators.required("Password required!")],
      formControlName: "email",
      label: "Email label",
      placeholder: "Email placeholder",
      validatorConfigs: [Validators.required("Email required!")],
      formControlName: "search",
      label: "Search label",
      validatorConfigs: [Validators.required("Search required!")],
      formControlName: "url",
      label: "URL label",
      placeholder: "URL placeholder",
      validatorConfigs: [Validators.required("Url required!")],
      formControlName: "checkbox",
      validatorConfigs: [
        { message: "Checkbox must be false", isValid: (c) => !c },
      label: "Checkbox label",
      formControlName: "select2Single",
      label: "Select2 single label",
      placeholder: "Select2 single placeholder",
      data: [
        { id: "1", text: "Option1" },
        { id: "2", text: "Option2" },
        { id: "3", text: "Option3" },
      validatorConfigs: [Validators.required("Select2 single required!")],
      formControlName: "select2Multiple",
      label: "Select2 multiple label",
      placeholder: "Select2 multiple placeholder",
      data: [
        { id: "1", text: "Option1" },
        { id: "2", text: "Option2" },
        { id: "3", text: "Option3" },
      validatorConfigs: [
        Validators.required("Select2 multiple required!"),
          message: "Select must have exactly 1 value",
          isValid: (res) => res.length === 1,
      formControlName: "phone",
      label: "Phone label",
      placeholder: "Phone placeholder",
      validatorConfigs: [Validators.required("Phone required!")],
      formControlName: "file",
      label: "File label",
      validatorConfigs: [Validators.required("File required!")],
      formControlName: "files",
      multiple: true,
      label: "Files multiple label",
      validatorConfigs: [
        Validators.required("Files multiple required!"),
          message: "There should be only one file",
          isValid: (files) => files?.length === 1,
      formControlName: "week",
      label: "Week label",
      validatorConfigs: [
        Validators.required("Week required!"),
        { message: "Week must be 1", isValid: (w) => w.week === 1 },
      formControlName: "range",
      label: "Range label",
      min: 10000,
      max: 200000,
      validatorConfigs: [
        Validators.min(50000, "You have to be at least 50000 years old!"),

Form generation result

Form generation result

Package Sidebar


npm i ngx-input-annotations

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  • brunotot