TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.0.9 • Public • Published


This is a typescript library that will help you parser, search and scrap data from html. with this library it will be very easy to convert the html to json with a very little code.


npm i node-html-scraper


interface ITest {
  name: string;
  image: string;
  children: IChild[];

interface IChild {
  name: any;
import Parser from 'node-html-scraper'
var url = "";
var fetchedHtml=`<html>
<div class="item">
<p class="title">Item header 1</p>
<img src="/test.png" />
<li>item 1</li>
<li>item 2</li>
<div class="item">
<p class="title">Item header 2</p> 
<img src="/test2.png" />
<li>item 1</li>
<li>item 2</li>
// we add the url here is to be able to complete the image src or link href if its a relative path.
var parsedHtml = Parser.parseHtml(fetchedHtml, url);
var items = parsedHtml.find(".item").toObject<ITest>()
            .field(x =>, a =>'.title').text())
            .field(x=> x.image, x=>"img").attr("src").url())   
            .field(x => x.children, x => x.find("ul > li").map(m=> { 
                 return {
                     name: m.text(),  

Tranlsate a searchable Config

You could also build a config json where you build your object throw it.

note: for path see the settings below.

   var config = [
        column: 'name',
        path: 's=.title&te=false',
        column: 'image',
        path: 's=img&at=src&ul',
        column: 'children',
        isArray: true,
        path: 'f=ul > li',
        nested: [
            column: 'name',
            path: 'te=false',
var parsedHtml = Parser.parseHtml(fetchedHtml, url);
// see the result below
var items = parsedHtml.find(".item").toObject<ITest>().translate(config).toList();


This is how items will look like when its returned

name:"Item header 1"
►0:{name:"item 1"}
►1:{name:"item 2"}

name:"Item header 2"
►0:{name:"item 1"}
►1:{name:"item 2"}

IConfig Path selector settings

you could build your path to your html node by using the settings below. Those path are seperated by & as queryString.

// example s=.title
s= select
// example f=.title
f= find
// example s=.title&te=false/true
te= text
// example at=src
at= attr
// example ch
ch= cleanHtml
// example in
ih= innerHtml
// example oh
oh= outerHtml
// example pa
pa= parent
// example eq=0
eq= index
// example ft
ft= first
// lt
lt= last
// example ct=.item
ct= closest
// example at=src&ul
ul= url


  /** find(querySelectorAll) items by its selector. available selector is css5  */
  find: (selector: string) => ISelector;
    /** find(querySelector) an item by its selector. available selector is css5  */
  select: (selector: string) => ISelector;
    /** get  closest by selector */
  closest: (selector: string) => ISelector;
   /** get attr of the element, eg .attr("title|alt").text()
    * This will try to find "title" if it failed or its empty it will try "alt" instead.
  attr: (selector: string) => ISelector;
     /** get the full url. if the attr is full url then return it or return the baseurl/attr value
      * eg .attr("src").url()
  url: () => string;
   /** get the last element of the selected items */
  last: () => ISelector;
   /** get the selected text, this differ from innerhtml as the text will be cleaned */
  text: (structuredText?: boolean) => string;
   /** selected node value  */
  nodeValue: () => string | undefined;
   /** attr value without changing it  */
  attValue: () => string | undefined;
    /** remove script, style , input etc and clean the html object before returned it  */
  cleanInnerHTML: () => string;
    /** the orginal innerhtml without changing it  */
  innerHTML: () => string;
   /** the orginal outerhtml without changing it  */
  outerHTML: () => string;
     /** return all innertext of the selected items  */
  textArray: () => string[];
     /** the selected attr has value  */
  hasValue: () => boolean;
     /** the selected element exists  */
  hasElement: () => boolean;
    /** the selected elements exists  */
  hasElements: () => boolean;
    /** length of the selected elements  */
  length:()=> number;
    /** remove selected items. available selector is css5   */
  remove: (selector: string) => ISelector;
     /** loop throw each item  */
  forEach:<T>(func: (jq: ISelector, index?: number, arr?: T[]) => void)=> void;
     /** loop throw each item and do a manual seach  */
  where:<T>(func: (jq: ISelector, index?: number, arr?: T[]) => boolean) => ISelector;
     /** loop throw each item and return the desire extracted result   */
  map:<T>(func: (jq: ISelector, index?: number, arr?: T[]) => T) => T[];
  reduce: <T>(func: (itemType: any, jq: ISelector, index?: number, arr?: T[]) => void,itemType: any) => any;
       /** parent of the selected item   */
  parent:()=> ISelector;
     /** find at index of the selected items   */
  eq: (index: number) => ISelector;
       /** children of the selected item   */
  children: ()=> ISelector;
  /** convert the parsed html to object   */
  toObject:<T extends {}>() => IObjectContructor<T>

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  • alen.toma