
1.2.5 • Public • Published


This node is here to interact with VBAN .

VBAN is a protocol used by VB-Audio software products ( Voicemeeter / VB-Cables / MT-128 and other )

So, you can :

  • control your node-red from a MIDI keyboard (vban-receive-midi-or-serial)
  • update a midi keyboard from your node-red (vban-send-midi-or-serial)
  • Use macro from voicemeeter in node-red ? (vban-receive-text)
  • Or send a macro to voicemeeter (to play a sound on your computer for example) ? (vban-send-text)
  • and many others functions

Feel free to open an issue if you have a question


Some examples are available directly in node-red : Menu => Import => Examples => node-red-contrib-vlan

And you can get more information in the Examples folder


A point about security.

VBAN can allow you to run programs on the other computer, so without security, it can allow an attacker to take the control of your computer .

Doesn't forget to allow only some senders, and doesn't accept packet from all ips .

Developpers / Contributing

Adding nodes to this library is pretty easy .

First, be sure to have a ready node-red environnement (follow install tutorial), then clone the repos and install it in node-red config directory with a local module npm i /home/thib3113/repo/ .

Then, you can create a new node, you can check the example of VBANReceiver :

  • Run the command : gulp createNode --n=my-node-name (replace my-node-name by your node name, using kebab-case)
  • A file MyNodeName.ts will be created in src/nodes (`MyNodeNameis the PascalCase version of my-node-name)
    • check it parents to check the functions available for your node
    • type of the node will be in src/types/TMyNodeNameNode.ts (part that will be exported to other nodes)
    • typed config/definition for the node will be in src/types/TMyNodeNameNodeConfig.ts
  • A file MyNodeName.html will be created in src/nodes, it's the configuration UI part of your node, where you can set the option you need (doesn't forget to add them to src/types/TMyNodeNameNodeConfig.ts too)

This library use the nodejs library VBAN, feel free to read the documentation here .

When you are ready, open a PR

Thank you


more informations here

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  • thib3113