
1.0.0 • Public • Published


Makes event APIs behave in the standard way


Install with npm:

npm install --save normify-listeners


However you use the normify-listeners module, it is important that you call it before any of your other code so that its fixes are applied first.

CommonJS require():


ES2015 import:

import normifyListeners from 'normify-listeners';

Browser globals:

Download normify-listeners.js from the dist directory, and include in your HTML file:

<script src="normify-listeners.js"></script>


Use normify-listeners.js from the dist directory:

require( ['normify-listeners'], function( normifyListeners ){
} );


The normifyListeners( options ) function takes an options object with the following fields:

  • domOnly: If true (default), only window, document, and Element are patched. If false, only EventTarget is patched. Since EventTarget affects other prototypes like AudioContext and known issues only affect DOM objects, it's probably safer to use domOnly: true.

Known issues this lib resolves

  • Chrome 56 breaks support for the EventTarget.addEventListener function. Chrome assumes that all touch events should be passive unless explicitly specified otherwise --- even though older apps wouldn't be aware of the options parameter to addEventListener(). This makes all calls to event.preventDefault() fail.
    • The addEventListener() function is normalised to make browsers that assume nonstandard behaviour use the correct, default options. The addEventListener() function is wrapped, passing the default options explicitly (options = { capture: false, once: false, passive: false }). This makes Chrome behave in line with standard, well-established behaviour: event.preventDefault() works properly by default, as it always has done.
    • References: W3C DOM Living Standard, Chromium bug #639227, WICG/interventions#18
  • The addition of the options parameter to the addEventListener() function means that passing a function could be misinterpreted by older browsers as useCapture == true.
    • Browser support for the options parameter of addEventListener() is checked in tandem with the third argument of addEventListener. This means you can always use the options parameter without having to worry about old browsers misinterpreting it as useCapture == true.

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  • maxkfranz