
1.0.32 • Public • Published

Okta for Static Site

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Use this NPM module to serve your static site behind Okta Single Sign On.

Create an Okta App

To use this software you need to create a SAML2 Okta App. More info here: http://developer.okta.com/docs/guides/oan_guidance.html.

IMPORTANT: In the app configuration, use http[s]://DOMAIN:PORT/login in the field Single Sign On URL. Eg: http://localhost:3000/login.

IMPORTANT 2: Don't put a static page in any path starting with /login. This breaks the login system.


[sudo] npm install okta-for-static-site -g


Usage: okta-for-static-site [options]

  -c, --config               JSON file with configuration.  [default: "./okta-for-static-site.json"]
  -i, --oktaIssuer           From your Okta app.  [required]
  -u, --oktaSingleSignOnUrl  From your Okta app.  [required]
  -t, --oktaCert             From your Okta app. You can inform a path or the content of certificate.  [required]
  -f, --staticSitePath       Path to files to serve.  [default: "."]
  -x, --sessionSecret        Used to sign session cookie. Very important for your security!  [default: "secret"]
  -r, --redisUrl             URL for connect with your redis instance, in the format "redis://". We use Redis to manage sessions. Without Redis, session data is stored in memory and doesn't have the capacity to manage sessions for a production site.
  -n, --custom404            Inform a custom 404 file to send to users in case of file not found.
  -z, --compressionLevel     Compression level of served files. This is an integer in the range of 0 (no compression) to 9 (maximum compression).  [default: "6"]
  -o, --oktaCookieName       Name of the cookie with user info accessible from your static site.  [default: "okta-data"]
  -s, --sessionCookieName    Name of signed cookie with session id.  [default: "session-id"]
  -p, --serverPort           Port to use for the server.  [default: "3000"]
  -j, --serverSslCert        Certificate to use if you want https. To enable https provide SSL certificate and key. You can inform a path or a string with the content of certificate.
  -k, --serverSslKey         Key to use if you want https. To enable https provide SSL certificate and key. You can inform a path or a string with the content of key.

You can use environment variables too. For more info go to https://github.com/andreleite/okta-for-static-site/

Environment variables

You can use environment variables. For example, to inform the value of oktaIssuer, use an environment variable with the name OFSS_OKTA_ISSUER. OFSS_ is an added prefix to identify the variables that this software will read. Then, the original camel case variable name (oktaIssuer) is converted to an upper snake case (OKTA_ISSUER) and concatenated with the prefix.

Program arguments are defined in this order of precedence:

  1. Command line arguments
  2. Config file
  3. Environment variable
  4. Configured defaults


All relative paths use the directory where you started the command as base directory. You can use absolute paths if you prefer.

Examples of config file

Using paths to certificates

  "oktaIssuer": "http://www.okta.com/xxxxxx",
  "oktaSingleSignOnUrl": "https://xxxxxx.okta.com/app/xxxxxx/xxxxxx/sso/saml",
  "oktaCert": "okta.cert",
  "oktaCookieName": "oktaData",
  "sessionCookieName": "sessionId",
  "sessionSecret": "xxxxxxxxx",
  "redisUrl": "redis://",
  "serverSslCert": "cert.pem",
  "serverSslKey": "key.pem",
  "serverPort": 443,
  "staticSitePath": "public",
  "custom404": "404/index.html"

Using contents of certificates (The contents of certificates are truncated)

  "oktaIssuer": "http://www.okta.com/xxxxxx",
  "oktaSingleSignOnUrl": "https://xxxxxx.okta.com/app/xxxxxx/xxxxxx/sso/saml",
  "oktaCookieName": "oktaData",
  "sessionCookieName": "sessionId",
  "sessionSecret": "xxxxxxxxx",
  "redisUrl": "redis://",
  "serverSslCert": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIEGzCCAwOgAwIBAgIJAMDQ9pOnWa7yMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMIGjMQswCQYD\nVQQ (...) Rbhl\nHAohrf8lAB1u/UTFZYBaTIxYrVDJosL06Y1NqPG4cg8oUAAZmNnG5ni6DsnNyag=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n",
  "serverSslKey": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIEogIBAAKCAQEA4o4mxoUIB92HJHwzDZYt0osdfeVlWzAlex3ZEixikETN4lJH\n5Zq (...) 3n/H\nHVPp5Y7RJ3HbHygNQuXi4goK7wDjYYndg1pLB7ZErcLV3nWTh8A=\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
  "serverPort": 443,
  "staticSitePath": "public",
  "custom404": "404/index.html"

Minimalist version using just required paraments

  "oktaIssuer": "http://www.okta.com/xxxxxx",
  "oktaSingleSignOnUrl": "https://xxxxxx.okta.com/app/xxxxxx/xxxxxx/sso/saml",


User data

All Atributte Staments configured in Okta are accessible in your static site. When an user logs in, the system write a cookie with default name oktaData (you can change this with parameters). This cookie has a json string with user data and is accessible using Javascript.

Redis as session storage

You should use Redis to manage sessions for your site. There is a parameter to inform the connection url in the form of redis://

Without Redis url, the system manage sessions in memory, and doesn't have capacity to manage sessions to a production site.

Redirect to correct page after login

If a not logged user accesses a page on your site and is redirected to okta, after login, he or she sees the correct page and not the homepage.

This resource uses a cookie named redirect. The cookie is deleted after login.

Logout url

You can show a logout link on your static site. Just point to /login/logout.

Logout deletes the session cookie of your site and redirects the user to okta's site to close your session there.

After logout, the user is redirected to a login customized to redirect the user to your home page if login is made again.

Custom 404 file

Use the custom404 parameter to inform a custom 404 page.

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npm i okta-for-static-site

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  • andreleite