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2.0.1 • Public • Published

Oro Ftp

OroFtp Class is a wrapper of promise-ftp to simplify their use.

promise-ftp is a FTP client module for node.js that provides an asynchronous interface for communicating with a FTP server.

To have the same interface using SFTP, you can utilize the OroSFtp class available through OroSFtp package.

npm install oro-ftp


// cjs
const { OFtp } = require( 'oro-ftp' );

// mjs, ts
import OFtp from 'oro-ftp';

const ftpClient = new OFtp( { 
  host: 'custom-server.com', 
  port: 21, 
  user: 'custom-user', 
  password: 'custom-password' 
} );

const ftpUpload = await ftpClient.uploadOne( `./folder-from/filename`, 'folder-to/filename' );

console.log( ftpUpload );
// -> { status: true, ... }


Error Code List

When an error happens, instead to throw an error, it's returned a managed responseKO.

responseKO is an object with 3 fields:

interface responseKO {
  status: false;
  error: {
    msg: string;         // explaining the error
    code: OFtpErrorCode; // string
    // ...               // other data, it depends on method error
  tryAgain: boolean;

type OFtpErrorCode =
  | 'ENOENT'
  | 'EEXIST'

new OFtp()

new OFtp( config?: OFtpConfig );

type OFtpConfig = PromiseFtp.Options &  {
  host?: string;
  port?: number;
  user?: string;
  password?: string;
  readyTimeout?: number;          // def: 3000
  disconnectWhenError?: boolean;  // def: true

As parameters, you can pass the server config data (you can also do it in .connect()).

In addition, config has param disconnectWhenError (default true), so when an error happens, connection closes automatically.

const OFtp = require( 'oro-ftp' );

const config = {
  host: 'custom-server.com',
  port: 21,
  user: 'custom-user',
  password: 'custom-password',
  readyTimeout: 3000,
  disconnectWhenError: true

const ftpClient = new OFtp( config );


ftpClient.getClient(): PromiseFtp;

If you want to use the library promise-ftp, you can get the object.

const ftpClient = new OFtp( config );

const promiseFtp = ftpClient.getClient();

await .connect()

await ftpClient.connect( config?: OFtpConfig ) => Promise<OFtpConnectResponse>;

type OFtpConfig = PromiseFtp.Options &  {
  host?: string;
  port?: number;
  user?: string;
  password?: string;
  readyTimeout?: number;          // def: 3000
  disconnectWhenError?: boolean;  // def: true

export type OFtpConnectResponse = 
  | SResponseOKBasic
  | SResponseKOObjectAgain<OFtpConnectError>;

interface SResponseOKBasic { 
  status: true;

interface SResponseKOObjectAgain { 
  status: false;
  error: {
    msg: string;
    code: OFtpErrorCode;
    config: OFtpConfig;
  tryAgain: boolean;

interface OFtpConnectError {
  msg: string;
  code: OFtpErrorCode;
  config: OFtpConfig;

When you create a connection, it's expected that you will disconnect it later.

This method return a response, which is an object with status: true | false.

const ftpClient = new OFtp( config );

const connected = await ftpClient.connect();
console.log( connected ); 
// -> { status: true }

await .disconnect()

await ftpClient.disconnect() => Promise<OFtpDisconnectResponse>;

export type OFtpDisconnectResponse = 
  | SResponseOKBasic 
  | SResponseKOBasic;

interface SResponseOKBasic { 
  status: true;

interface SResponseKOBasic { 
  status: false;

Note: If you don't .disconnect() when finished, the script still running.

Note2: There is a param in config disconnectWhenError by default true. This means that if a method (like upload or move) return status: false, the ftpClient will be disconnected automatically.

This method return a response, which is an object with status: true | false.

const ftpClient = new OFtp( config );

const connected = await ftpClient.connect();

// ...

const disconnected = await ftpClient.disconnect();
console.log( disconnected );
// -> { status: true }

await .upload()

await ftpClient.upload( filepathFrom: string, filepathTo?: string ) 
  => Promise<OFtpFileResponse>;

export type OFtpFileResponse =
  | SResponseOKObject<OFtpFileObject> 
  | SResponseKOObject<OFtpFileError>;

interface SResponseOKObject { 
  status: true;
  filename: string;
  filepath: string;

interface SResponseKOObject { 
  status: false;
  error: {
    msg: string;
    filepathFrom: string;
    filepathTo?: string;
    code?: OFtpErrorCode;

interface OFtpFileObject {
  filename: string;
  filepath: string;

interface OFtpFileError {
  msg: string;
  filepathFrom: string;
  filepathTo?: string;
  code?: OFtpErrorCode;

upload is the action to copy from local to ftp folder.

If filepathTo is not declared, it takes the filename of filepathFrom and save it on ftp main folder.

const ftpClient = new OFtp( config );

const connected = await ftpClient.connect();
if( ! connected.status ) { return connected; }

const uploaded = await ftpClient.upload( './files/custom-file.pdf' );
console.log( uploaded );
// -> { status: true, filename: 'custom-file.pdf', ... }

await ftpClient.disconnect();

await .uploadOne()

await ftpClient.upload( filepathFrom: string, filepathTo?: string ) 
  => Promise<OFtpUploadOneResponse>;

export type OFtpUploadOneResponse =
  | SResponseOKObject<OFtpFileObject>
  | SResponseKOObject<OFtpFileError | OFtpConnectError>;

interface SResponseOKObject { 
  status: true;
  filename: string;
  filepath: string;

type SResponseKOObject =
  | { 
      status: false;
      error: {
        msg: string;
        filepathFrom: string;
        filepathTo?: string;
        code?: OFtpErrorCode;
  | {
      status: false;
      error: {
        msg: string;
        code: OFtpErrorCode;
        config: OFtpConfig;

interface OFtpFileObject {
  filename: string;
  filepath: string;

interface OFtpFileError {
  msg: string;
  filepathFrom: string;
  filepathTo?: string;
  code?: OFtpErrorCode;

interface OFtpConnectError {
  msg: string;
  code: OFtpErrorCode;
  config: OFtpConfig;

If you want to upload just one file, you can use this method and inside:

  1. it's connected,
  2. file is uploaded,
  3. it's disconnected.
const ftpClient = new OFtp( { config } );

const uploaded = await ftpClient.uploadOne( './files/custom-file.pdf' );
console.log( uploaded );
// -> { status: true, filename: 'custom-file.pdf', ... }

await .download()

await ftpClient.download( filepathFrom: string, filepathTo?: string ) 
  => Promise<OFtpFileResponse>;

export type OFtpFileResponse =
  | SResponseOKObject<OFtpFileObject>
  | SResponseKOObject<OFtpFileError>;

interface SResponseOKObject { 
  status: true;
  filename: string;
  filepath: string;

interface SResponseKOObject { 
  status: false;
  error: {
    msg: string;
    filepathFrom: string;
    filepathTo?: string;
    code?: OFtpErrorCode;

interface OFtpFileObject {
  filename: string;
  filepath: string;

interface OFtpFileError {
  msg: string;
  filepathFrom: string;
  filepathTo?: string;
  code?: OFtpErrorCode;

download is the action to copy from ftp folder to local.

If filepathTo is not declared, it takes the filename of filepathFrom and save it on local main folder.

const ftpClient = new OFtp( config );

const connected = await ftpClient.connect();
if( ! connected.status ) { return connected; }

const downloaded = await ftpClient.download( 'custom-file.pdf' );
console.log( downloaded );
// -> { status: true, filename: 'custom-file.pdf', ... }


await .list()

await ftpClient.list( folder?: string, filters?: OFtpListFilters ) 
  => Promise<OFtpListResponse>;

interface OFtpListFilters {
  onlyFiles?: boolean | undefined;        // def: false
  onlyFolders?: boolean | undefined;      // def: false
  pattern?: string | RegExp | undefined;

export type OFtpListResponse =
  | SResponseOKObject<OFtpListObject> 
  | SResponseKOObject<OFtpListError>;

interface SResponseOKObject { 
  status: true;
  count: number; // list.length
  list: OFtpListFile[];

interface SResponseKOObject { 
  status: false;
  error: {
    msg: string;
    folder: string;
    filters: OFtpListFilters;
    code?: OFtpErrorCode;

export interface OFtpListFile {
  path: string;
  name: string;
  type: OFtpListFileType;
  date: Date;
  size: number;
  owner: string;
  group: string;
  target: string | undefined;
  rights: {
    user: string;
    group: string;
    other: string;

type OFtpListFileType = '-' | 'd' | 'l'; 
// 'file' | 'folder' | 'symlink'

export interface OFtpListObject {
  count: number; // list.length
  list: OFtpListFile[];

export interface OFtpListError {
  msg: string;
  folder: string;
  filters: OFtpListFilters;
  code?: OFtpErrorCode;

list is the action to take a look at what is in ftp folder.

const ftpClient = new OFtp( config );

const connected = await ftpClient.connect();
if( ! connected.status ) { return connected; }

const files = await ftpClient.list();
console.log( files );
// -> { status: true, count: 7, list: [ ... ] }

  • Filter: pattern

pattern filter can be a regular expression (most powerful option) or a simple glob-like string where * will match any number of characters, e.g.

foo* => foo, foobar, foobaz
*bar => bar, foobar, tabbar
*oo* => foo, foobar, look, book

response example

  status: true,
  count: // list.length
  list: [
      type: // file type(-, d, l)
      name: // file name
      path: // file path
      date: // file date of modified time
      size: // file size
      rights: { user: 'rwx', group: 'rwx', other: 'rwx' }
      owner: // user number ID
      group: // group number ID

await .move()

await ftpClient.move( filepathFrom: string, filepathTo?: string ) 
  => Promise<OFtpFileResponse>;

export type OFtpFileResponse =
  | SResponseOKObject<OFtpFileObject> 
  | SResponseKOObject<OFtpFileError>;

interface SResponseOKObject { 
  status: true;
  filename: string;
  filepath: string;

interface SResponseKOObject { 
  status: false;
  error: {
    msg: string;
    filepathFrom: string;
    filepathTo?: string;
    code?: OFtpErrorCode;

interface OFtpFileObject {
  filename: string;
  filepath: string;

interface OFtpFileError {
  msg: string;
  filepathFrom: string;
  filepathTo?: string;
  code?: OFtpErrorCode;

move is the action to move from ftp folder to ftp folder (or event rename).

const ftpClient = new OFtp( config );

const connected = await ftpClient.connect();
if( ! connected.status ) { return connected; }

const moved = await ftpClient.move( 'custom-file.pdf', 'backup/custom-file.pdf' );
console.log( moved );
// -> { status: true, filename: 'custom-file.pdf', ... }


await .delete()

await ftpClient.delete( filepathFrom: string, strict?: boolean ) 
  => Promise<OFtpFileResponse>;

export type OFtpFileResponse =
  | SResponseOKObject<OFtpFileObject>
  | SResponseKOObject<OFtpFileError>;

interface SResponseOKObject { 
  status: true;
  filename: string;
  filepath: string;

interface SResponseKOObject { 
  status: false;
  error: {
    msg: string;
    filepathFrom: string;
    code?: OFtpErrorCode;

interface OFtpFileObject {
  filename: string;
  filepath: string;

interface OFtpFileError {
  msg: string;
  filepathFrom: string;
  code?: OFtpErrorCode;

delete is the action to remove a file from ftp folder.

When strict = false and not found the file, it returns { status: true }.

const ftpClient = new OFtp( config );

const connected = await ftpClient.connect();
if( ! connected.status ) { return connected; }

const deleted = await ftpClient.delete( 'custom-file.pdf' );
console.log( deleted );
// -> { status: true, filename: 'custom-file.pdf', ... }


await .exists()

await ftpClient.exists( filepathFrom: string, disconnectWhenError?: boolean ) 
  => Promise<OFtpExistResponse>;

export type OFtpExistResponse =
  | SResponseOKObject<OFtpExistObject>
  | SResponseKOObject<OFtpExistError>;

interface SResponseOKObject { 
  status: true;
  filename: string;
  filepath: string;
  type: string;

interface SResponseKOObject { 
  status: false;
  error: {
    msg: string;
    filename: string;
    filepath: string;
    code?: OFtpErrorCode;

interface OFtpExistObject {
  filename: string;
  filepath: string;
  type: string;

interface OFtpExistError {
  msg: string;
  filename: string;
  filepath: string;
  code?: OFtpErrorCode;

exists is the action to check if a file or folder exists in ftp folder.

const ftpClient = new OFtp( config );

const connected = await ftpClient.connect();
if( ! connected.status ) { return connected; }

const exists = await ftpClient.exists( 'custom-file.pdf' );
console.log( exists );
// -> { status: true, filename: 'custom-file.pdf', ... }


await .mkdir()

await ftpClient.mkdir( folder, recursive?: boolean, strict?: boolean ) 
  => Promise<OFtpFolderResponse>;

export type OFtpFolderResponse =
  | SResponseOKObject<OFtpFolderObject>
  | SResponseKOObject<OFtpFolderError>;

interface SResponseOKObject { 
  status: true;
  foldername: string;
  folderpath: string;

interface SResponseKOObject { 
  status: false;
  error: {
    msg: string;
    filepathFrom: string;
    code?: OFtpErrorCode;

interface OFtpFolderObject {
  foldername: string;
  folderpath: string;

interface OFtpFolderError {
  msg: string;
  folder: string;
  code?: OFtpErrorCode;

mkdir is the action to create folders in ftp folder.

When recursive = true it allows to create the subfolders too.

When strict = false and folder already exist, it returns { status: true }.

const ftpClient = new OFtp( config );

const connected = await ftpClient.connect();
if( ! connected.status ) { return connected; }

const created = await ftpClient.mkdir( 'custom-folder/custom-subfolder', true );
console.log( created );
// -> { status: true, foldername: 'custom-subfolder', ... }


await .rmdir()

await ftpClient.rmdir( folder, strict?: boolean ) 
  => Promise<OFtpFolderResponse>;

export type OFtpFolderResponse =
  | SResponseOKObject<OFtpFolderObject>
  | SResponseKOObject<OFtpFolderError>;

interface SResponseOKObject { 
  status: true;
  foldername: string;
  folderpath: string;

interface SResponseKOObject { 
  status: false;
  error: {
    msg: string;
    filepathFrom: string;
    code?: OFtpErrorCode;

interface OFtpFolderObject {
  foldername: string;
  folderpath: string;

interface OFtpFolderError {
  msg: string;
  folder: string;
  code?: OFtpErrorCode;

rmdir is the action to remove folders in ftp folder.

When strict = false and not found the folder, it returns { status: true }.

const ftpClient = new OFtp( config );

const connected = await ftpClient.connect();
if( ! connected.status ) { return connected; }

const removed = await ftpClient.rmdir( 'custom-folder', true );
console.log( removed );
// -> { status: true, foldername: 'custom-folder', ... }


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