This package has been deprecated

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This package is no longer maintained. For continued support please use @fidelisppm/paginated-table


1.0.3 • Public • Published


A paginated table made in React/ES6.


  • Pagination!
  • Sort by clicking on headers!
  • Choose how many rows are shown per page!
  • Null values automatically replaced by hyphens!
  • Automatic formatting of phone numbers!
  • Looks fancy!



The first of two mandatory props is headers. This should contain an array of objects. Each object has the following properties:

  • key: (string) The name of a key provided in the dataRows prop
  • name: (string) The name you want to be displayed on the table header
  • center (bool) If true, the column header and data will be centered. Defaults to false
  • sortable: (bool) If false, clicking the column header will not sort the data. Defaults to true

Example headers array:

const exampleHeaders = [
    { key: 'first', name: 'First', center: true }, // Center defaults to false
    { key: 'last', name: 'Last' },
    { key: 'job', name: 'Job', sortable: false }, // Sortable defaults to true


The second mandatory prop is dataRows. This should be an array of objects, each representing a row of data to be displayed in the table. Each data object may optionally contain a special property overrides. This property should be an object whose properties are named the same as the key it is intended to override. Its value will be displayed to the user instead of the value associated with its key. This allows you to sort and filter by the real value, but show something different to the user.

Example dataRows array:

const exampleRows = [
    { first: 'James', last: 'Kirk', job: 'Captain' },
    { first: 'Hikaru', last: 'Sulu', job: 'Helmsman' },
    { first: 'Nyota', last: 'Uhura', job: 'Communications' },
    { first: 'Montgomery', last: 'Scott', job: 'Engineer' },
    { first: 'Pavel', last: 'Chekov', job: 'Tactical' },
    { first: null, last: 'Spock', job: 'Science' },
    { first: 'Jean-Luc', last: 'Picard', job: 'Captain' },
    { first: 'Geordie', last: 'LaForge', job: 'Engineer' },
    { first: 'Beverley', last: 'Crusher', job: 'Doctor' },
    { first: 'Deanna', last: 'Troi', job: 'Counselor' },
    { first: null, last: 'Data', job: 'Science' },
    { first: 'Worf', last: 'Son of Mogh', job: 'Tactical' },
    { first: 'William', last: 'Riker', job: 'First Officer' },
        first: null,
        last: 'Guinan',
        job: 'Bartender',
        overrides: {
            last: <b>Guinan</b>,

In the example above, the last object in the array will have a true value "Guinan" in its last property, but <b>Guinan</b> will be rendered instead.


An optional prop which accepts an integer representing the number of rows to display per page. Defaults to 10.


An optional prop which accepts a string representing a property found in the dataRows objects. The table will render initially sorted by that value according to the initialSortAsc prop.


An optional prop which accepts a boolean value. If false, will sort the column specified in initialSortKey in descending order when the table first renders. Defaults to true.


An optional prop which accepts a boolean value. This represents the page number to be displayed upon the initial render. If the value is greater than the total number of pages, the last page will be displayed. Defaults to 1.

How to use it

In your React app, import PaginatedTable and use it in your render function.

<PaginatedTable headers={exampleHeaders} dataRows={exampleRows} />

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