
2.3.9 • Public • Published



Fast and advanced, document-based and key-value-based NoSQL database.


  • NoSQL database
  • Can be run as it is installed
  • Can be used document-based and key-value-based
  • Customizable settings for collections
  • No need to use schema
  • Quick data reading and writing
  • Data can be kept in cache
  • Easy to find data
  • Automatically or manual backup

Latest Updates

v2.2.1 → v2.3.0

  • Updates for System:
    • <Collection>.Backup() changed. This function will now be used as createBackup().
    • <Collection>.LoadBackup() added. With this function, you can easily restore backups.
    • <Collection>.CreateBackup() returns changed. Now this function, if successful, will return the filename of the backed up collection on its return.
    • <CollectionOptions>.Auto_Backup changed. This option will now be used as auto_create_backup.
  • Updates for Key-Value-Based Collections:
    • <Collection>.Reduce() changed. This function will now be used as decrease().

v2.1.0 → v2.2.0

  • Updates for System:
    • Bugs fixed. Fixed some bugs in the system.
    • <CollectionOptions>.Indicate_Archived_At<[Boolean]> added. If this is enabled, will be automatically specified date when documents are archived.
    • <CollectionOptions>.Indicate_Archived_Timestamp<[Boolean]> added. If this is enabled, will be automatically specified timestamp when documents are archived.
    • <CollectionOptions>.Indicate_Unarchived_At<[Boolean]> added. If this is enabled, will be automatically specified date when documents are unarchived.
    • <CollectionOptions>.Indicate_Unarchived_Timestamp<[Boolean]> added. If this is enabled, will be automatically specified timestamp when documents are unarchived.
  • Updates for document-based Collections:
    • <Collection>.Archive() added. By archiving a document, you can have it ignored by the system.
    • <Collection>.Unarchive() added. You can extract the archived document from the archive.
    • <Collection>.Find(..., options) added. You can customize it with options to find.
    • <Collection>.Filter(..., options) added. You can customize it with options to filter.
    • <Collection>.Has(..., options) added. You can customize it with options to check.
    • <FindOptions>.Archived<[Boolean]> added. With this option you can specify whether to find archived documents or not.
    • <FilterOptions>.Archived<[Boolean]> added. With this option you can specify whether to filter archived documents or not.
    • <HasOptions>.Archived<[Boolean]> added. With this option you can specify whether to check archived documents or not.
  • Updates for Key-Value-Based Collections:
    • <Collection>.Find() added. You can find the data in the array.
    • <Collection>.Filter() added. You can filter the data in the array.

... see all


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new Collection(options)

Create a collection where you can manage and store your data.

Parameter Default Description
options Object
Collection options. String
Name of collection.
options.type String
[IMPORTANT] Type of the collection, which cannot be changed again later.

options.id_length 32 Number (optional) [DOCUMENT-BASED COLLECTIONS]
This determines the length of unique identities given to documents.
options.indicate_created_at false Boolean (optional) [DOCUMENT-BASED COLLECTIONS]
Whether to specify the creation date of documents.
options.indicate_created_timestamp false Boolean (optional) [DOCUMENT-BASED COLLECTIONS]
Whether to specify the creation timestamp of documents.
options.indicate_edited_at false Boolean (optional) [DOCUMENT-BASED COLLECTIONS]
Whether to specify the edited date of documents.
options.indicate_edited_timestamp false Boolean (optional) [DOCUMENT-BASED COLLECTIONS]
Whether to specify the edited timestamp of documents.
options.indicate_archived_at false Boolean (optional) [DOCUMENT-BASED COLLECTIONS]
Whether to specify the archived at of documents.
options.indicate_archived_timestamp false Boolean (optional) [DOCUMENT-BASED COLLECTIONS]
Whether to specify the archived timestamp of documents.
options.indicate_unarchived_at false Boolean (optional) [DOCUMENT-BASED COLLECTIONS]
Whether to specify the unarchived at of documents.
options.indicate_unarchived_timestamp false Boolean (optional) [DOCUMENT-BASED COLLECTIONS]
Whether to specify the unarchived timestamp of documents.
options.save_timeout 1 Number (optional)
This specifies how many seconds after a document is inserted, the collection will be saved. This way it limits the successive saving of the collection when many data are inserted in succession, so the system is not slowed down. Data loss may occur if the system is turned off after repeatedly entering data. When the document is added 5 times in a row, the collection is saved so that the data does not remain unsaved for a long time. This can be edited with the 'save_directly_after' option.
options.save_directly_after 5 Number (optional)
This specifies that after how many documents have been inserted, the collection will be saved without the save timeout.
options.cache_retention_time 10 Number (optional)
[If this value is -1, the cache is kept indefinitely] This specifies how many minutes the cache will be retained if caching is enabled. If there is no activity in the collection, the cache is cleared, thus preventing RAM loss.
options.backup_retention_time 3 Number (optional)
[If this value is -1, backups will never be deleted] This determines after how many days the backups will be deleted.
options.caching false Boolean (optional)
[IMPORTANT] If this is enabled, the data is kept in the cache. In this case, the data is processed quickly, but the size of the collection is the loss of RAM. Is not preferred for large collections.
options.auto_create_backup false Boolean (optional)
If this is enabled, this collection will create automatic backups.
options.detailed_debugger_logs false Boolean (optional)
If this is enabled, it will print more events in the collection to the console.
options.activate_destroy_function false Boolean (optional)
[IMPORTANT] If this is enabled, the <Collection>.Destroy() function becomes operable. This command serves to destroy your collection completely. It is a dangerous command.


const example_collection = new PeakDB.Collection({
  "type": "DOCUMENT_BASED",
    For document-based collections
  "id_length": 32,
  "indicate_created_at": false,
  "indicate_created_timestamp": true,
  "indicate_updated_at": false,
  "indicate_updated_timestamp": true,
  "indicate_archived_at": false,
  "indicate_archived_timestamp": true,
  "indicate_unarchived_at": false,
  "indicate_unarchived_timestamp": true,
    Can be used on all collection types
  "save_timeout": 1,
  "save_directly_after": 5,
  "cache_retention_time": 10,
  "backup_retention_time": 3,
  "caching": true,
  "auto_create_backup": true,
  "detailed_debugger_logs": true,
  "activate_destroy_function": false


insert(document) (document-based)

Insert a document.

Parameter Description
document Object
The document to be written to the collection.

returns Object


accounts.insert({"email": "", "username": "fir4tozden", "password": "12345678", "region": "Muğla"});
    "_id": "RMmXZVDfQrVLQwFlquMPb98XNUCxQ6MM",
    "_updated": false,
    "_archived": false,
    "_created_at": 2022-03-20T00:00:00.000Z,
    "_created_timestamp": 1647745200000,
    "email": "",
    "username": "fir4tozden",
    "password": "12345678",
    "region": "Muğla"

find(params, options) (document-based)

Find a document.

Parameter Description
params Function | Object
The parameters you will use to find the data.
options Object (optional)
Find options.
options.archived Boolean (optional)
Whether to find archived documents.

returns Object


accounts.find(document => === "", {"archived": true});
// or
accounts.find({"email": ""}, {"archived": true});
    "_id": "RMmXZVDfQrVLQwFlquMPb98XNUCxQ6MM",
    "_updated": false,
    "_archived": false,
    "_created_at": 2022-03-20T00:00:00.000Z,
    "_created_timestamp": 1647745200000,
    "email": "",
    "username": "fir4tozden",
    "password": "12345678",
    "region": "Muğla"

filter(params, options) (document-based)

Filter documents.

Parameter Description
params Function | Object
The parameters you will use to filter the data.
options Object (optional)
Filter options.
options.archived Boolean (optional)
Whether to filter archived documents.

returns Array<Object>


accounts.filter(document => document.region === "Muğla", {"archived": true});
// or
accounts.filter({"region": "Muğla"}, {"archived": true});
      "_id": "RMmXZVDfQrVLQwFlquMPb98XNUCxQ6MM",
      "_updated": false,
      "_archived": false,
      "_created_at": 2022-03-20T00:00:00.000Z,
      "_created_timestamp": 1647745200000,
      "email": "",
      "username": "fir4tozden",
      "password": "12345678",
      "region": "Muğla"
      "_id": "23ERK9fHqiH_n83fhzU7eOYtzz6tUl7S",
      "_updated": false,
      "_archived": false,
      "_created_at": 2022-03-20T00:05:00.000Z,
      "_created_timestamp": 1647734700000,
      "email": "",
      "username": "nehir",
      "password": "12345678",
      "region": "Muğla"

has(params, options) (document-based)

Check if they have document.

Parameter Description
params Function | Object
The parameters you will use to check the data.
options Object (optional)
Find options.
options.archived Boolean (optional)
Whether to has archived documents.

returns Boolean


accounts.has(document => document.region === "Muğla"); // -> true
accounts.has({"region": "Muğla"}); // -> true

update(document_id, document) (document-based)

Update a document.

Parameter Description
document_id String
The ID of the document to be updated.
document Object
The document to be updated in the collection.

returns Object


let document = accounts.find(document => === "");
accounts.update(document._id, {"email": "", "username": "hey_im_fir4tozden", "password": "87654321", "region": "İstanbul"});
    "_id: "23ERK9fHqiH_n83fhzU7eOYtzz6tUl7S",
    "_updated": true,
    "_archived": false,
    "_created_at": 2022-03-20T00:00:00.000Z,
    "_created_timestamp": 1647745200000,
    "_updated_at": 2022-03-20T00:10:00.000Z,
    "_updated_timestamp": 1647735000000,
    "email": "",
    "username": "hey_im_fir4tozden",
    "password": "87654321",
    "region": "İstanbul"

archive(document_id) (document-based)

Archive a document.

Parameter Description
document_id String
The ID of the document to be archived.

returns Boolean


let document = accounts.find(document => === "");
accounts.archive(document._id); // -> true

unarchive(document_id) (document-based)

Unarchive a document.

Parameter Description
document_id String
The ID of the document to be unarchived.

returns Boolean


let document = accounts.find(document => === "", {"archived": true});
accounts.unarchive(document._id); // -> true

delete(document_id) (document-based)

Delete a document.

Parameter Description
document_id String
The ID of the document to be deleted.

returns Boolean


let document = accounts.find(document => === "");
accounts.delete(document._id); // -> true

set(key, value) (key-value-based)

Set a value.

Parameter Description
key String | Number
Key to value.
value String | Number | Object | Array
Your data to set.

returns String | Number | Object | Array


user_settings.set("USER_1", {"friend_requests": true});
    "friend_requests": true

get(key) (key-value-based)

Get a value.

Parameter Description
key String | Number
Key to value.

returns String | Number | Object | Array


user_settings.get("USER_1.friend_requests"); // -> true

push(key, data) (key-value-based)

Push a data to array.

Parameter Description
key String | Number
Key to value.
data String | Number | Object | Array
Data to be push to the array.

returns Array


user_settings.push("USER_1.friends", "USER_2");

remove(key, data) (key-value-based)

Remove a data from array.

Parameter Description
key String | Number
Key to value.
data String | Number | Object | Array
Data to be remove from the array.

returns Array


user_settings.remove("USER_1.friends", "USER_2");

find(key, params) (key-value-based)

Find a data from array.

Parameter Description
key String | Number
Key to value.
params Function | Object
The parameters you will use to find the data.

returns Object


user_settings.find("USER_1.social_media_addresses", data => data.platform === "Instagram");
// or
user_settings.find("USER_1.social_media_addresses", {"platform": "Instagram"});
    "platform": "Instagram",
    "username": "fir4tozden"

filter(key, params) (key-value-based)

Filter data from array.

Parameter Description
key String | Number
Key to value.
params Function | Object
The parameters you will use to filter the data.

returns Array


user_settings.filter("USER_1.social_media_addresses", data => data.username === "fir4tozden");
// or
user_settings.filter("USER_1.social_media_addresses", {"username": "fir4tozden"});
      "platform": "Instagram",
      "username": "fir4tozden"
      "platform": "Twitter",
      "username": "fir4tozden"

has(key, params) (key-value-based)

Check if they have key or data.

Parameter Description
key String | Number
Key to value.
params Function | Object | String | Number (optional)
The parameters you will use to check the data.

returns Boolean


user_settings.has("USER_1.hobbies"); // -> true
user_settings.has("USER_1.hobbies", data => data === "Watching TV"); // -> false
user_settings.has("USER_1.hobbies", "Watching TV"); // -> false
user_settings.has("USER_1.social_media_addresses", {"platform": "Instagram"}); // -> true

increase(key, value) (key-value-based)

Increase the number in the value.

Parameter Description
key String | Number
Key to value.
value Number
The number to be incremented.

returns Number


user_settings.increase("USER_1.age", 15); // -> 15
user_settings.increase("USER_1.age", 1); // -> 16

decrease(key, value) (key-value-based)

Decrease the number in the value.

Parameter Description
key String | Number
Key to value.
value Number
The number to be decremented.

returns Number


user_settings.decrease("USER_1.age", 5); // -> 11

delete(key) (key-value-based)

Delete a key.

Parameter Description
key String | Number
Key to value.

returns Number


user_settings.delete("USER_1.age"); // -> true


Create a backup of the collection.

returns String<[BackupFilename]> | Boolean


example_collection.createBackup(); // -> EXAMPLE_COLLECTION_2022-03-20_AUTO.pea


Load a backup to the collection.

Parameter Description
filename String
The filename of the backup.

returns Boolean


example_collection.loadBackup("EXAMPLE_COLLECTION_2022-03-20_AUTO.pea"); // -> true


Destroy the collection.

returns Boolean


example_collection.destroy(); // -> true



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