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Devialet phantom-remote-control

HTTP Adapter to remote control Devialet Phantom Speakers

This code allows you to control your devialet phantom using a very simple API, or even from your web browser. It automatically detects your Devialet Phantom speakers on your local network.

Devialet Phantom

💡 Features

Control the musical playback of your Devialet speakers

Devialet 🔊 Phantom Dialog 🔉 Phantom Premier 🔈 Phantom Reactor
Play mp3 file ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Pause and Resume ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Stop ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Change volume ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Get current volume ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Increase or decrease volume ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Recover the playback position ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Recover the playback duration ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Move playback to a specific time of the music ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Control several speakers at the same time ✔️ ✔️

🔧 Installation

git clone
cd phantom-remote-control
npm install
node index.js

You need NodeJS and NPM

▶️ Usage

URL Description
?play= Play mp3 file
?setVolume=30 Set volume to a specific value
?setVolume=Up Increase volume
?setVolume=Down Decrease volume
?pause=1 Pause
?play=1 Resume
?stop=1 Stop
?getPosition=1 Get current position
?getDuration=1 Get music duration
?seek=30 Move playback to a specific time of the music

🔗 Example:

⏩ These requests can be made by web browser or used as an API to serve as a keyboard shortcut for example.

🧰 Configuration

No configuration is needed, it works out of the box, however, you can edit config.json if you need to.

"http_local_port":                  8090,
"devialet_ipaddress":               "autodetect",
"devialet_port":                    "autodetect",
"devialet_device_description_xml":  "autodetect",
"ssdp_detection_interval":          10000,
"volume_step":                      10,
"debug":                            false

Each variable in the config can have these options:

  • http_local_port: Local port to use to listen HTTP request.
  • devialet_ipaddress and devialet_port: Can be used together to force this program to use a specific or undetected sound system.
  • devialet_device_description_xml: Can be used to force a specific device.
  • ssdp_detection_interval: Interval to make SSDP request to find a device.
  • volume_step: Up and Down volume step to use.
  • debug: Let you use a .env file to specify environnement variable.

⌨ Using this program as a service

If you use it every day with your speakers, it would be better to configure it as a service on a Linux server or on your personal computer. By doing it, the program will always be running.

Linux with systemd

You can simply install the service on Linux by entering the command

sudo node install_service.js

It will create a file /etc/systemd/system/devialet.service

You can then start the service by doing sudo systemctl start devialet


You can simply install the service on Windows by entering the command

node install_service.js

To check if it works, just open on your browser

✏️ Contributing

  • Add new control features
  • Add a control panel to use in the browser

🎓 Copyright and license

Code released under the GNU General Public License v3.0.




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