
1.0.5 • Public • Published

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Composite content controls

Pip.WebUI.Settings module contains a number of controls to visualize and edit complex unstructured and semi-structured content composed of pictures, documents, locations, video or audio, and, of cause, hypertext with formatting and links.

Composite view

Composite view controls shows read-only version of composite content. The content structured as blocks with hypertext, images, documents, locations, checklists. The only allowed action is to check/uncheck item in checklists.

Composite summary

This is a shorter version of Composite view control for previews and tiles. It shows only first 3 blocks. Text and lists are truncated to keep it concise. Composite summary does not support check/uncheck of checklist items.

Composite edit

Composite edit control allows to construct complex content using blocks with hypertext, images, documents, locations and checklists. Blocks can be added, moved up or down or removed. Hypertext is entered using popular markdown format.

Checklist view

Checklist view control shows read-only version of checklist and only allows to check/uncheck items. This control is integrated inside Composite view and Composite summary, but it also can be used independently.

Checklist edit

Checklist edit control allows to edit checklist with textual items. It allows to append or insert new items, edit them, change their order or remove them. This control is integrated into Composite edit, but it can also be used independently.

Content switch

Content switch control helps to construct own vesion of a simple composite content. By clicking a button user can add or remove text, images, files or location elements.

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This module is released under MIT license and totally free for commercial and non-commercial use.

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npm i pip-webui-composite

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  • seroukhov
  • zontak