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This package has been renamed to 'configurity'.

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1.0.4 • Public • Published


NPM version CircleCI built with typescript JavaScript Style Guide

A production-grade configuration system.

This is a developer-friendly improvement on the battle-tested configuration library cerebro used at Yahoo and Samsung properties serving millions of users.

  • Define your configuration using YAML.
  • Use alternate configuration values based on a defined context.
    • Want to use use one value for dev, and another for production? You can!
    • Dynamically adjust config values through things like query parameters - great for doing things like bucket (A/B-style) testing.
    • ...and much more!
  • Override any configuration using environment variables.
  • 99% test coverage

Fork notice

This is a fork of the original Yahoo project, cerebro.


  • Define configuration using a YAML file (you can still use the original Cerebro object if you want to use JSON)
  • environment variable overrides
  • Incorporates AND of settings by @lpw
  • Updated parts of the codebase to Typescript
  • Updated parts of the codebase to classes
  • Updated toolchain to be typescript-based
  • Added new methods to the config object
  • Re-written readme / updated usage examples to use the YAML format instead

Table of Contents


$ npm i prod-conf --save

Getting started

Static configuration: loadStaticConfig(yamlFile, context?, overrides?)

If you have configuration that never changes during run-time, static configuration is recommended.

Given the following yaml definition:

setting: enable_database
  value: true
setting: max_power
  value: 1
   value: 0
       - production
     power: low
setting: database_name
  value: test-database
    value: prd-database
        - production

Get the config values with a custom context.

import { loadStaticConfig } from 'prod-conf'
// Optional, specify a set of context dimensions that determines
// what configuration values to use
const context = {
  environment: 'production',
  power: 'low'
// config is an instance of CerebroConfig
const config = loadStaticConfig('example.yaml', context)
// Third param is a set of overrides that has first priority over any resolved or environment value
// database_name will always be 'overwritten'
// const config = loadStaticConfig('example.yaml', context, { database_name: 'overwritten' })
// pluck a boolean value
const databaseEnabled = config.isEnabled('enable_database')



Overriding configuration using environment variables

You can override any configuration value by specifying an environment variable of the same name.

If you specify an override object, it will take precedence over an environment variable.

Via process.env

You can override the enable_database value above using the following before calling loadConfig():

process.env.enable_database = false

via command line

$ enable_database=false node app.js

Specifying objects

$ enable_database="{\"test\": \"blah\"}" node app.js

Specifying arrays

$ enable_database="[\"test\", \"blah\"]" node app.js

Dynamic configuration: getDynamicConfigBuilder(yamlFile)

If you have configuration that should change during run-time, such as via an HTTP request based on query parameters, use dynamic configuration.

import { getDynamicConfigBuilder } from 'prod-conf'
// returns a function in the format of:
// configFn = (context, overrides = {}) => CerebroConfig
const configFn = getDynamicConfigBuilder('settings.yaml')
// express middleware example
export function middleware((req, res) => {
  const context = {
    // this is not a safe example - always sanitize any kind of user input!
    power: req.query.power,
    environment: process.env.NODE_ENV
  // example 1: construct the configuration based on the context
  const config = configFn(context)
  // example 2: an override can be specified that will override any config value
  // the value of max_power will always be 0 here
  // config = configFn(context, { max_power: 0 })
  const configValue = config.getInt('max_power')

CerebroConfig API

Use the API to get values from out of your configuration.

Basic getters

Configuration values are accessed via the CerebroConfig API.

getRawConfig() : object

Returns the resolved configuration as an object.

getValue(settingName: string) : any

Gets the requested value if it is not a Boolean. Returns null if the value does not exist.

Throws an error if the requested value is a Boolean.

const value = config.getValue('setting_name')

If you're using Typescript, you can assign a type to it:

// the value you're fetching is a number type
const value = config.getValue<number>('setting_name')

isEnabled(settingName: string) : boolean

This is recommended for feature flags.

Gets the requested value if it is a Boolean. Returns null if the value does not exist.

Throws an error if the requested value is not a Boolean.

const isEnabled = config.isEnabled('setting_name')

Type-specific getters

In most use-cases, you can use getValue() (for all types but boolean), and isEnabled().

These methods are provided if you want to return null if the value is not of that type.

getString(settingName: string) : string

Gets the requested value as a string. Returns null if the value does not exist or is not a string.

const value = config.getString('setting_name')

getInt(settingName: string) : number

Gets the requested value as an integer. Returns null if the value does not exist or is not a number.

const value = config.getInt('setting_name')

getFloat(settingName: string) : number

Gets the requested value as a float. Returns null if the value does not exist or is not a number.

const value = config.getFloat('setting_name')

getArray(settingName: string): Array

Gets the requested value as an array. Returns null if the value does not exist or is not an array.

const values = config.getArray('setting_name')

If you're using Typescript, you can assign a type to it:

// the value you're fetching is an array of numbers
const values = config.getArray<number>('setting_name')

getObject(settingName: string): object

Gets the requested value as an object. Returns null if the value does not exist or is not an object.

const obj = config.getObject('setting_name')

If you're using Typescript, you can assign a type to it:

// the value you're fetching is an object containing string values
const obj = config.getObject<string>('setting_name')

getRawValue(settingName: string): any

Gets the requested value in its raw form. No checks are performed on it.

const value = config.getRawValue('setting_name')

If you're using Typescript, you can assign a type to it:

// the value you're fetching is a string
const value = config.getRawValue<string>('setting_name')

Configuration Rules

Basic configuration

  • Each item in the YAML file must be an array item that is an object containing a setting and a value.
  • The setting is the setting name, and the value is the value to assign to that setting.
setting: config_name
  value: config_value

Context-based configuration

  • You can specify alternate configuration based on the context input by specfying an except property.
  • Except must be an array
  • The elements of except must be objects.
  • An element of except must contain value, and this value must not be undefined.

Settings are defined formally in src/validators/schema.json.

# override the value based on a context 
# use the alternative value "prd-database" 
# if the "environment" context property value is "production" or "stage" 
setting: database
  # default value 
  value: test-database
    value: prd-database
        - production
        - stage

Evaluation Order

  • If all the criteria in an except block is met, the value in the except block will be used.
    • The except blocks are evaluated in-order, and it stops evaluation once it finds a match.
  • If no except block matches fully, then the default value is used.

Given this configuration:

setting: timer
  value: 30
    # First item in evaluation 
    value: 15
        - alpha
    # Second item 
    value: 20
        - alpha
      bucket: a

And the context dimensions:

const context = {
  environment: 'alpha',
  bucket: 'a'

The output will be:

{ "timer": 15 }

This is because the evaluator ends once conditions are met, and in the first exception rule, the setting timer is set to 15 when the environment is alpha only.

This can be fixed by re-ordering the exception items:

setting: timer
  value: 30
    value: 20
        - alpha
      bucket: a
    value: 15
        - alpha

Supported Formats for Context Checks in Except


The except value will be used if the bucket dimension value is either a or b:

setting: enableNewFeature
  value: false
    value: true
        - a
        - b

Can also be written as:

setting: enableNewFeature
  value: false
    value: true
      bucket: ['a', 'b']
None / All

Enums also support two additional options, none and all:

all: If the context has a partner dimension with any kind of value, it will match.

setting: enableNewFeature
  value: false
    # This value will be used if partner has any kind of value set 
    value: true
      partner: ['all']

none: If the context has a partner dimension with any kind of value, the default value will be used.

setting: enableNewFeature
  # This value will be used if partner is defined 
  value: false
    # Used if partner is *not* defined 
    value: true
      partner: ['none']

Set value based on ranges

You can specify a value to use if a dimension happens to fall in a range of values.

  • An inclusive range looks like this: rangeExample: ['1000..2000'].
  • An exclusive range looks like this: rangeExample: ['1000...2000'].

In the following example, if the context contains a dimension called userBirthdayYear that is anywhere between 2000 and 2010, exclusive, enableNewFeature will be true.

setting: enableNewFeature
  value: false
    value: true
      userBirthdayYear: ['2000...2010']

Dependent settings

You can have a setting be dependent on another setting.

Basic dependency

dependent will not be enabled unless independent is aldo enabled.

setting: independent
  value: false
    value: true
      environment: ['alpha']
setting: dependent
  value: false
    value: true
      setting: independent
Multiple dependencies (AND operation)

The value true will be used only if the value of foo and bar is true.

setting: andOfFooAndBar
  value: false
    value: true
      setting: ['foo', 'bar']
Multiple dependencies (OR operation)
setting: andOfFooOrBar
  value: false
    value: true
      setting: foo
    value: true
      setting: bar

Full example YAML

# Sample prod-conf configuration file 
# Set a key called "username" with a value of "my-username" 
setting: username
  value: my-username
setting: password
  value: my-password
# duplicate keys are *ignored* 
setting: password
  value: overriden
# override the value based on a context 
# use the alternative value "prd-database" 
# if the "environment" context dimension value is "production" or "stage" 
setting: database
  # default value if no context is specified 
  value: test-database
    value: prd-database
        - production
        - stage
# If the context contains 
# "production" or "stage" for the "environment" context 
# *and* "a" for the "bucket" context, then use the value of 50 
setting: bucket_test
  value: 100
    value: 50
      # alternate way to write an array 
      environment: ['production', 'stage']
      bucket: a
setting: a_number
  value: 1
setting: an_array
    - apples
    - oranges
setting: an_object
    # notice there are no dashes here, 
    # each item is a key/value pair in an object 
    sampleKey: 1234
    sampleKey2: 12345.6
# you can leave a key without a value 
# this will be interpreted as a null 
setting: a_null
setting: noneFlag
  value: false
   value: true
     # none is a special keyword - if the "environment" context *exists*, 
     # then the default will be used 
     environment: ['none']
setting: allFlag
  value: false
    value: true
      # all is a special keyword - if the "environment" context *exists*, then "true" will be used 
      environment: ['all']
setting: is_your_birthday_inc
  value: false
    value: true
      # inclusive range, if "userBirthdayYear" falls between 2000 and 2010, inclusive, then value is "true" 
      userBirthdayYear: ['2000..2010']
setting: is_your_birthday_exc
  value: false
    value: true
      # exclusive range, if "userBirthdayYear" falls between 2000 and 2010, exclusive, then value is "true" 
      userBirthdayYear: ['2000...2010']
# Having a setting value be dependent on another 
# Basic case 
setting: independent
  value: false
    value: true
      environment: ['alpha']
setting: dependent
  value: false
    value: true
      setting: independent
# AND dependent case 
setting: foo
  value: true
setting: bar
  value: true
setting: andOfFooAndBar
  value: false
    value: true
      setting: ['foo', 'bar']
# OR dependent case 
setting: andOfFooOrBar
  value: false
    value: true
      setting: foo
    value: true
      setting: bar


You can run a benchmark to understand how this package performs under certain conditions:

Check out this repository, install, and run:

$ npm run bench

Example output:

>> simple x 26,692,182 ops/sec ±2.43% (90 runs sampled)
>> simple with override x 16,374,548 ops/sec ±1.61% (87 runs sampled)
>> enum x 3,743,442 ops/sec ±1.53% (92 runs sampled)
>> range x 1,659,775 ops/sec ±8.57% (89 runs sampled)
>> custom evaluator x 3,264,366 ops/sec ±2.85% (88 runs sampled)
>> cross setting dependencies x 2,916,230 ops/sec ±2.13% (93 runs sampled)
>> multiple dimensions x 3,493,998 ops/sec ±1.41% (95 runs sampled)
>> multiple except blocks x 2,459,082 ops/sec ±1.15% (94 runs sampled)
>> random percentage x 3,732,457 ops/sec ±1.85% (92 runs sampled)
>> fixed percentage x 1,391,401 ops/sec ±1.48% (92 runs sampled)
>> template x 1,118,186 ops/sec ±2.31% (88 runs sampled)
>> huge x 3,517 ops/sec ±2.22% (87 runs sampled)
Fastest test is simple at 1.63x faster than simple with override

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