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ES2016 async/await (promise) enabled node module for the Holy Quran. Uses the Tanzil corpus: http://tanzil.net.

Using this Module

For detailed documentation, and code samples for how to use this module in your app or service please visit: https://tjaffri.github.io/quran-promise/.

Developing this Module

The rest of this README describes how you can clone this repo to get the source to develop/test locally. Contributions are very welcome!

Environment Setup

First, set up your dev tools and node.js:

  1. Set up your favourite IDE. We use VSCode: https://code.visualstudio.com/ and you can configure this IDE as follows:
  2. Follow this useful article about JavaScript development in VSCode here, including how to debug.
  3. Set up linting in VSCode. You can install eslint globally via npm install -g eslint and then install the VSCode eslint extension. See here for more info.
  4. Install Node.js (version 6.x or higher)
  5. Install Git: https://git-scm.com/download

Next, clone the repo and install dependencies.

$ git clone https://github.com/tjaffri/quran-promise
cd quran-promise
$ npm install

The quran data is in a sqllite database, and a known good version is checked in. Optionally, ff you want to re-generate it, please run:

npm run gendb

Finally, if you're new to Next Generation JavaScript you might want to brush up on the following resources:

  1. ES6 Training Course by Wes Bos
  2. You Don't Know JS: ES6 & Beyond by Kyle Simpson (Dec, 2015)
  3. Understand promises before you start using async/await

Testing, Running and Publishing

Run one, or a combination of the following commands to lint and test your code:

$ npm run lint          # Lint the source code with ESLint (runs as part of CI build) 
$ npm run lint:fix      # Lint the source code with ESLint, using the --fix option to auto-fix some issues 
$ npm test              # Run unit tests with Mocha 
$ npm run test:watch    # Run unit tests with Mocha, and watch files for changes 
$ npm run test:cover    # Run unit tests with code coverage by Istanbul (runs as part of CI build) 
$ npm run coveralls     # Report code coverage to coveralls.io (runs as part of CI build) 

To launch the documentation site, run:

$ npm install -g easystatic
$ npm run start:docs    # Launches the docs site locally for testing 
$ npm run publish:docs  # Optionally, publishes the doc site to GitHub pages (runs as part of CI build) 

Finally, to build and publish to npm, you need to run:

npm run build           # Builds the source, transpiling via babel (runs as part of CI build) 
cd dist                 # Publish from the dist folder 
npm publish             # Requires credentials allowed to publish to npm 


With thanks, this module acknowledges and depends on the following resources:

  1. Tanzil project: http://tanzil.net/
  2. EveryAyah: http://everyayah.com/data/status.php
  3. The Babel Starter Kit, used to scaffold the initial version of this module: https://github.com/kriasoft/babel-starter-kit/

Finally, a HUGE callout to the similar npm module https://www.npmjs.com/package/quran. We ended up completely rewriting it, to support ES2016 async/await (promises), but got inspired by it. We also tried to keep the calling semantics as compatible as possible to aid anyone who might be migrating from that module.


MIT © 2016 Axis, the Information Professionals.

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  • tjaffri