TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.33.0 • Public • Published

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Strongly-typed JavaScript object with support for validation and error handling.

This is a lightweight open source package for the server and browser (using module bundler) written with TypeScript. It's actively maintained, well tested and already used in production environments. The source code is available on GitHub where you can also find our issue tracker.

Related Projects

  • vue-rawmodel: RawModel.js plugin for Vue.js v2. Form validation has never been easier!


RawModel provides a mechanism for creating strongly-typed data objects with built-in logic for unified data validation and error handling. It has a simple and intuitive API and tends to be a powerful, magic-free, minimalistic and unopinionated framework for writing application data layers where you have a full control. It could be a perfect fit when writing an Express.js action, GraphQL resolver or similar and it's easily extendable.

It provides two core classes:

  • Model represents strongly-typed data object with properties.
  • Field represents model's property.

Both classes can be used independently but most likely you will use only the Model class.

We will be using TypeScript for code examples for the rest of the docs. If you haven't picked it up, you should!


Run the command below to install the package.

npm install --save rawmodel

This package uses promises thus you need to use Promise polyfill when promises are not supported.


The code below shows a basic usage example.

import { Model } from 'rawmodel';
// defining a basic model
class User extends Model {
  public name: string;
  public constructor(data = {}) {
// usage example
const model = new User({
  'name': 'John Smith'
model.name; // => 'John Smith'

Examples are available inside the ./example folder. You should also check the links below:

  • RawModel & ExpressJS: Using RawModel in ExpressJS actions to validate input data and handling data-related errors.


Below we explain some of the most important features that this package provides. You should check the API section to see a complete list of features.

Defining Fields

Model fields are defined using the defineField method. The code below is an example of a basic model class with a name field of type Any.

import { Model } from 'rawmodel';
class User extends Model {
  public name: string; // typescript property definition for field `name`
  public constructor(data = {}) {
    this.defineField('name'); // definition of the `name` field
const user = new User();
user.name = 'John Smith';
user.name; // -> "John Smith"

Type Casting

Each field has a built-in system for type casting, thus we can force a value to be automatically converted to a specific type when setting a value.

this.defineField('name', {
  type: 'String', // automatically cast value to `String`

Common types are supported by default. A Model also represents a type. You can define your own types using the defineType method. Please see the API section for a list of all supported types and further details.

Nested Models

As mentioned above, a model also represents a type object. This way you can create complex nested structures by nesting models as shown in the example below.

import { Model } from 'rawmodel';
class Book extends Model {
  public title: string;
  public constructor(data = {}) {
class User extends Model {
  public book: Book;
  public constructor(data = {}) {
    this.defineField('book', {
      type: Book,

Field Default Value

We can set a defaultValue for each field which will automatically populate a field on creation.

The defaultValue can also be a method which returns a dynamic value. This function shares the context of a field instance thus you have access to all the features of the Field class.

this.defineField('name', {
  defaultValue () { return this.value },

Field Fake Value

Similar to default values, we can set a fakeValue for each field, to populate a field with fake data when calling the fake() method.

The fakeValue can also be a method which returns a dynamic value. This function shares the context of a field instance, thus you have access to all the features of the Field class.

this.defineField('name', {
  fakeValue () { return this.value },

Field Null Value

By default, all defined fields are set to null. Similar to default and fake value we can set a nullValue option for each field, to automatically replace null values.

The nullValue can also be a method which returns a dynamic value. Note that this function shares the context of a field instance, thus you have access to all the features of the Field class.

this.defineField('name', {
  nullValue () { return '' }, // replace `null` value

Field Value Transformation

A field can have a custom getter and a custom setter. These methods all share the context of a field instance, thus you have access to all the features of the Field class.

this.defineField('name', {
  get (value) { return value },
  set (value) { return value },

Value Assignments

Model's fields are like properties of a Javascript Object. We can easily assign a value to a field through its setter method (e.g. model.name = 'value';). Instead of assigning fields one by one, we can use the populate() method as shown below.

  'name': 'John Smith',
  'age': 35,

We can allow only selected fields to be populated by using population strategies (e.g. when populating received form data).

class User extends Model {
  public id: string;
  public name: string;
  public constructor(data = {}) {
    this.defineField('id', {
      populatable: ['internal'], // list population strategy names
    this.defineField('name', {
      populatable: ['input', 'internal'], // list population strategy names
const data = {
  'id': 100,
  'name': 'John Smith'
const user = new User();
user.populate(data); // -> { "id": 100, "name": "John Smith" }
user.populate(data, 'internal'); // -> { "id": 100, "name": "John Smith" }
user.serialize(data, 'input'); // -> { id: null, "name": "John Smith" }

Serialization & Filtering

Model provides useful methods for object serialization and filtering (check the API for more methods).

const user = new User({
  'name': 'John Smith', // initial value
user.scroll(function (field) { // argument is an instance of a field
  // do something useful
}).then((count) => { // number of processed fields
  user.serialize(); // -> { "name": "John Smith" }

Fields are serializable by default and are thus included in the result object returned by the serialize() method. We can customize the output and include or exclude fields for different occasions by using serialization strategies.

class User extends Model {
  public id: string;
  public name: string;
  public constructor(data = {}) {
    this.defineField('id', {
      serializable: ['output'], // list serialization strategy names
    this.defineField('name', {
      serializable: ['input', 'output'], // list serialization strategy names
const user = new User({
  'id': 100,
  'name': 'John Smith',
user.serialize(); // -> { "id": 100, "name": "John Smith" }
user.serialize('input'); // -> { "name": "John Smith" }
user.serialize('output'); // -> { "id": 100, "name": "John Smith" }

Commits & Rollbacks

RawModel tracks changes for all fields and provides a mechanism for committing values and rollbacks.

The example below explains how to setup and use these features.

class User extends Model {
  public name: string;
  public constructor(data = {}) {
const user = new User();
user.name = 'Mandy Taylor'; // changing field's value
user.isChanged(); // -> true
user.commit(); // set `initialValue` of each field to the value of  `value`
user.isChanged(); // -> false
user.name = 'Tina Fey'; // changing field's value
user.rollback(); // -> reset `value` of each field to its `initialValue` (last committed value)


RawModel provides a simple mechanism for validating fields.

class User extends Model {
  public name: string;
  public constructor(data = {}) {
    this.defineField('name', {
      validate: [ // field validation setup
        { // validator recipe
          validator: 'presence', // [required] validator name
          message: '%{it} must be present', // [optional] error message
          code: 422, // [optional] error code
          condition () { return true }, // [optional] condition which switches the validation on/off
          it: 'it', // [optional] custom variable for the `message`
const user = new User();
user.validate().catch((err) => {
  user.collectErrors(); // -> [{path: ['name'], errors: [{validator: 'presence', message: 'is must be present', code: 422}]}]

It already includes some useful built-in validators but it's super simple to define your own validator. Note that each validator function shares the context of a field instance thus you have access to all the features of the Field class.

class User extends Model {
  public name: string;
  constructor(data = {}) {
    this.defineValidator('coolness', function (v) {
      return v === 'cool';
    this.defineField('name', {
      validate: [
          validator: 'coolness',
          message: 'must be cool',

Error Handling

RawModel provides a mechanism for handling field-related errors. The logic is aligned with validation thus validation and error handling can easily be managed in a unified way. This is great because we always deal with validation errors and can thus directly send these errors back to a user in a unified format.

class User extends Model {
  public name: string;
  public constructor(data = {}) {
    this.defineField('name', {
      handle: [ // field error handling setup
        { // handler recipe
          handler: 'block', // [required] handler name
          message: '%{is} unknown', // [optional] error message
          code: 422, // [optional] error code
          block (error) { return true }, // [optional] handler-specific function
          condition () { return true }, // [optional] condition which switches the handling on/off
          is: 'is', // [optional] custom variable for the `message`
const error = new Error();
lconstet user = new User();
user.handle(error).then(() => {
  user.collectErrors(); // -> [{ path: ['name'], errors: [{ handler: 'block', message: 'is unknown', code: 422 }] }]

This mechanism is especially handful when saving data to a database. MongoDB could, for example, throw a uniqueness error (E11000) if we try to insert a value that already exists in the database. We can catch that error by using the handle() and then return a unified validation error message to a user.

RawModel already includes some useful built-in handlers but it's super simple to define your own handler. Note that each handler function shares the context of a field instance thus you have access to all the features of the Field class.

class User extends Model {
  public name: string;
  public constructor(data = {}) {
    this.defineHandler('coolness', function (e) {
      return e.message === 'cool';
    this.defineField('name', {
      handle: [ // field error handling setup
        { // handler recipe
          handler: 'coolness', // handler name
          message: 'cool', // error message


RawModel.js can be a perfect framework for writing GraphQL resolvers. An instance of a root model, in our case the App class, can represent GraphQL's rootValue.

import { Model } from 'rawmodel';
import { graphql, buildSchema } from 'graphql';
class App extends Model { // root resolver
  public hello() { // `hello` field resolver
    return 'Hello World!';
const schema = buildSchema(`
  type Query {
    hello: String
const root = new App(); // root resolver
graphql(schema, '{ hello }', root).then((response) => {


Model Class

Model({ parent, ...data })

Abstract class which represents a strongly-typed JavaScript object.

Option Type Required Default Description
parent Model Only when used as a submodel - Parent model instance.
data Object No - Data for populating model fields.
class User extends Model {
  public name: string;
  public constructor({ parent, ...data } = {}) {
    super({ parent }); // initializing the Model
    this.defineField('name', {
      type: 'String', // [optional] field type casting
      populatable: ['input', 'internal'], // [optional] population strategies
      serializable: ['input', 'output'], // [optional] serialization strategies
      enumerable: true, // [optional] when set to `false` the field is not enumerable (ignored by `Object.keys()`)
      get (v) { return v }, // [optional] custom getter
      set (v) { return v }, // [optional] custom setter
      validate: [ // [optional] value validator recipes
        { // validator recipe (check validatable.js for more)
          validator: 'presence', // [required] validator name
          condition () { return true }, // [optional] condition which switches the validation on/off
          message: '%{it} must be present', // [optional] error message
          code: 422, // [optional] error code
          it: 'it' // [optional] custom variable for the `message`
      handle: [ // [optional] error handling recipies
        { // handler recipe
          handler: 'block', // [optional] handler name
          condition () { return true }, // [optional] condition which switches the handling on/off
          message: '%{is} unknown', // [optional] error message
          code: 422, // [optional] error code
          block (error) { return true }, // [optional] handler-specific function
          is: 'is' // [optional] custom variable for the `message`
      defaultValue: 'Noname', // [optional] field default value (value or function)
      fakeValue: 'Noname', // [optional] field fake value (value or function)
    this.populate(data); // [optional] a good practice to enable data population from model constructor
    this.commit(); // [optional] a good practice to commit default data

Model.prototype.applyErrors(errors): Model

Deeply populates fields with the provided errors.

    path: ['books', 1, 'title'], // field path
    errors: [
        validator: 'presence', // or handler: ''
        message: 'is required',
        code: 422,

Model.prototype.clear(): Model

Sets all model fields to null.

Model.prototype.clone(): Model

Returns a new Model instance which is the exact copy of the original.

Model.prototype.collect(handler): Array

Scrolls through model fields and collects results.

Option Type Required Default Description
handler Function Yes - A handler method which is executed for each field.

Model.prototype.collectErrors(): Array

Returns a list of errors for all the fields ({path, errors}[]).

model.collectErrors(); // => { path: ['name'], errors: [{ validator: 'absence', message: 'must be blank', code: 422 }] }

Model.prototype.commit(): Model

Sets initial value of each model field to the current value of a field. This is how field change tracking is restarted.

Model.prototype.defineField(name, { type, populatable, serializable, enumerable, get, set, defaultValue, fakeValue, validate }): Void

Defines a new model property.

Option Type Required Default Description
name String Yes - Property name.
populatable String[] No undefined Population strategies (used by .populate()).
serializable String[] No undefined Serialization strategies (used by .serialize()).
enumerable Boolean No true When set to false the field is not enumerable (ignored by Object.keys()).
type String, Model No - Data type (pass a Model to create a nested structure; check typeable.js for more).
get Function No - Custom getter.
set Function No - Custom setter.
defaultValue Any No - Field default value.
fakeValue Any No - Field fake value.
validate Array No - List of validation recipies (check validatable.js for more).

Model.prototype.defineType(name, converter): Void

Defines a custom data type.

Option Type Required Default Description
name String Yes - Type name.
converter Function Yes - Type converter.

Model.prototype.defineValidator(name, handler): Void

Defines a custom validator.

Option Type Required Default Description
name String Yes - Validator name.
handler Function, Promise Yes - Validator handler.

Model.prototype.equals(value): Boolean

Returns true when the provided value represents an object with the same fields as the model itself.

Model.prototype.failFast(fail): Void

Configures validator to stop field validation on the first error.

Option Type Required Default Description
fail Boolean No false Stops field validation on the first error when set to true.

Model.prototype.fake(): Model

Sets each model field to its fake value if the fake value generator is defined.

Model.prototype.filter(handler): Object

Converts a model into serialized data object with only the keys that pass the test.

Option Type Required Default Description
handler Function Yes - A function to test each key value. If the function returns true then the key is included in the returned object.

Model.prototype.flatten(): Array

Converts the model into an array of fields.

user.flatten(); // -> [{path: [...], field: ...}, ...]

Model.prototype.getField(...keys): Field

Returns a class instance of a field at path.

Option Type Required Default Description
keys Array Yes - Path to a field (e.g. ['book', 0, 'title']).

Model.prototype.handle(error, { quiet }): Promise(Model)

Tries to handle the error against each field handlers and populates the model with possible errors.

Option Type Required Default Description
error Any Yes - Error to be handled.
quiet Boolean No true When set to false, a handled validation error is thrown. This doesn't affect the unhandled errors (they are always thrown).
try {
  // throws an error (e.g. you can call the `validate()` method)
catch (e) {

Model.prototype.hasErrors(): Boolean

Returns true when no errors exist (inverse of isValid()). Make sure that you call the validate() method first.

Model.prototype.hasField(...keys): Boolean

Returns true when a field path exists.

Option Type Required Default Description
keys Array Yes - Path to a field (e.g. ['book', 0, 'title']).

Model.prototype.isChanged(): Boolean

Returns true if at least one model field has been changed.

Model.prototype.isNested(): Boolean

Returns true if nested fields exist.

Model.prototype.isValid(): Boolean

Returns true when all model fields are valid (inverse of hasErrors()). Make sure that you call the validate() method first.

Model.prototype.invalidate(): Model

Clears errors on all fields.

Model.prototype.options: Object

Model options.

Model.prototype.parent: Model

Parent model instance.

Model.prototype.populate(data, strategy): Model

Applies data to a model.

Option Type Required Default Description
data Object Yes - Data object.
strategy String No - When the strategy name is provided, only the fields where the populatable option includes this strategy name are populated. If the parameter is not provided then all fields are included in the process.

Model.prototype.reset(): Model

Sets each model field to its default value.

Model.prototype.rollback(): Model

Sets each model field to its initial value (last committed value). This is how you can discharge model changes.

Model.prototype.root: Model

The first model instance in a tree of models.

Model.prototype.scroll(handler): Integer

Scrolls through model fields and executes a handler on each field.

Option Type Required Default Description
handler Function Yes - A handler method which is executed for each field.

Model.prototype.serialize(strategy): Object

Converts a model into serialized data object.

Option Type Required Default Description
strategy String No - When the strategy name is provided, the output will include only the fields where the serializable option includes this strategy name. If the parameter is not provided then all fields are included in the result.

Model.prototype.validate({ quiet }): Promise(Model)

Validates model fields, populates the model with possible errors and throws a validation error if not all fields are valid unless the quiet is set to true.

Option Type Required Default Description
quiet Boolean No true When set to false, a validation error is thrown.
try {
  await model.validate(); // throws a validation error when invalid fields exist
catch (e) {
  // `e` is a 422 validation error

Field Class

Field({ type, get, set, defaultValue, fakeValue, validate, validators, handle, handlers, owner, failFast })

A model field.

Option Type Required Default Description
type String, Model No - Data type (pass a Model to create a nested structure).
get Function No - Custom getter.
set Function No - Custom setter.
defaultValue Any No - Field default value.
fakeValue Any No - Field fake value.
validate Array No - List of validator recipes.
handle Array No - List of error handler recipes.
validators Object No - Custom validators.
handlers Object No - Custom handlers.
owner Model No - An instance of a Model which owns the field.
failFast Boolean No false Stops validation on the first error when set to true.

Field.prototype.cast(value): Any

Returns transformed value based on field's type.

Field.prototype.clear(): Field

Sets field and related subfields to null.

Field.prototype.commit(): Field

Sets initial value to the current value. This is how field change tracking is restarted.

Field.prototype.defaultValue: Any

A getter which returns the default field value.

Field.prototype.errors: Object[]

List of field errors (sets the validate method).

Field.prototype.equals(value): Boolean

Returns true when the provided value represents an object that looks the same.

Option Type Required Default Description
value Any Yes - A value to compare to.

Field.prototype.fake(): Field

Sets field to a generated fake value.

Field.prototype.fakeValue: Any

A getter which returns a fake field value.

Field.prototype.handle(error): Promise(Field)

Validates the value and populates the errors property with errors.

Option Type Required Default Description
error Any Yes - Error to be handled.

Field.prototype.hasErrors(): Boolean

Returns true when no errors exist (inverse of isValid()). Make sure that you call the validate() method first.

Field.prototype.initialValue: Any

A getter which returns the last committed field value.

Field.prototype.isChanged(): Boolean

Returns true if the field or at least one subfield have been changed.

Field.prototype.isNested(): Boolean

Returns true if the field is a nested model.

Field.prototype.isValid(): Boolean

Returns true if the field and all subfields are valid (inverse of hasErrors()). Make sure that you call the validate() method first.

Field.prototype.invalidate(): Field

Clears the errors field on all fields (the reverse of validate()).

Field.prototype.options: Object

A getter which returns field options.

Field.prototype.owner: Model

A getter which returns a reference to a Model instance on which the field is defined.

Field.prototype.recipe: Object

A getter which returns a field recipe object.

Field.prototype.reset(): Field

Sets the field to its default value.

Field.prototype.rollback(): Field

Sets the field to its initial value (last committed value). This is how you can discharge field's changes.

Field.prototype.type: Any

A getter which returns field type (set to Model for a nested structure).

Field.prototype.validate(): Promise(Field)

Validates the value and populates the errors property with errors.

Field.prototype.value: Any

Field current value (the actual model's property).

Built-in Data Types

Type Description
'Any' A value of different types (excluding arrays).
['Any'] An array with values of different types.
'String' A string value.
['String'] An array of string values.
'Boolean' A boolean value.
['Boolean'] An array of boolean values.
'Number' An integer or a float number.
['Number'] An array of integer or float numbers.
'Integer' An integer number.
['Integer'] An array of integer numbers.
'Float' A float number.
['Float'] An array of float numbers.
'Date' A date.
['Date'] An array of dates.

NOTE: Field data type should always represent a value. This means that you should never assign a function to a field. If you need to handle dynamic field values, please use field value transformations instead. You can also define your own data type by using the defineType method.

Built-in Validators


Validates that the specified field is blank.


Validates that the specified field is not in an array of values.

Option Type Required Default Description
values Array Yes - Array of restricted values.


Validates that the specified field is in an array of values.

Option Type Required Default Description
values Array Yes - Array of allowed values.


Validates the size of an array.

Option Type Required Default Description
min Number No - Allowed minimum items count.
minOrEqual Number No - Allowed minimum items count (allowing equal).
max Number No - Allowed maximum items count.
maxOrEqual Number No - Allowed maximum items count (allowing equal).


Validates the specified field against the provided block function. If the function returns true then the field is treated as valid.

Option Type Required Default Description
block Function,Promise Yes - Synchronous or asynchronous function (e.g. async () => true)
const recipe = {
  validator: 'block',
  message: 'must be present',
  async block (value, recipe) { return true },


Validates the size of a number.

Option Type Required Default Description
min Number No - Allowed minimum value.
minOrEqual Number No - Allowed minimum value (allowing equal).
max Number No - Allowed maximum value.
maxOrEqual Number No - Allowed maximum value (allowing equal).


Validates that the specified field is not blank.


Validates that the specified field is base64 encoded string.


Validates that the specified field is a date string.

Option Type Required Default Description
iso Boolean No false When true only ISO-8601 date format is accepted.


Validates that the specified field is an email.

Option Type Required Default Description
allowDisplayName Boolean No false When set to true, the validator will also match name <address>.
allowUtf8LocalPart Boolean No false When set to false, the validator will not allow any non-English UTF8 character in email address' local part.
requireTld Boolean No true When set to false, email addresses without having TLD in their domain will also be matched.


Checks if the string represents an ethereum address.


Checks if the string does not contain the seed.

Option Type Required Default Description
seed String Yes - The seed which should exist in the string.


Validates that the specified field is a fully qualified domain name (e.g. domain.com).

Option Type Required Default Description
requireTld Boolean No true Require top-level domain name.
allowUnderscores Boolean No false Allow string to include underscores.
allowTrailingDot Boolean No false Allow string to include a trailing dot.


Validates that the specified field is a hexadecimal color string.


Validates that a specified field is a hexadecimal number.


Checks if the string contains the seed.

Option Type Required Default Description
seed String Yes - The seed which should exist in the string.


Validates that the specified field is a JSON string.


Validates the length of the specified field.

Option Type Required Default Description
bytes Boolean No false When true the number of bytes is returned.
min Number No - Allowed minimum number of characters.
minOrEqual Number No - Allowed minimum value number of characters (allowing equal).
max Number No - Allowed maximum number of characters.
maxOrEqual Number No - Allowed maximum number of characters (allowing equal).


Validates that the specified field is lowercase.


Validates that the specified field matches the pattern.

Key Type Required Default Description
regexp RegExp Yes - Regular expression pattern.


Validates that the specified field is uppercase.


Validates that the specified field is a UUID.

Option Type Required Default Description
version Integer No - UUID version (1, 2, 3, 4 or 5).

Built-in Handlers


Checks if the provided block function succeeds.

Option Type Required Description
block Function,Promise Yes Synchronous or asynchronous function (e.g. async () => true).
const recipe = {
  handler: 'block',
  message: 'is unknown error',
  async block (error, recipe) { return true },


Checks if the error represents a MongoDB unique constraint error.

Option Type Required Default Description
indexName String Yes - MongoDB collection's unique index name.
const recipe = {
  handler: 'mongoUniqueness',
  message: 'is unknown error',
  indexName: 'uniqueEmail', // make sure that this index name exists in your MongoDB collection

License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2016+ Kristijan Sedlak <xpepermint@gmail.com>

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated modelation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


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