This package has been deprecated

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now is redxu-admin


1.1.2 • Public • Published


A react page container that works with react-parse to fetch data from server and display as table/gallery or customs component.

enter image description here

Table of content



  1. First you need to install: Ant Design

2.2- Install react-common-admin npm i react-common-admin --save ```

3.3- Init react-common-admin

 //     inside your root component
import { initCommonAdmin } from  'react-common-admin';
## Init react-common-admin 
initCommonAdmin exmples for of the options
### notification  
    notification service -
    You can pass a notification service and
    react-common-admin will trigger a notification
    in each put/post/delete action
const  notification  = {
    success: (message) => console.log('success', message),
    error: (message) => console.log('error', message),
    info: (message) =>  console.log('info', message),
    warning: (message) => console.log('warning', message),
    warn: (message) =>  console.log('warn', message),


    notification default messages -
    You can pass a default notification messages
const  defaultDocumentMessages  = {
    onPostMessage: 'Created successfully',
    onPostFailedMessage: 'document - Created failed',
    onPutMessage: 'Update successfully',
    onPutFailedMessage: 'document - Update failed',
    onDeleteMessage: ' Deleted successfully',
    onDeleteFailedMessage: ' Deleted failed'


const langDir = 'ltr' // You can set 'rtl' or 'ltr'


    document customTitle-
    You can pass a function that get a
    props and return the title to diaplay
    in the document header
const  customTitle  =  function ({ state, props }) {
    const { data } =  state;
    const { objectId, schemaName, titleKey } =  props
    let  title  =  '';
    const  isNew  =  !objectId;
    if (isNew) {
    title  = `Create a New ${schemaName} document`
    } else {
    let  titleFromKey  = (titleKey  &&  data) ? data[titleKey] :  ''
    let  hasTitle  = titleFromKey.length
    title  = `Edit ${schemaName} document - ${hasTitle  ?  titleFromKey  :  objectId}`
return  title;


    If you want to persist the user work when the page is full reload,
    we need an access to URL params, pass setParams and setParams
*/ se
const ar =   setParams  =  function (key, value) {
    const href  =  `${Router.pathname}?${key}=${value}`
    const  as  =  href
    Router.push(href, as, { shallow:  true })


import  Router  from  'next/router'; // You can use any Router service you want
const  getParams  =  function () {
    return  Router.query

Basic Usage

You can use any inputs you want, not only from library fields

const getParams = function () { return Router.query }

//--- ntional confuratnmon a efoutese, a, sote })

import  React  from  'react';
import {CommonAdmin, fields} from  'react-common-admin'
const DocFields = [ // See react-cross-form
    key: 'firstName',
    label: 'First Name',
    validators: { presence: true, length: { minimum: 2 } },
    component: fields.TextInput
const TableField = [
{ key: 'objectId',
  title: 'Object Id'
 { key: 'firstName',
  title: 'First Name'
export  default  class  Example  extends  React.Component {
render() {
    return (
                title='Example Screen'
                    fields: DocFields, // Define this fields you want to render
                    fields: TableField


key type Description
title string title to dispaly
targetName string
react-parse targetName
schemaName string
react-parse schemaName
functionName string react-parse functionName
When you using clude code the delete from table is not enabled
onVisibleDocumentsChanged function Function that be call when VisibleDocuments state is changedfetchExtraData
documentProps object
See documentProps
collectionProps object
See collectionProps
openAsFullDoc boolean
default: true
, set false if you want the document to open as a half screen
paramSync boolean
default: true
set false if you didnt want to sync visibleDocument with url parms
refreshExtraDataOnRefresh boolean
default: true
When true, react-parse will fetch data to all extra data and not only document/collection


key type Description
fields array
we use react-cross-form
Options that not from react-cross-form:
1- You can add to each field an InitialValue (work only with new document)
wrapper element You can replace the default side modal wrapper , wrapper get this props
isOpen: bollean,
onClose: function,
title: string,
children: react children
title string title to display
customTitle function function that get {state, props} and return string as title
parseDataBeforePost function optional - function that call with the data before post, (data, tableProps) => {return ({, {test: 1})}
parseDataBeforePut function optional - function that call with the data before put, (data, tableProps, objectId, docFetchProps) => {return ({, {test: 1})}
saveOnBlur boollean default is true, run react-parse put when input is blur
messages object You can display a custom message, this data will pass to your notification service, see initCommonAdmin
onPostFinished function react-parse onPostFinished
onPutFinished function react-parse onPutFinished
onDeleteFinished function react-parse onDeleteFinished
showDeleteButton boolean
showCloseButton boolean
viewComponent element default is DocForm but you can pass your custom component, See document viewComponent props for more information
stayOpenAfterPost boolean Set true if you want to leave the document open after post successfully
initialValue object You can pass object and new document will create with this initialValue, see react-parse initialValue

document viewComponent

How to pass your component ?

import MyDocView from './MyDocView'
return (
        viewComponent: MyDocView 

What props you will get ?

key type Description
fetchProps |object|S- see [react-parse fetchProps](|

; onClose|, - function |C- call to close modal (relevant when the document wrapper is modal) isOpen |- boolean| True when th - is modal is open objectId|, - string| Parse document id, - empty on new document saveOnBlur| boolean| The value from your CommonAdmin>documentProps configuraion fields|, - array|The value from your CommonAdmin>documentProps configuraion| fieldsOptions |object|F- fetchExtraData is pass to document as fieldsOptions - pass only for fields that contain a targetName.
, the key for each value in fieldsOptions is the targetName extraData | object| all fetchExtraData results ...||Any other parameters you set inside documentProps will pass to your viewComponent

document - wrapper

The default wrapper is a side modal bot you can use our modal like that

import {Modal} from 'react-coomon-admin
return (
        wrapper: Modal

And you can customize The wrapper like that

import Modal from './rect-some-modal-component'
class  MyDocWrapper extends  React.Component {
    render() {
        const {isOpen, onClose, modalId} =  this.props
            <Modal isOpen={isOpen} onClose={() => onClose(modalId)} >
export default class  MyScreen extends  React.Component {
    render() {
                    wrapper: MyDocWrapper
    ... all other parameters from your documentProps configuration

document - initialValue

You have to options to set to a new document an initialValue, as you can see in the example, one option is inside the document fields for each field and the other option is inside the documentProps

const DocFields = [
    key: 'title',
    label: 'Title',,
    component: TextInput,
    initialValue: 'The article title initialValue'
    key: 'body',
    label: 'Body',,
    component: TextInput,
    fields: DocFields,
    initialValue: {
        body: 'The article body initialValue'


key type Description
fields array
[{key: 'objectId', title: 'Object Id', search: true, formatter: (cell, row) => {}} ]
title string title to display
limit number react-parse limit value , default is 10
skip number react-parse skip value , default is 0,
order string react-parse string, default is 'createdAt'
query object react-parse query, default is {}
dataHandler funciton react-parse dataHandler
onLimitChanged funciton if you didn't pass this handlers than your limit is used as initial value and react-common-admin will handle the changes
onSkipChanged funciton optional - only if you want to override our function and take the control of this value
onOrderChanged funciton optional - only if you want to override our function and take the control of this value
onPagination funciton optional - only if you want to override our function and take the control of this value
onQueryChanged funciton optional - only if you want to override our function and take the control of this value
tableProps object any props you want to pass to the viewComponent
... Any other parameters you set inside collectionProps will pass to your viewComponent
viewComponent element See collention viewComponent propsviewComponent

collention viewComponent

How to pass your component ?

import MyTablView from './MyDocView'
return (
        viewComponent: MyTablView 

What props you will get ?

key type Description
extraData object All fetchExtraData results
fetchProps object See react-parse fetchProps
fields array The value from your CommonAdmin>collentionProps configuraion
onCreateNewDoc function Call this and document modal will display, you can pass as first parameter any data you want and document will get this on props.dataFromCollection
onEditDoc function Call this with objectId and document modal will display to edit, you can pass as seconde parameter any data you want and document will get this on props.dataFromCollectio
skip number Current skip value
limit number Current limit value
onLimitChanged function Call to set new limit value
onSkipChanged function Call to set new skip value
onOrderChanged function Call to set new order value
onPagination function Call to set new limit and skip value
onPagination(page, limit)
We caliculate skip from page like that:
skip = (page - 1) * limit
... Any other parameters you set inside collentionProps will pass to your viewComponent


The default collection viewComponent is Table You can pass inside collentionProps tableProps object to customize some things in the table

return (
        tableProps : {
            disabledDelete: true

tableProps options

key type Description
renderAddBtn function funciton that get all table props and need to return a button
customOnEdit function funciton that be call when user click on edit button, with the row and all table props (rowObjectId, tableProps) => {...}
renderAddBtn function funciton that be call when user click on add button
disabledDelete boolean Set true to hide the delete button

renderAddBtn exmple

return (
    collectionPops: {
        tableProps: {
            renderAddBtn: (props) => {
                return <button onClick={() => {


By default collection render a table, if you want you can pass as viewComponent a DraggableTable, it is like the regular table with the ability to drag row and change value in the DB base user drag and drop

import {CommonAdmin, DraggableTable} from  'react-common-admin';
        viewComponent:  DraggableTable,
        tableProps: {
            orderKey:  'orderKey' // in this case each document in the DB contain orderKey key with value that help us render the view by a specific order
        // optional
        groups: ['related', 'child'], // render data in separate tables
        groupBy: 'relationType', // key to group value

document witout list

Need only a documet ?

See this example

import React from 'react';
import {CommonAdmin, StaticDoc} from 'react-common-admin'
import {DocFields} from './config';
export default class Example extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
          title='Profile Settings'
          showCollection={false} //--------------->!important
            fields: DocFields,
            objectId: 'eviegCusH8',
            wrapper: StaticDoc, //--------------->!important
            messages: {
              onPostMessage: 'Create successfully',
              onPostFailedMessage: 'Create failed',
              onPutMessage: 'Update successfully',
              onPutFailedMessage: 'Update failed):',
              onDeleteMessage: 'Deleted successfully',
              onDeleteFailedMessage: 'Deleted failed'
            customTitle: ({objectId, data}) => { 'title' }
            {schemaName: 'City', targetName: 'CityDropDown'},


When you init with customTitle you can use it like that:

import { CommonAdmin, customTitle } from  'react-common-admin'
        title='Example Screen'
        fields: DocFields, // Define this fields you want to render
        customTitle: customTitle,
        titleKey: 'firstName',
        include: 'imageFromMedia'

Document fields

react-common-admin fields

import {fields} from 'react-common-admin'

available fields

const {
    TextInput, NumberInput, MobileInput,
    UploadFile, DateTime, Pointer, DropDown,
    ObjectsDropDown, AddressAutoComplete,
    GeoLocationMapView, AddressWithMapView,
    Tags, ArrayOfPointer, ArrayOfPointerTableView, TextArea 
=  fields;

Fields Examples


    key:  'firstName',
    label:  'First Name',
    validators: { presence:  true, length: { minimum:  2 } },
    component:  fields.TextInput,
    helpText:  'Please tell as what is your name'


    key:  'info',
    label:  'Whe are you',
    component:  fields.TextArea,
    helpText:  'I am example of a textArea'


We use 'libphonenumber-js to validate the phone number import { isValidNumber } from 'libphonenumber-js'

    key:  'mobile',
    label:  'Mobile',
    customValidation:  function (field, value) {
        let  errors  = []
        if(!value  ||  value  ===  '') {
        errors.push('can\'t be blank')
        } else  if(!isValidNumber(value)) {
        errors.push('Please enter a valid phone number')
        return  errors
    component:  fields.MobileInput,


  1. Upload file to parse File Field
    key:  'image',
    label:  'Image as Parse File Example',
    component:  fields.UploadFile,
    validators: { presence:  true }
  1. Upload file and save as url sring
    key:  'urlString', // Example how to upload an image an set a url string and not parse file object;
    label:  'Image - image as string example',
    component:  fields.UploadFile,
    validators: { presence:  true },
    fileValueHandler: (res) => {


  1. Select file from media screen and save as pointer to media collection
key:  'imageFromMedia',
label:  'imageFromMedia - image as pointer to Media',
component:  fields.SelectFromMedia,
asPointer:  true,
validators: { presence:  true }
  1. Select file from media screen and save as string url
key:  'imageFromMediaAsString',
label:  'imageFromMediaAsString - image as string from Media',
component:  fields.SelectFromMedia,
validators: { presence:  true }


    key:  'age',
    label:  'Age - number input example',
    component:  fields.NumberInput,


    key:  'birthday',
    label:  'Birthday',
    component:  fields.DateTime,


    key:  'city',
    label:  'City - pointer fields example',
    component:  fields.Pointer,
    schemaName:  'City',
    targetName:  'CityDropDown',
    labelKey:  'name'


drop down with multi select

    key:  'roles',
    label:  'Roles',
    component:  fields.ArrayOfPointer,
    schemaName:  'City',
    targetName:  'CityDropDown',
    labelKey:  'name'


Table with switch button in each row

    key:  'cities',
    label:  'Cities',
    component:  fields.ArrayOfPointerTableView,
    schemaName:  'City',
    targetName:  'CityDropDown',
    labelKey:  'name'


select string from array of static options

    key:  'favoriteColor',
    label:  'Favorite Color - dropDown static options example - string value',
    component:  fields.DropDown,
    options: [
        {key: 'red', label: 'red'},
        {key: 'green', label: 'green'},
        {key: 'blue', label: 'blue'},
        {key: 'pink', label: 'pink', customRender: ({label}) =>  <p style={{color: 'pink'}}>{label}</p>},


select object from array of static options

    key:  'favoritePhone',
    label:  'Favorite Phone - dropDown static options example - object value',
    component:  fields.ObjectsDropDown,
    valueKey:  'model', // default is key
    labelKey:  'fullName', // default is label
    options: [
        {company:  'Samsung', OS:  'Android 8', model:  'Galaxy S9 Plus', fullName:  'Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus'},
        {company:  'Samsung', OS:  'Android 8', model:  'Galaxy S9', fullName:  'Samsung Galaxy S9'},
        {company:  'Huawei', OS:  'Android 8.1', model:  'P20 Pro', fullName:  'Huawei P20 Pro'},


input with autocomplete off location

    key:  'address',
    label:  'Address',
    component:  AddressAutoComplete,
    accessToken:  envConfig.MAP_BOX_ACCESS_TOKEN


address string and geoLocation at the same document

    key:  'group-address',
    addressFieldKey:  'address',
    locationFieldKey:  'location',
    component:  AddressWithMapView,
    group: [
        key:  'address',
        label:  'Address',
        component:  AddressAutoComplete,
        accessToken:  envConfig.MAP_BOX_ACCESS_TOKEN
        key:  'location',
        label:  'Location',
        component:  GeoLocationMapView,
        accessToken:  envConfig.MAP_BOX_ACCESS_TOKEN


    key:  'tags',
    label:  'Tags',
    component:  Tags, // Good for array of string
    validators: { presence:  true, length: { minimum:  2 } },
    helpText:  'Set tags to help the search engine what you want in the future'

Collection Fields

Each field need to include a key and title

  • key - The key to data inside the data response from the server
  • title - The title to display in the table header
  • search - Set true if you want to include this field when user type inside the search input
  • formatter - Pass function if you want to manipulate the value to display (like in Date value)


Your function will get (cell, row, field, extraData)

  • cell - The value of this field in the data base
  • row - The all document data {objectId...}
  • field - Your field coniguration {key : '..', titiel: '...', formatter... }
  • extraData - All extraData , this very helpful with pointer fields

This formatter for the collection fields document formatter is different, check react-cross-form formatter for more details

formatter examples

export  const  imgForamtter  =  function (cell, row, field, extraData) {
    if (cell  &&  cell.url) {
        return  <img  src={cell.url}  style={{width:  50, height:  50}}/>
    return <p>No image</p>

Before you create a formatter, check this list, maybe have something redey for you

Table Fields exmpels

import {formatters} from  'react-common-admin'

formatter = function(fieldValue, docData, fieldConfig, extraData){ return 'your view'}


  key: 'objectId',
  title: 'Object Id',
  search: true

### img

  key:  'image',
  title:  'Image',
  formatter:  formatters.imageFormatter

Pointer with include

  key:  'partner',
  title:  'Account',
  formatter: (cell, row) => {
   if(typeof  cell  ===  'object') {
   const {objectId, name} =  cell
   return <p>{name  ||  objectId}</p>;
   return <p></p>

### Array

  key:  'roles',
  title:  'Roles',
  formatter: formatters.arrayFormatter

Array of Pointers

When to use? when the response from server is like that: ['A12365','Ddck344'] and you want to display somting like that: Red,Green

    key:  'verticals',
    title:  'Verticals',
    pointerTo:  'VerticalDropDown',
    displayKey:  'name',
    formatter:  formatters.arrayOfPointerDisplay,
In this example, our additional data include this:
        {schemaName:  'Vertical', targetName:  'VerticalDropDown'},

Action Button

If you want to show in the table action button, at this to collection fields

    key:  'actionBtn',
    actionBtn:  true
tableProps|object| any props you want to pass to the viewComponent
### collention viewComponent props
    fetchProps - see react-parse fetchProps 
    fields - array
    dataHandler - see react-parse dataHandler (clodeCode)
    extraData - all fetchExtraData results
    title - string
    onCreateNewDoc- function - call this and document modal will display, you can pass as first parameter any data you want and document will get this on props.dataFromCollection
    onEditDoc- function - call this with objectId and document modal will display to edit, you can pass as seconde parameter any data you want and document will get this on props.dataFromCollectio
    skip - number
    limit - number
    // function to call when you want to set a new value
    onLimitChanged: (limit: number) => {...}
    onSkipChanged: (skip: number) => {...}
    onOrderChanged: (order: string => {...}
    onQueryChanged: (query: object) => {...}
    onPagination: (page: number, pageSize: number) => {...}
    ... all other parameters from your collectionProps configuration

collention - tableProps options

key type Description
renderAddBtn function funciton that get all table props and need to return a button
customOnEdit function funciton that be call when user click on edit button, with the row and all table props (rowObjectId, tableProps) => {...}
renderAddBtn example
disabledDelete boolean Set true to hide the delete button
renderSelectTypeToAdd(res) {
const  productTypes  =  objDig(res, 'extraData.ProductType') || []
const  onSelect  = (menuItem) => {
return (
            <Menu  onClick={onSelect}>
            {  => {
            return  <Menu.Item  key={item.objectId}  value={item}>{}</Menu.Item>
        <Button  style={{ marginLeft: 8 }}>
            Add <Icon  type="down" />
collectionPops: {
tableProps: {
renderAddBtn: this.renderSelectTypeToAdd,

react-parse fetchProps

see full details in react-parse docs {data, error, status, info. isLoading, refresh, cleanData, put, post, deleteDoc, updateField}

Need only a documet witout list?

See this example

import React from 'react';
import {CommonAdmin, StaticDoc} from 'react-common-admin'
import {DocFields} from './config';
export default class Example extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
          title='Profile Settings'
          showCollection={false} //--------------->!important
            fields: DocFields,
            objectId: 'eviegCusH8',
            wrapper: StaticDoc, //--------------->!important
            messages: {
              onPostMessage: 'Create successfully',
              onPostFailedMessage: 'Create failed',
              onPutMessage: 'Update successfully',
              onPutFailedMessage: 'Update failed):',
              onDeleteMessage: 'Deleted successfully',
              onDeleteFailedMessage: 'Deleted failed'
            customTitle: ({objectId, data}) => { 'title' }
            {schemaName: 'City', targetName: 'CityDropDown'},

DraggableTable example

By default collection render a table, if you want you can pass as viewComponent a DraggableTable, it is like the regular table with the ability to drag row and change value in the DB base user drag and drop

import {CommonAdmin, DraggableTable} from  'react-common-admin';
        viewComponent:  DraggableTable,
        tableProps: {
            orderKey:  'orderKey' // in this case each document in the DB contain orderKey key with value that help us render the view by a specific order
        // optional
        groups: ['related', 'child'], // render data in separate tables
        groupBy: 'relationType', // key to group value


When you init with customTitle you can use it like that:

import { CommonAdmin, customTitle } from  'react-common-admin'
        title='Example Screen'
        fields: DocFields, // Define this fields you want to render
        customTitle: customTitle,
        titleKey: 'firstName',
        include: 'imageFromMedia'

special situations

Want to create a new document only if he contains a Unique key?

In this example, we want to enable new document only if there is no another document in this collection with this code

import { fields, util } from  'react-common-admin';
export  const  DocFields  = [
        key: 'code',
        label: 'Code',
        // validators: { presence: true, length: { minimum: 3 } },
        customValidation: function (field, value, data, formProps) {
        const  validators  = { presence: true, length: { minimum: 3 } };
        return util.validatorsAndIsUnique(validators, 'code', field, value, data, formProps)
        component: TextInput
        key: 'name',
        label: 'Name',
        validators: { presence: true, length: { minimum: 2 } },
        component: TextInput

Need to keep another collection updating in each change ?

// Option 1
// Sync by react-parse refresh collection

// Option 2 // Use on Fetch end callback

        onFetchEnd: () => { /*do something...*/}

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