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1.0.2 • Public • Published

React Hook Form Validator

Allows you to perform simple and medium-level field validations with react-hook-form.


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.required(message?: string | function): Validator

If the length of the value (string, array, FileList) is 0 or null, undefined, it is marked as failed.

.string(message?: string | function): Validator

Verifies whether the value is a string.

.number(message?: string | function): Validator

Verifies whether the value is a number. NaN, Infinity and -Infinity are not accepted.

.array(message?: string | function): Validator

Verifies whether the value is an array.

.boolean(message?: string | function): Validator

Verifies whether the value is a bool.

.email(message?: string | function): Validator

Validates the value as an email address using the same regex as defined by the HTML spec.

.ip(message?: string | function): Validator

Verifies whether the value is a valid ip address.

.fileSize(size: number, message?: string | function, kilobyteUnit?: number): Validator

Verifies that all files in the FileList object must be less than or equal to the specified file size.

Note: The {size} or {formattedSize} interpolation can be used in the message argument.

.fileType(type: string | string[] | RegExp, message?: string | function): Validator

Verifies whether all files in the FileList object match the specified file type.

Note: The {type} interpolation can be used in the message argument.

.length(length: number, message?: string | function): Validator

  • string Set a length limit for the string value.
  • array Set a length limit for the array.
  • FileList Set a length limit for the file input.

Note: The {length} interpolation can be used in the message argument.

.minLength(length: number, message?: string | function): Validator

  • string Set a minimum length limit for the string value.
  • array Set a minimum length limit for the array.
  • FileList Set a minimum length limit for the file input.

Note: The {length} interpolation can be used in the message argument.

.maxLength(length: number, message?: string | function): Validator

  • string Set a maximum length limit for the string value.
  • array Set a maximum length limit for the array.
  • FileList Set a maximum length limit for the file input.

Note: The {length} interpolation can be used in the message argument.

.eq(valueOrRef: FieldValue | FieldValue[] | Ref, message?: string | function): Validator

  • FieldValue Checks whether the value is equal to FieldValue.
  • FieldValue[] Checks if the value is equal to any value in the array.
  • Ref Checks if the value is equal to a different field(s).

Note: The {values}, {resolved} or {fields} interpolation can be used in the message argument.

.neq(valueOrRef: FieldValue | FieldValue[] | Ref, message?: string | function): Validator

  • FieldValue Checks whether the value is not equal to FieldValue.
  • FieldValue[] Checks if the value is equal to any value in the array.
  • Ref Checks if the value is equal to a different field(s).

Note: The {values}, {resolved} or {fields} interpolation can be used in the message argument.

.lt(valueOrRef: number | Date | Ref, message?: string | function): Validator

  • number Checks whether the field value is less than the specified number.
  • Date Checks whether the field value is less than the specified Date.
  • Ref Check if the field value is smaller than other field(s).

Note: The {values}, {resolved} or {fields} interpolation can be used in the message argument.

.lte(valueOrRef: number | Date | Ref, message?: string | function): Validator

  • number Checks whether the field value is less than or equal to the specified number.
  • Date Checks whether the field value is less than or equal to the specified Date.
  • Ref Check that the field value is less than or equal to the other field(s).

Note: The {values}, {resolved} or {fields} interpolation can be used in the message argument.

.gt(valueOrRef: number | Date | Ref, message?: string | function): Validator

  • number Checks whether the field value is greater than the specified number.
  • Date Checks whether the field value is greater than the specified Date.
  • Ref Check if the field value is larger than other field(s).

Note: The {values}, {resolved} or {fields} interpolation can be used in the message argument.

.gte(valueOrRef: number | Date | Ref, message?: string | function): Validator

  • number Checks whether the field value is greater than or equal to the specified number.
  • Date Checks whether the field value is greater than or equal to the specified Date.
  • Ref Check that the field value is larger than or equal to the other field(s).

Note: The {values}, {resolved} or {fields} interpolation can be used in the message argument.

.regexp(regexp: RegExp, message?: string | function): Validator

Tests the field value with the specified regexp.

Note: The {regexp} interpolation can be used in the message argument.

.notRegexp(regexp: RegExp, message?: string | function): Validator

Tests the field value with the specified regexp.

Note: The {regexp} interpolation can be used in the message argument.

.pattern(pattern: string, message?: string | function): Validator

Converts a given pattern into a regexp and tests the field value with this regexp.

Note: The {pattern} interpolation can be used in the message argument.

.by(validate: Validate): Validator

Allows you to validate the field value with a custom validator.

Register custom rule

import {
} from 'react-hook-form-validator'

declare module 'react-hook-form-validator' {
  class Validator {
    foo(arg1: string, arg2: string, ...other: unknown[]): this

registerValidationRule('foo', (...args: unknown[]) => {
  return (value) => {
    if (value !== 'foo') {
      return 'value is not "foo"'

    return true

// then
validator().foo('arg1', 'arg2').validate()

Customize locale

import { setLocale } from 'react-hook-form-validator'

// replace current locale
  // ...locale

// update current locale
setLocale({ required: 'value is required' }, true)


Basic example

import * as React from 'react'
import { validator } from 'react-hook-form-validator'
import { useForm, SubmitHandler, SubmitErrorHandler } from 'react-hook-form'

interface AnyFormData {
  email: string
  password: string

const emailFieldValidate = validator<string, AnyFormData>()

const passwordFieldValidate = validator<string, AnyFormData>()

const App: React.FC = () => {
  const {
    formState: { errors }
  } = useForm<AnyFormData>()

  const handleValid: SubmitHandler<AnyFormData> = () => {}

  const handleInvalid: SubmitErrorHandler<AnyFormData> = () => {}

  return (
    <form onSubmit={handleSubmit(handleValid, handleInvalid)}>
      <input {...register('email', { validate: emailFieldValidate })} />

      { && <span role="alert">{}</span>}

        {...register('password', { validate: passwordFieldValidate })}

      {errors.password && <span role="alert">{errors.password.message}</span>}

      <button type="submit" />

Password confirmation example

import * as React from 'react'
import { ref, validator } from 'react-hook-form-validator'
import { useForm, SubmitHandler, SubmitErrorHandler } from 'react-hook-form'

interface AnyFormData {
  password: string
  passwordConfirmation: string

const passwordFieldValidate = validator<string, AnyFormData>()

const passwordConfirmationFieldValidate = validator<string, AnyFormData>()

const App: React.FC = () => {
  const {
    formState: { errors }
  } = useForm<AnyFormData>()

  const handleValid: SubmitHandler<AnyFormData> = () => {}

  const handleInvalid: SubmitErrorHandler<AnyFormData> = () => {}

  return (
    <form onSubmit={handleSubmit(handleValid, handleInvalid)}>
        {...register('password', {
          validate: passwordFieldValidate

      {errors.password && <span role="alert">{errors.password.message}</span>}

        {...register('passwordConfirmation', {
          validate: passwordConfirmationFieldValidate

      {errors.passwordConfirmation && (
        <span role="alert">{errors.passwordConfirmation.message}</span>

      <button type="submit" />

One of example

import * as React from 'react'
import { validator } from 'react-hook-form-validator'
import { useForm, SubmitHandler, SubmitErrorHandler } from 'react-hook-form'

type GenderType = 'male' | 'female'

interface AnyFormData {
  gender: GenderType

const genderFieldValidate = validator<GenderType, AnyFormData>()
  .eq(['male', 'female'])

const App: React.FC = () => {
  const {
    formState: { errors }
  } = useForm<AnyFormData>()

  const handleValid: SubmitHandler<AnyFormData> = () => {}

  const handleInvalid: SubmitErrorHandler<AnyFormData> = () => {}

  return (
    <form onSubmit={handleSubmit(handleValid, handleInvalid)}>
      <select {...register('gender', { validate: genderFieldValidate })}>
        <option value="" disabled>
          choose gender
        <option value="male">Male</option>
        <option value="female">Female</option>

      {errors.gender && <span role="alert">{errors.gender.message}</span>}

      <button type="submit" />

Regexp example

import * as React from 'react'
import { validator } from 'react-hook-form-validator'
import { useForm, SubmitHandler, SubmitErrorHandler } from 'react-hook-form'

interface AnyFormData {
  value: string

const valueFieldValidate = validator<string, AnyFormData>()
  .regexp(/^[0-9]+$/, 'value must be a number containing a string')

const App: React.FC = () => {
  const {
    formState: { errors }
  } = useForm<AnyFormData>()

  const handleValid: SubmitHandler<AnyFormData> = () => {}

  const handleInvalid: SubmitErrorHandler<AnyFormData> = () => {}

  return (
    <form onSubmit={handleSubmit(handleValid, handleInvalid)}>
      <input {...register('value', { validate: valueFieldValidate })} />

      {errors.value && <span role="alert">{errors.value.message}</span>}

      <button type="submit" />

Pattern example

import * as React from 'react'
import { validator } from 'react-hook-form-validator'
import { useForm, SubmitHandler, SubmitErrorHandler } from 'react-hook-form'

interface AnyFormData {
  cvv: string
  expiryDate: string
  cardNumber: string
  phoneNumber: string

const cvvFieldValidate = validator<string, AnyFormData>()

const expiryDateFieldValidate = validator<string, AnyFormData>()

const cardNumberFieldValidate = validator<string, AnyFormData>()
  .pattern('#### #### #### ####')

const phoneNumberFieldValidate = validator<string, AnyFormData>()
  .pattern('0 5## ### ## ##')

const App: React.FC = () => {
  const {
    formState: { errors }
  } = useForm<AnyFormData>()

  const handleValid: SubmitHandler<AnyFormData> = () => {}

  const handleInvalid: SubmitErrorHandler<AnyFormData> = () => {}

  return (
    <form onSubmit={handleSubmit(handleValid, handleInvalid)}>
        {...register('cardNumber', { validate: cardNumberFieldValidate })}
      {errors.cardNumber && (
        <span role="alert">{errors.cardNumber.message}</span>

        {...register('expiryDate', { validate: expiryDateFieldValidate })}
      {errors.expiryDate && (
        <span role="alert">{errors.expiryDate.message}</span>

      <input {...register('cvv', { validate: cvvFieldValidate })} />
      {errors.cvv && <span role="alert">{errors.cvv.message}</span>}

        {...register('phoneNumber', { validate: phoneNumberFieldValidate })}
      {errors.phoneNumber && (
        <span role="alert">{errors.phoneNumber.message}</span>

      <button type="submit" />

Conditional validation example

When the value of the field named "hasPromotionCode" is "true", it is indicated that the "promotionCode" field is mandatory and must be 6 characters length.

import * as React from 'react'
import { ref, when } from 'react-hook-form-validator'
import { useForm, SubmitHandler, SubmitErrorHandler } from 'react-hook-form'

interface AnyFormData {
  promotionCode: string
  hasPromotionCode: boolean

const promotionCodeFieldValidate = when<string, AnyFormData>(
    is: true,
    then: (v) => v.required().string().length(6)

const App: React.FC = () => {
  const {
    formState: { errors }
  } = useForm<AnyFormData>()

  const handleValid: SubmitHandler<AnyFormData> = () => {}

  const handleInvalid: SubmitErrorHandler<AnyFormData> = () => {}

  return (
    <form onSubmit={handleSubmit(handleValid, handleInvalid)}>
      <input {...register('hasPromotionCode')} type="checkbox" />

        {...register('promotionCode', { validate: promotionCodeFieldValidate })}

      {errors.promotionCode && (
        <span role="alert">{errors.promotionCode.message}</span>

      <button type="submit" />

File(s) size example

import * as React from 'react'
import { validator } from 'react-hook-form-validator'
import { useForm, SubmitHandler, SubmitErrorHandler } from 'react-hook-form'

interface AnyFormData {
  avatar: FileList

const avatarFieldValidate = validator<FileList, AnyFormData>()
  .fileSize(1000 ** 2 * 2) // max file size 2 mb

const App: React.FC = () => {
  const {
    formState: { errors }
  } = useForm<AnyFormData>()

  const handleValid: SubmitHandler<AnyFormData> = () => {}

  const handleInvalid: SubmitErrorHandler<AnyFormData> = () => {}

  return (
    <form onSubmit={handleSubmit(handleValid, handleInvalid)}>
        {...register('avatar', { validate: avatarFieldValidate })}

      {errors.avatar && (
        <span role="alert">{errors.avatar.message}</span>

      <button type="submit" />

File(s) type example

import * as React from 'react'
import { validator } from 'react-hook-form-validator'
import { useForm, SubmitHandler, SubmitErrorHandler } from 'react-hook-form'

interface AnyFormData {
  avatar: FileList

const avatarFieldValidate = validator<FileList, AnyFormData>()
  .fileType('image/png') // or /^image\/(png|jpeg)$/ or ['image/png', 'image/jpeg']

const App: React.FC = () => {
  const {
    formState: { errors }
  } = useForm<AnyFormData>()

  const handleValid: SubmitHandler<AnyFormData> = () => {}

  const handleInvalid: SubmitErrorHandler<AnyFormData> = () => {}

  return (
    <form onSubmit={handleSubmit(handleValid, handleInvalid)}>
        {...register('avatar', { validate: avatarFieldValidate })}

      {errors.avatar && <span role="alert">{errors.avatar.message}</span>}

      <button type="submit" />

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