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0.8.2 • Public • Published


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Named router built on top of React Router. Allows you to control your urls more efficiently by abstracting them away from your application. Makes translation and parameterized url building easier. Fully compatible with react-router-config. It can also be used on server side rendering.

⚠️ This package is based on react-router-dom components and is required as a peer dependency, therefore, you can't use it (yet) on Native environment.


Using yarn:

$ yarn add react-named-router react-router-dom

Using npm:

$ npm install --save react-named-router react-router-dom

That's it ! You don't need anything more.


The basic setup example:

import React from 'react';
import { NamedRouter } from 'react-named-router';
const routes = [
  { name: 'home', path: '/' },
  { name: 'parent', path: '/parent', routes: [{ name: 'nested', path: '/parent/nested' }] },
  { name: 'parametrized', path: '/users/:userId' },
  { name: 'optional', path: '/tasks/:type?' },
const App = () => (
  <NamedRouter routes={routes}>
    {/* App content goes here */}
export default App;

The routes configuration is relying on the same structure as react-router-config and can be used for both naming and route rendering via renderRoutes(route.routes) (see documentation for more details).

Nesting routes is not mandatory and only helps on two cases:

  • When you want to do certain things when a component has a certain route in its parents route.
  • When you use renderRoutes from react-router-config.

By default, NamedRouter is using BrowserRouter under the hood but you can change that through the routerComponent prop.


The basic component to render routing is the same as when you use React Router classic. The only difference is that it will take a name prop instead of path.

import { NamedRoute, NamedSwitch } from 'react-named-router';
const MyComponent = () => (
  <div className="wrapper">
      <NamedRoute name="home" exact component={Home} />
      <Route component={NotFound} />

The NamedRoute component will throw an error if requested route does not exist. This will help ensuring that your app uses only valid route names.

NamedLink and NamedRedirect

To link and redirect throughout your application with named routing, you can use both the NamedLink and NamedRedirect which use the same API. They both take a to prop that accept a valid route name (otherwise an error will be thrown).

<NamedLink to="home">Link to home</NamedLink>

You can pass parameters as key/value object to build your urls through the params prop. If URL contains a required parameter and not found in key/values pairs, an error will be thrown to ensure urls are always built the correct way.

// This is correct
const redirect = <NamedRedirect to="parametrized" params={{ userId: 42 }} />;
// This will throw
const link = <NamedLink to="parametrized">Link to home</NamedLink>;

Optional parameters will not throw an error if not given.


Due to the way React router's Switch operates, it cannot work with NamedRoute component. This is why react-named-router also provides a NamedSwitch component that does exactly the same, but requires a name prop instead of path on its children.

As a reminder, the NamedSwitch component only renders the first matching child component for current location. This allows you to use routes that are not matching exact path.

Advanced usage

React Named Router also provides a context API that allows you to perform push and replace operations using route naming. This API is available through an HOC or a React Hook.


The withNamedRouting HOC injects into your component a prop named namedRouting which contains an object that allows you to use the HTML history API methods push and replace with naming.

const MyComponent = withNamedRouting(({ namedRouting }) => (
    I'm a message box
    <button onClick={() => namedRouting.push('home')}>Go to home</button>

Both functions take a second argument params to build parameterized URLs.

⚠️ When using named router on server side, you will replace default router by StaticRouter and therefore history API will not be available. The context will then only contain helper methods which are covered in the API section. The only way to continue having those methods available is to provide NamedRouter the history prop with a memory history object.


This function is a React Hook and can only be used in React functional components. Prefer use this over the HOC because it bloats less your React tree in the debugger and is much more friendly to test/mock. This hook returns exactly the same object as the namedRouting prop when using the HOC.

const MyComponent = () => {
  const { push } = useNamedRouting();
  return <button onClick={() => push('home')}>Go to home</button>;

Configuration first usage

react-named-router allows you to leverage the power of your routes configuration while maintaining high flexibility about where to render each route. The NamedRoute component will use all fields from the matching route to build its props:

// Configuration file
const routes = [
  { name: 'home', path: '/', component: Home },
  { name: 'userDetails', path: '/users/:userId', exact: true, component: UserDetails },
// Component file
const MyComponent = () => (
      <NamedRoute name="home" />
      <NamedRoute name="userDetails" />

With react-router-config

Since route configuration objects of react-named-router are based on react-router-config configuration objects, you can simply use it as you would normally but adding an extra name property to each route object having a path property.

const Users = ({ route }) => renderRoutes(route.routes);
const routes = [
  { name: 'home', path: '/', exact: true, component: Home },
    name: 'users',
    path: '/users',
    component: Users,
    routes: [
      { name: 'userDetails', path: '/users/:userId', component: UserDetails, exact: true },
      { component: UsersList },
const App = () => renderRoutes(routes);

I18n (translated route paths)

As said earlier i18n is really easy using named routing. Here's an example using react-i18next:

i18next.addResourceBundle('en', 'urls', { users: 'users' });
i18next.addResourceBundle('fr', 'urls', { users: 'utilisateurs' });
const App = ({ lang }) => {
  const { t } = useTranslation();
  const routes = useMemo(() => [
    { name: 'users', path: t('urls:users') }
  ], [lang]);
  return (
    <NamedRouter routes={routes}>
      {/* App content */}

You can also base lang on a lang param inside URL.


Server side rendering is a cool feature that ensure great performance for mobile users and better SEO, and named router can also help with that. You need to use the StaticRouter instead of the regular BrowserRouter by providing the routerComponent prop:

const handleGet = (req, res) => {
    <NamedRouter routerComponent={StaticRouter} routerProps={{ location: req.url }} routes={routes}>
      {/* App content */}

You can also use the buildRoutingContext to determine if you should return 404 not found:

const routingContext = buildRoutingContext(routes);
const handleGet = (req, res) => {
  const route = routingContext.match(req.url);
  if (!route) {
  } else {
    res.send('Hello world!')


react-named-router provides first class typescript type definitions without installing anything else. If you want to have a custom route configuration object you can extend the CustomNamedRouteConfig with interface override:

declare module 'react-named-router' {
  interface CustomNamedRouteConfig {
    title: string



This is the main component and serves as a provider for the routing in your app. It must be placed inside of your top level component or within your initial call of ReactDOM.render.

prop type required description
routes NamedRouteConfig[] yes An array of route configuration objects
routerComponent React.ComponentType<any> React component used as router (BrowserRouter, StaticRouter, etc)
routerProps any Props passed the the router component
children React.ReactNode Children elements to render inside router.

Route name can be an array to have aliases for a same route. Tough only the first name will come up in routing resolution (like when using match or when you use NamedRoute).


Based on the React Router Link component. It uses all the same props except to which is configured by Named Router.

prop type required description
to string, object yes Name of the route used as link target
params object Object containing key/values to generate parameterized URLs

NamedLink throw the following errors:

  • Undefined route "$name": When the to prop does not match any route given to the NamedRouter.
  • Route "$name" does not have a path: When the to prop points to an existing route which does not have a path (like wrapper routes).
  • Missing value for required param "$paramKey": When the params prop is missing a key/value pair to generate URL.

The to prop can also take a location object to provide a state. This is useful when redirecting user to login and keeping somewhere the url from which user was redirected. The location object has the following signature:

location property type required description
name string yes Name of the route used as link target
state object Object containing key/values to keep in location state
search string URL query string (eg ?param=1234)
hash string URL anchor (eg #section42)


Based on the React Router Redirect component. Uses the same API and errors as NamedLink.


Based on the React Router Route component. Only the path prop is overridden by Named Router.

prop type required description
name string yes Name of the route used for route path generation

NamedRoute throw the following errors:

  • Undefined route "$name": When the to prop does not match any route given to the NamedRouter.

Also NamedRoute will forward all fields from matching route to Route component (path, exact, component).


Based on the React Router Switch component.

prop type required description
location Location Location to be used for route matching, defaults to context location

buildRoutingContext(routes: NamedRouteConfig[], routerContext?: RoutingContextArg, basename?: string)

Utility function that can be used to build the context on server side rendering to get the name of the current route. This is useful when you need to generate meta tags, page title or anything else depending on which route is matching. Can also be used anywhere to convert route names to pathname and vice-versa.

⚠️ If you use a basename on frontend, be sure to pass it to buildRoutingContext otherwise context.match won't work properly.

The routingContext argument can be part or the whole context given by React Router or a custom one. It will be used for location and history properties and also to be able to calculate params.


React hook that enables you to quickly retrieve current matching route params (see BaseRoutingContext.params).


A React hook to retrieve current location. Contains pathname, state, etc.


This React hook will let you use the currently exact matching route.

Context API


This object is returned when using withNamedRouting or useNamedRouting.

location: Location

Current location used within the router, can be useful to get location.pathname or location.state.

params: { [key: string]: string }

Current matching route params. Can be used to get url params from anywhere within the application.

exactParams: { [key: string]: string }

Same as params but only for exact routes.

currrentRoute: ExtendedRouteConfig | null

Current matching route (can match only exact paths).

match(pathname: string, matchAll?: boolean)

This function returns the first route matching exactly the given pathname or null if no match found. Also matches only route with exact property. The returned route object is the object from your route configuration plus two additional properties:

  • regex: a Regular expression to test pathname against for matching.
  • parents: list of parent routes (array of route names).

The matchAll param allows you to match index routes (non exact routes).

getPath(name: string, params?: object)

Generates path for route matching the given route name. Throws an error if no route is matching. Second argument is used for parameterized URLs generation. Throws also an error if required parameter is missing.

getRoute(name: string)

Retrieve route object for given route name. Throws an error if route is not found.

push(location: string | NamedLocation, params?: object)

Issue a push into the history API (pushState for HTML5 History) using the given route name and params. Throws the same errors as getPath. params is used to generate path if route has arguments. You can also use a location like object to provide search and/or state.

⚠️ This method will throw an error if used without history being available (typically on server side).

replace(location: string | NamedLocation, params?: object)

Replaces current location, using history API (replaceState for HTML5 History) with the given route name and params. Throws the same errors as getPath.params is used to generate path if route has arguments. You can also use a location like object to provide search and/or state.

⚠️ This method will throw an error if used without history being available (typically on server side).


This project is written in TypeScript and uses ESLint as linter to unsure code quality. Tests are written using Jest. Package manager used is Yarn

Run tests:

yarn test

Run build:

yarn build

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