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Modular Syntax highlighting for the web.


The original Prism.js is probably one of the best syntax highlighters ever created for javascript. It's extremely performant, and comes packed with tons of languages that people have worked hard to support. However, it wasn't created to play nice with tomorrow's module bundlers like Webpack, Rollup, or Parcel (despite it's claims to do so). RePrism is the answer to that need.


  • 100% Prism Theme compatibility
  • SSR compatible
  • Feature Parity for all original Prism languages
  • Modular & Bundler friendly
  • Near-full support for plugins


# yarn 
$ yarn add reprism
# npm 
$ npm install --save reprism

Basic Usage

Reprism's core comes packaged with the same 4 default languages that Prism does:

  • markup
  • clike
  • css
  • javascript

All you need is a Prism theme and you can use reprism right away!

import { highlight } from "reprism";
import "prismjs/themes/prism-okaidia.css";
const htmlCode = `
    <li className='foo' alt='bar' style="background: red;">
const highlightedCode = reprism(htmlCode, "html");
// <pre class='reprism html language-html'><span class=\\"token tag\\"><span class=\\"token tag\\"><span class=\\"token punctuation\\...

Using Prism Themes

Good news! You can use any prism compatible theme that you want, out of the box. Just make sure the styles are loaded, and you're good to go! You can do this any number of ways using various bundlers and plugins or even traditional <link> tags.

Here are the themes we recommend:


RePrism supports all of the same languages that Prism does, but they have been upgraded to play nicely with bundlers. Click here for the complete directory of updated languages.

To use these languages, simply import them and load them using RePrism's loadLanguages export. Here's an example of loading the jsx syntax and using it:

import { highlight, loadLanguages } from "reprism";
import jsx from "reprism/lanugages/jsx";
const jsxCode = `
  const element = (
        { => (
          <li key={} className='foo'>
const highlightedCode = reprism(jsxCode, "jsx");
// <pre class='reprism jsx language-jsx'<span class=\\"token keyword\\">const</span> element <span class=\\"token operator\\">=</span> <span class=\\"token punctuation\\">(</span>...


As long as they are used strictly in the browser, most original Prism plugins should work just fine as long as you provide them the global Prism object:

// Import the Prism Api
import Prism from "reprism";
// When in the browser
if (typeof document !== "undefined") {
  // Provide window.Prism for plugins
  window.Prism = Prism;

Migrating Other Languages

If you have a language that wasn't already ported from the original Prism list, then you can easily upgrade it to work with RePrism like so:

export default {
  language: "yourLanguageID",
  init: Prism => {
    // Insert your original Prism language code

That's it!



Use this method to highlight a string of code.

  • Arguments
    • code: String (Required) - The string of code you want to highlight
    • language: String (Required) - The language you want to use to parse the code.
    • component: String|Boolean - Defaults to pre. The html tag RePrism should use to wrap the source code. If set to false, the source code will not be wrapped in any element.
  • Returns
    • String - The resulting HTML markup for your code as a String, wrapped in a <pre> tag.
import { highlight } from "reprism";
const highlightedCode = highlight("...", "javascript");


Use this method to load languages into RePrism

  • Arguments
    • ...languages or languages[] - The languages you want to load. You can pass them as paramaters, or as an array.
import { loadLanguages } from "reprism";
import jsx from "reprism/languages/jsx";
import elixir from "reprism/languages/elixir";
import ruby from "reprism/languages/ruby";
loadLanguages(jsx, elixir, ruby);
// or
loadLanguages([jsx, elixir, ruby]);


The global export used almost exclusively for Plugin backwards compatibility. Expose this as a global variable for plugins to work properly

import Prism from "reprism";
if (typeof document !== "undefined") {
  window.Prism = Prism;

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  • tannerlinsley