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1.0.2 • Public • Published

React Native Scrolling FAB

Scrollable Float action button for React Native with NativeDriver for high-performance animations.

Table of Content:

How it looks


npm i rn-scrolling-fab --save


yarn add rn-scrolling-fab


Take a look into example folder

To execute the example using Expo run the following command:

yarn run run:example

How to use it

Step 1: Import the FloatingAction component:

import { FloatingAction } from "rn-scrolling-fab";

Second step: define the buttons

const actions = [
     key: "bt_home",
     icon: require("./images/ic_home_white.png"),
     key: "bt_favorite",
     icon: require("./images/ic_favorite_white.png"),
     key: "bt_news",
     icon: require("./images/ic_news_white.png"),
     key: "bt_video",
    icon: require("./images/ic_video_white.png"),

or pass icon as component

const actions = [
     key: "UK",
     icon: <Text>🇬🇧</Text>,
     key: "CA",
     icon: <Text>🇨🇦</Text>,
     key: "DE",
     icon: <Text>🇩🇪</Text>,
     key: "USA",
     icon: <Text>🇺🇸</Text>,

Third step: use it

<View style={styles.container}>
  <Text style={styles.example}>Floating Action example</Text>
    onPressItem={key => {
      console.log(`selected button: ${key}`);



actions: Array<ActionsProps>

  • Default: []

    Actions to be displayed when the main Floating Action Button is pressed. See ActionsProps section for more information about the ActionsProps keys and values.

size: number

  • Default: screenWidth * 0.13

    The size of the Floating Action Button.

isVertical: boolean

  • Default: false

    Determines whether the actions are displayed vertically as a Vertical Fab or horizontally. By default, it is set to display horizontally.

isHidden: boolean

  • Default: false

    Determines whether the Floating Action Button is hidden. By default, it is visible.

tintColor: ColorValue

  • Default: rgba(24,24,24,0.5)

    The color of the Floating Action Button. Pass this ColorValue as a hexadecimal color respecting the default format.

overlayColor: ColorValue

  • Default: rgba(0,0,0,0.1)

    The overlay color of the Floating Action Button. Pass this ColorValue as a hexadecimal color respecting the default format.

hideOverlay: boolean

  • Default: false

    Determines whether the overlay is hidden. By default, the overlay is visible.

position: Position

  • Default: right

    The position of the Floating Action Button, either Position.LEFT or Position.RIGHT.

bottomSpace: DimensionValue

  • Default: PixelRatio.get() * 10

    The bottom space of the Floating Action Button.

horizontalSpace: DimensionValue

  • Default: PixelRatio.get() * 10

    The horizontal space of the Floating Action Button. If the position is left, then the space from the left edge of the screen.

floatingIcon: ReactElement | ImageSourcePropType | null

  • Default: null

    The icon of the Floating Action Button. It can be a React element, an image source, or null. By default, the icon is a plus icon.

floatingIconSize: number between 0 and 1

  • Default: 0.5

    The size of the Floating Action Button icon. It can be a value between 0 and 1.

floatingIconColor: ColorValue

  • Default: #f5f5f5

    The color of the Floating Action Button icon.

onPressItem: (key: string) => void

  • Default: undefined

    Callback function to be called when an action item is pressed.

    • @param key: The key of the pressed action item.

rippleColor: ColorValue

  • Default: rgba(245,245,245,0.1)

    The color of the ripple effect for Android and opacity effect for iOS when an action item is pressed.

onPressMain: (actionType: FloatingIconPressActions) => void

  • Default: undefined

    Callback function to be called when the main Floating Action Button is pressed.

    • @param actionType: The type of the Floating Action Button press action.

dismissKeyboardOnPress: boolean

  • Default: false

    Determines if the keyboard should be dismissed when an action item is pressed.

shadow: ViewStyle

The shadow style of the floating action button.

  • Default:
      shadowColor: 'rgba(0,0,0, 0.6)',
      shadowOffset: {
        width: 7,
        height: 7
      shadowOpacity: 1,
      shadowRadius: 17,
      elevation: size / 3


icon: ReactElement | ImageSourcePropType | null

The icon of the action item. It can be a React element, an image source, or null.

key: string

The key of the action item.


  • [x] first implementation
  • [x] example
  • [x] change plus icon to be customizable
  • [x] migrate to TypeScript
  • [ ] add more positions.
  • [ ] support hide or show the component with an animation
  • [ ] open on mounting

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  • alaa_dribati