
0.1.4 • Public • Published


A react-native dependency management plugin


  1. Make it simple to start a react-native project with native dependencies like fbsdk, firebase, etc. removing any (if possible) android/ios specific changes

  2. Make it easier to upgrade from one react-native version to another

  3. Keep common data source. (Version, BuildNumber, etc)


$ npm install --save-dev rnpm-plugin-foundation


Install all the libraries that are needed for your project for example react-native-fbsdk, react-native-device-info, react-native-firebase, etc.

After installing the library just run:

$ react-native foundation

NOTE: You need to run the plugin after installing any library with native depdenencies. To be on the safe side you can run the plugin before building

You will need to then add a property on your package.json file that are used to declare library specific variables like:

  "name": "AppName",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "foundation": {
    "app": {
      "bundleId": "com.example.myapp",
      "buildNumber": "1"
    "constants": {
      "fb": {
        "app": {
          "id": "<your fb app id>",
          "name": "<your fb app name>"
    "sub-modules": {
      "react-native": ["Linking", "PushNotificationIOS"],
      "react-native-firebase": ["Admob"]

You could define platform specific values if needed

  "foundation": {
    "app": {
      "bundleId": {
        "android": "com.example.android.myapp",
        "ios": "com.example.ios.myapp"


To run the android project you can then follow your standard procedure


To run the iOS project you will need to use CocoaPods. To initialize CocoaPods. Move inside the the ios folder within your project and run:

$ pod init
$ pod install

The pod init command needs to run just once whereas run pod install every time you need to build the project. (For now)


Running the foundation plugin will change your native source code


  1. foundation.lock
    A lock file that stores all the information required for building the android/ios project. You need to commit this file as well. Do not ever directly edit this file. The plugin updates this file as and when required.


  1. android/settings.gradle
    Adds a dynamic script to automatically link the libraries provided via the foundation.lock file
  2. android/build.gradle
    Adds a script to change the sdkVersion and buildToolsVersion for all the subprojects (libraries) to be same as the main project. Without this it is highly likely to fail android project specially when using libraries like 'react-native-fbsdk'
  3. android/app/build.gradle
    Adds a script to automatically compile the dependencies based on the foundation.lock file. Also script to replace all plugin specific variables {{fb.app.id}} in the manifest file.
  4. android/app/src/main/java/.../MainActivity.java
    This file is automatically updated to add any code required by the library.
  5. android/app/src/main/java/.../MainApplication.java
    This file is automatically updated to add any code required by the library.


  1. project.pbxproj
    Uses RNFoundation-Info.plist file as the main plist file instead of Info.plist file. This is done to merge information provided by the libraries into a single plist file with replaceable constants like {{fb.app.id}}, which is done by pod install at the moment.
  2. <Your Project>/AppDelegate.m
    This file is automatically updated to add any code required by the library.
  3. Podfile
    Once CocoaPods is initialized. You then work on xcode workspace rather than xcode project. You will also get a Pods folder created once the CocoaPods is initialized. You can ignore this folder on your source control as it keeps all the library releases within this folder.
  4. Within ios folder a new file will be added named RNFoundation-Info.plist which is updated every time pod install is run. Its upto you if you want to include it in your source control or not.

For the library Developers

The library developers can add hook within their project to make changes to the source code, so that the library works without making any changes to the native codes for the user. Its not required to add a hook for the basic type of project. But if there are non-standard changes, you can add hooks declared via your package.json.

Your hooks look like:

module.exports = {
  android: ({ code, subModules, config, constants }, dependency) => {
      'protected static',
    // // Looks like sdkInitialize has been deprecated, no call needed
    // code.mainApplication.onCreate('FacebookSdk', () => (
    //   'sdkInitialize(getApplicationContext())'
    // ));
  ios: ({ code, subModules, config, constants }, dependency) => {
    code.appDelegate.didFinishLaunchingWithOptions('[FBSDKApplicationDelegate sharedInstance');
    code.appDelegate.openURL('[FBSDKApplicationDelegate sharedInstance]', (app, url, options) => `

The hook file then needs to be provided via package.json

  "foundation": {
    "hook": "<your hook definition file>",
    "plist": "ios info.plist declaration to be merged",
    "manifest": "AndroidManifest.xml file to be merged"

Additional Features

  1. Bundle signature config.signBundle
    Provide a salt in the configuration to sign your javascript bundle to avoid tampering of javascript bundle directly in the apk. Works in android only.
    "foundation": {
      "config": {
        "signBundle": "<Salt for generating signature>"




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  • syaau