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0.0.24 • Public • Published

Roots Mini

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Experimenting with a new webpack core for roots.

Why should you care?

The thinking behind this experiment is explained in this article. Please feel free to comment and contribute.



  • npm install roots-mini -g
  • rootsmini new projectname


Roots can operate through either a javascript API or a CLI interface. We'll break them both down below.

Command Line Interface

Roots mini can be accessed through the command line if installed globally through npm (npm i roots-mini -g). It exposes a binary by the name of rootsmini.


  • rootsmini watch [--env]: watches your project, opens up a local server, recompiles and refreshes your browser when a file is changed and saved
  • rootsmini compile [--env]: compiles a roots project once
  • rootsmini new <projectname>: creates a new roots-mini project
  • rootsmini clean: removes your project's output directory

You can find roots-mini's standard starter template here, and it can be installed through sprout.

Javacript API

The Roots module exposes a single class through which all functionality operates. An instance of the class should be created for each project being compiled with Roots.

import Roots from 'roots'
let project = new Roots({ root: 'path/to/project/root' })

The above shows a minimal instantiation, but the constructor accepts a wide variety of options, listed below.

Option Description Default
root [required] An absolute path to the root of your project.
matchers An object with jade, css, and js keys. Each key is a micromatch string, and represents which files should be pulled into the pipeline to be processed. Defaults are . Be very careful if you are trying to change this. **/*.jade, **/*.css, and **/*.js
postcss An object that can contain a plugins key, which is an array of plugins to be passed to PostCSS for CSS processing, and a parser, stringifier, and/or syntax key, each of which are objects and take any of the postcss-loader options
babelConfig A configuration object for Babel for JS processing.
jade A configuration object for jade.
dumpDirs An array of directories which, if direct children of the project root, will dump their contents to the root on compile. Defaults to ['views', 'assets'].
locals An object containing locals to be passed to jade views. This can be used for values, functions, any sort of view helper you need.
env The environment you would like to use when compiling. See environments for more information about this option.
ignore An array of micromatch strings, each one defining a file pattern to be ignored from compilation.
outputDir The name or path of the folder your project will be compiled into, on top of the project's root. 'public'
cleanUrls Remove .html from your paths during true
plugins An array of webpack plugins.
entry Webpack entry object duplicate. Can be used for code splitting and/or to use multiple bundles. { 'js/main': ['./assets/js/index.js'] }
modulesDirectories Webpack modulesDirectories array option, to select where modules can be loaded from. ['node_modules', 'bower_components']
module.loaders Allows you to define an array of custom loaders. See webpack's documentation for details
resolve.alias Set up loader aliases, like if you wanted to load a local loader. See webpack's documentation for details

Note: Not familiar with minimatch or micromatch? Check out the minimatch cheat sheet and test your patterns with globtester. Trust us, it's a much cleaner and easier way to write regexes for the file system : )

Roots exposes a simpler and more straightforward configuration interface than if you were to set up the webpack configuration yourself. However, if you'd like to directly edit the webpack config, you can still do this after the project has been instantiated through the config property on each instance.

let project = new Roots({ root: 'path/to/project/root' })
console.log(project.config) // echoes bare webpack config object, can be edited

If you decide to edit the webpack config object directly, be careful. It is easy to break the way roots works without knowing exactly what you are doing here. If there's something you are looking to customize that is not part of roots' options, it's better to open an issue and ask for it to be made customizable, then we'll get you a much cleaner way to do it!

Note that each project is an event emitter, and all feedback on what the project is doing will come back through events on the project instance. Currently the following events are supported:

  • compile: the project has finished compiling
  • warning: the project has emitted a warning - not fatal but should be checked out
  • error: the project has errored and will not complete compilation
  • remove: roots-mini has removed a particular path

To compile an instantiated project, you can run project.compile(). This method will synchronously return a unique id, which can be used to track events related to this particular compile if necessary. You must be listening for the events you are interested in before calling compile if you want to ensure that you will get all feedback.


If you have different environments you intend to deploy to that need different settings, this is no probalo. Just make a second app.js file, but stick the name of your environment between the app and the js, like this: app.production.js. Now, when you initialize roots with the production environment, it will merge your production config (with priority) into your normal app config.

So let's say you have an app config that looks like this:

export default {
  ignores: [...],
  locals: {
    apiUrl: 'http://localhost:3000/api/v1'

If you wanted to update that API url to a real one for production, you could set up an app.production.js file that looks like this:

export default {
  locals: {
    apiUrl: ''

Since the two configuration files are merged, you don't lose all your other settings from the app.js file, it just merges in any new ones from app.production.js. Very amaze!

To change the environment, from javascript, just pass an env option to the roots contructor. From the CLI, just pass --env name or -e name as an argument to the compile or watch commands.

The Stack

This version of roots is a little more strict enforcing a default stack. However, the stack allows for quite a large amount of flexibility as both the css and js parsers are able to accept plugins. The inflexibility with regards to the stack means faster compiles and more stability. We will be using...



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  • jescalan
  • kylemac