
0.1.3 • Public • Published

React DatePicker Component

A React implementation of the jQuery UI DateTimePicker plugin.


DatePicker is a React component for selecting dates, inspired by the jQuery UI DateTimePicker plugin. It provides a user-friendly interface for choosing dates with various configuration options.


  • Interactive calendar for date selection.
  • Month and year dropdowns for easy navigation.
  • Customizable date format and language/locale.
  • Support for minimum and maximum selectable dates.
  • Right-to-left display option.
  • Callback function for handling date changes.


To install the DatePicker component in your React project, use the following command:

npm install s3d-react-datepicker


Import the DatePicker component into your React application:

import DatePicker from 's3d-react-datepicker';

Use the component in your JSX:

const YourComponent = () => {
    return (
            <h1>My App</h1>
            <DatePicker />


Name Type Required Description
id string No The id property is a string representing the identifier associated with the Datepicker. It can be useful when associating the Datepicker with a label, particularly for the htmlFor attribute.
name string No The name property represents the name associated with the input field. This is useful in a form to associate the field and its value during submission.
options object No The options property is an object allowing configuration of specific Datepicker options. All options are optional.
onChange function No The onChange prop is a callback function triggered whenever a new date is selected in the DatePicker component.
onChange: (selectedDate: Moment &vert; null) => void;
ref React.RefObject No The ref property is a React reference object, providing direct access to the Datepicker instance. This can be used to access functions exposed by the component.


// Basic usage without optional props
<Datepicker />

// Using the optional 'name' prop for form association
<Datepicker name="eventDate" />

// Associating 'id' for accessibility with a label
<label htmlFor="birthdate">Birthdate :</label>
<Datepicker id="birthdate" />

// Providing 'options' for custom configuration
<Datepicker options={{ format: 'DD/MM/YYYY' }} />

// Using 'ref' to access Datepicker functions programmatically
const datepickerRef = useRef();
<Datepicker ref={datepickerRef}

// Using the 'onChange' prop to log the selected date to the console
<DatePicker onChange={(date) => {console.log('Selected date:', date?.format('DD/MM/YYYY'));}}/>

Exposed Functions

The Datepicker component exposes the following functions through the ref prop :

  • resetDatePicker() : Resets the date picker to its initial state.


The options prop allows you to configure the behavior of the DateTimePicker component. Here are some key options:

Option Description Default Value
datepicker Enable or disable the datepicker functionality. true
dayOfWeekStart Set the starting day of the week (0-6, Sunday to Saturday). 0
defaultDate Set the default selected date. false
format The date and time format to display. "YYYY-MM-DD"
lang Set the language/locale for the component. "en"
maxDate Set the maximum selectable date. false
minDate Set the minimum selectable date. false
rtl Enable or disable right-to-left layout. false
styles Customize the appearance of the DatePicker. {}
yearEnd Set the end year for the year dropdown. 2050
yearStart Set the start year for the year dropdown. 1950

Style Customization

The DatePicker component provides flexibility in customizing its appearance through the styles option. You can customize different parts of the DatePicker component using either of the following approaches:

  1. Using CSS Class

    You can provide the name of a CSS class to override or add new styles.

  2. Using Object Style

    Alternatively, you can provide an object containing specific CSS properties to apply styles directly. This allows you to define individual styles for different elements of the DatePicker.

Available Style Options

Variable Description
inputField Custom style for the date input field.
datepickerContainer Custom style for the overall DatePicker wrapper.
navigationSection Custom style for the navigation section, including month change buttons.
dropdownContainer Custom style for the month and year dropdown container.
weekdaysHeader Custom style for the section containing the names of the days of the week.
daysGrid Custom style for the grid containing the numbers of the days in the month.

Note :

The class name approach can be used to easily redefine specific CSS variables within the datepickerContainer. The following variables can be overridden

Variable Description Default Value
--s3d-dp--color-background Background color of the DatePicker. white
--s3d-dp--color-calendar-grid Color of the calendar grid. #d9d9d9
--s3d-dp--color-cell-hover Color when a cell is hovered. orange
--s3d-dp--color-current-day Color of the current selected day. cornflowerblue
--s3d-dp--color-disabled-cell Color of disabled cells. #9f9f9f
--s3d-dp--color-disabled-cell-bg Background color of disabled cells. gray
--s3d-dp--color-other-day Color of days in other months. #9f9f9f
--s3d-dp--color-other-weekend Color of weekends in other months. #323232
--s3d-dp--color-scroll-bar Color of the scroll bar. #646464
--s3d-dp--color-text Default text color. black
--s3d-dp--font-size Default font size. 12px
--s3d-dp--color-nav-button Default navigation button color. #9f9f9f
--s3d-dp--color-nav-button--hover Navigation button color on hover. black

Example for Style Customization

To customize the style of the DatePicker, you can pass an object of styles as part of the options :

   /* custom.css file */
   .custom-datepickerContainer {
       /* override DatePicker variable */
       --s3d-dp--color-background: #f0f0f0;
       border-radius: 10px;       
   .custom-menu-dropdown-style {
       padding: 10px;
    /* ... other custom styles ... */
import "./custom.css";
import React, { useRef } from "react";
import DatePicker from "s3d-react-datepicker";

const App = () => {
    const customStyles = {
        inputField: { height: 40 },
        datepickerContainer: "custom-datepickerContainer",
        navigationSection: { background: "lightblue" },
        dropdownContainer: "custom-menu-dropdown-style",
        weekdaysHeader: { fontWeight: "bold" },
        daysGrid: { color: "green" },

    return (
            <h1>My App</h1>
            <DatePicker options={{ styles: customStyles }} />

export default App;


This DateTimePicker component is open-source and available under the MIT License.

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  • safina3d