
0.9.7 • Public • Published


Centralizes developer build, deployment packaging, and server process management in a single tool.

Main features

  • Manages builds

    • Wraps gulp with a configuration system
    • Can merge tasks from application as well as dependencies
    • Supports a phased build process to let multiple libraries hook into build process
  • Local server

    • Watch support
  • Deployment

    • Provides module packaging for deployment security
    • Automates target server extraction
    • Automates uDeploy deployments
    • Automates hot-launch sequence using naught


Building a Capitol app

Building an application works by loading the capitol.json file from the project, as well as from any packages in node_modules, and then loading all tasks, and kicking off the tasks specified in the configuration to run in each of ss's build phases.

It can include configruations for any number of builds, but the common setup is a dev vs. prod build.

secret-service build {{dev/prod}}

Starting a local server

To start your local development server use:

secret-service server local

Other commands

Running ad-hoc gulp tasks

Most of the specialized commands above really just kick off gulp tasks in a more pre-defined way, but you can start individual gulp tasks using:

secret-service run {{commands...}}

To see a list of available tasks and any associated help with the task, just do:

secret-service tasks

To see a list of segment level available tasks and any associated help with the task, just do:

secret-service info tasks

For uDeploy deployments:

secret-service udeploy
    --application <uDeployAppName>
    --process <udeploy Process>
    --versions <listOfVersions optional>
    --components <listOfComponents>
    --environment <environment defaults to DEV>
    --username <Udeploy username> --password <password>

Project configuration


This is the primary configuration file of the Capitol framework, and for secret-service.

Add a task

In a tasks subdirectory of your project, add a task file that matches the pattern "ss-*.js". In it, export a function with the signature:

module.exports = function(gulp, config) {

    gulp.task("my-task", function() {


You will get a single gulp instance across all task files and modules. The configuration object will be a merged version of the capitol.json files found in the main project and dependencies.




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  • richardbowman
  • rick_hw