
4.4.10 • Public • Published


The logic of who to replicate in ssb.

based on dynamic-dijkstra module, see that readme to see in depth discussion of the algorithm.

the relation between any two peers can be in 3 states. following, not following, and blocking.

  • following means you will definitely replicate them.
  • not following means you might not replicate them, but you might replicate them if your friend follows them.
  • blocking means that you will not replicate them. if they are blocked by someone you follow, and you are not following them, then you will not replicate them.
  • if a friend of blocks someone, they will not be replicated, unless another friend follows them.
  • if one friend blocks, and another follows, they will be replicated but their friends won't be (this is to stop sybil swarms)


this comes built into ssb-server by default, you are probably using this api by writing a client app or using sbot from a cli tool.

Note: synchronous methods called over a ssb-client connection are converted into asynchronous methods (a callback is added as the final argument which will be called back with the result)

ssb.friends.hopStream () => Source

return a stream of hops objects {<id>:<dist>,...}, the first item is the current state, any following objects are updates caused by someone in your network following, unfollowing or blocking someone.

ssb.friends.onEdge (fn) => removeListener

subscribe to changes in the graph. This can only be called locally by another in-process scuttlebot plugin.


retrive the current hops state, which is an Object of form

  FeedId: distance // distance from you in hops

Advanced you can call this method with signaturehops(opts, cb), where opts is an Object with (optional) keys :

  • start: calculate hops from/to a different node.
  • reverse: return hops to start instead of from start.
  • max: set a different max distance. If the max is smaller than the default passed to the constructor, the output will be fastest, because it will just copy the cached value, but skip nodes at a greater distance than max.

ssb.friends.follow(feedId, opts, cb)

publishes a contact message asserting your current following state for feedId

opts is an Object with (optional) properties:

  • state Boolean - whether you are saying you are asserting (or undoing) a follow. (Default: true)
  • recps Array - an array of recipients in case you want to publish this follow privately to some feeds / groups (see e.g. ssb-tribes)

ssb.friends.isFollowing({source, dest}, cb)

calls back true if source follows dest, false otherwise.

ssb.friends.block(feedId, opts, cb)

publishes a contact message asserting your current following state for feedId

opts is an Object with (optional) properties:

  • state Boolean - whether you are saying you are asserting (or undoing) a block. (Default: true)
  • reason String - a description about why you're blocking (or unblocking) this account
  • recps Array - an array of recipients in case you want to publish this block privately to some feeds / groups (see e.g. ssb-tribes)

ssb.friends.isBlocking({source, dest}, cb)

calls back true if source blocks dest, false otherwise.


Create a layer with name, this feature is exposed from layered-graph

This enables plugins to provide different views on feed relationships, and then combine them together. This method is not available remotely (over RPC).

As an example, here is code to make a view that only track old-style pub follows.

  var layer = sbot.friends.createLayer('pubs')
  var init = false //keep track of wether we have initialized the layer.

  var view = sbot._flumeUse('pubs', Reduce(1, function (g, data) {
    g = g || {}
    var content = data.value.content
      content.type === 'contact' &&
      isFeed( &&
      content.following === true &&
      (content.autofollow === true || === true)
    ) {
      var from =, to =
      g[from] = g[from] || {}
      g[from][to] = 1
      //updating an edge in the layer should be handled within the view reduce function,
      //but only after it has been initialized.
      if(init) layer(from, to, 1)
    return g

  //if we call view.get like this, it will delay until this view is in sync with the main log.
  view.get(function (err, value) {
    init = true

dynamic dijkstra

Since version 3, this module is now implemented in terms of dynamic-dijkstra (via layered-graph). DD is about traversing graphs that have real time updates.

Relations between feeds are represented as non-zero numbers, as follows:

In ssb we use 1 to represent follow, -1 to represent block, -2 to represent unfollow, and 0.1 to represent "same-as". A feed with path length 2 is a "friend of a friend" (we follow someone +1 who follows them + 1 = 2). If you block someone, that is -1. so -2 can mean blocked by a friend or unfollowed. min defines a positive length to be less than the negative length with the same absolute value, min(-n, n) == n so if a friend follows someone another friend blocks, the friends follow wins, (but if you block them directly, that block wins over the friend's follow)

expand(length, max) return false if length < 0, or length > max.

isAdd(v) returns true if v >= 0

same-as is represented by very low weights (i.e. 0.1) to link two devices a, b together, we have edges a->b and b->a. Low weights can also be used for delegation. Say, a blocklist l can be implemented as a node that only blocks, then someone x subscribes to that blocklist by adding edge x->l with a weight of 0.1.

legacy API

The following apis are intended to be backwards compatible with earlier versions of ssb-friends. They will hopefully be removed once clients have had a chance to update. It's recommended to use the non-legacy apis for new software. Also, the new graph data structure has a decimal edge weighting, but these apis return boolean (true = follow or same-as, false = block, null = unfollow)

get ({source?, dest?}, cb)

get the follow graph, or a portion of the follow graph. If neither source or dest are provided, the full follow graph will be returned. If source is provided, the result will be the map of all feeds that the source has relationship edges to (including follow and block), if only dest is provided, the result will be the same form, but it will represent feeds that follow the dest. If both source and dest are provided, the result will be a single value: true if source follows dest, false if they are blocked, or null if they do not follow (or have unfollowed)

createFriendStream ({meta, live, old}) => Source

returns a source stream of the hops. if meta is true, each item is in the form {id: <id>, hops: <hops>}, otherwise, each item is just the <id>. if old is false, current values will not be streamed. If live is true, the stream will stay open but do nothing until hops changes due to the addition of new edges.

stream ({live, old})

Create a stream of changes to the graph. The first item is the graph structure {<id>: {<id>: <value>,...}, ...}

The rest of the values are real time changes, of the form {from: <id>, to: <id>, value: <value>} value is a boolean or null, as with the other legacy apis.

note: I am considering a graph stream api were the rest are the same form as the graph structure, and merging those objects gets the updated graph. for a single edge <from>-><to> it would look like {<from>: {<to>: <value>}}






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