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This module can be used for representing an operation(e.g: function return) result with a meaningful status code. By default, we suggest to make use of HTTP status code. Hence, code 200 for status of operation OK, and code 404 for status of operation target not found, etc.

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Sample 1: Getting success result (code 200 OK)

const { Result } = statefulResult.models;
function testSuccess200() {
    return Result.newSuccess({code: 200, data: true});
let error, data, code;
[error, data, code] = testSuccess200().get();
console.log([error, data, code]);

console output

[ null, true, 200 ]


Simple enough, isn't it?

Sample 2: Getting fail result (code 404 Not found)

const { Result } = statefulResult.models;
function testFail404() {
    return Result.newFail({code: 404});
let error, data, code;
[error, data, code] = testFail404().get();
console.log([error, data, code]);

console output

[ { Error
      at Function.newFail (......\stateful-result\src\models\result.js:167:35)
      at testFail404 (......\stateful-result\index.js:14:19)
      at Object.<anonymous> (......\stateful-result\index.js:18:23)
      at Module._compile (module.js:571:32)
      at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:580:10)
      at Module.load (module.js:488:32)
      at tryModuleLoad (module.js:447:12)
      at Function.Module._load (module.js:439:3)
      at Module.runMain (module.js:605:10)
      at run (bootstrap_node.js:423:7) name: 'Exception', code: 404, message: 'Not Found' },
  404 ]]

Description: The error object is an extended error object which has the "code" attribute. In this case, the code is 404.

Sample 3: Get result if success result or throw error if returning fail result (code 404 Not found)

const { Result } = statefulResult.models;
function testSuccess200() {
    return Result.newSuccess({code: 200, data: true});
function testFail404() {
    return Result.newFail({code: 404});
let error, data, code;
    [error, data, code] = testSuccess200().getOrThrow();
    console.log('testSuccess200 result', [error, data, code]);
    [error, data, code] = testFail404().getOrThrow();
} catch(e){

console output

testSuccess200 result [ null, true, 200 ]
{ Error
    at Function.newFail (......\stateful-result\src\models\result.js:167:35)
    at testFail404 (......\stateful-result\index.js:14:19)
    at Object.<anonymous> (......\stateful-result\index.js:18:23)
    at Module._compile (module.js:571:32)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:580:10)
    at Module.load (module.js:488:32)
    at tryModuleLoad (module.js:447:12)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:439:3)
    at Module.runMain (module.js:605:10)
    at run (bootstrap_node.js:423:7) name: 'Exception', code: 404, message: 'Not Found' }

Description: This time we called method "getOrThrow". If the result is success, the result would be returned as previous samples. If the result is fail, the error object would be thrown.


Result Class

The Result class is the main model of this module. It would have below attributes:

Attribute name Description Example
status Either 'success' or 'fail' to indicate success or fail. It would affect the handling behavour in methods like getOrThrow() 'success'
code The status code of the result 200
error The error of the operation any Error object
data The result data any
message The result message. If code is defined and message is not defined, it would auto reuse HTTP status code's correspondng message "OK"

Exception Class

The Exception class is a custom extended Error object with adding a code attribute. It can be thrown like normal Error object. It would have below attributes (in addition to JS's native Error object):

Attribute name Description Example
code The error code 404


Result object method APIs:

new Result(props)

The constructor of Result class. It would accept a property json object as parameter for object initialization.

Attribute name Description Example
status Either 'success' or 'fail' to indicate success or fail. It would affect the handling behavour in methods like getOrThrow() 'success'
code The status code of the result 200
error The error of the operation any Error object
data The result data any
message The result message. If code is defined and message is not defined, it would auto reuse HTTP status code's correspondng message "OK"


It return a boolean to indicate whether the result is success or not.



Attribute name Description Example
propertiesArr It is an optional parameters. It should be an Array of String which indicating whatever object should be returned in the return Array. The allowed attributes are ["error", "data", "code", "result", "message"]. If it is obmitted, it would default assume returning all (["error", "data", "code", "result", "message"]). ["error", "data"]

return value:

If propertiesArr is passed, the result would be an Array of propertiesArr specified attributes. Otherwise it would return an Array of all attributes.


You may refer to above sample 1.


Basically it is similar to get() except that if the result is failed, it would throw the error instead of returning result.


Same as get()

return value:

Same as get()


You may refer to above sample 3.


It is similar to get(). However, the returned value is an object(attribute mapping object) instead of Array.

return value:

An object with attributes "error", "data", "code", "result", "message".


It is similar to getContext() except that if the result is failed, it would throw the error instead of returning result.

return value:

Same as getContext()

sendResponse(res, type)

It is a helper method if you want to directly sending HTTP response with the result code and data/error/message.


Attribute name Description Example
res express response object -
type The attribute of Result which would be used for response body. "data", "error", "message"


//sending the result data as response body.
result.sendResponse(res, "data");
//sending the error object as response body.
result.sendResponse(res, "error");
//sending the result message as response body.
result.sendResponse(res, "message");
/* Auto determine the result body. If the result is success,
then it would sending the result data as response body.
If the result is fail, then it would sending the error 
object as response body. */

static newSuccess(props)

This is a helper static factory method for creating new 'success' result. The "props" parameter would be passed to the constructor to create the Result instance.

return value:

A Result object with 'success' status.

static newFail(props)

This is a helper static factory method for creating new 'fail' result. The "props" parameter would be passed to the constructor to create the Result instance. In addition, a new Exception object would be auto set with its error code & error message set as the Result object's code & message.

return value:

A Result object with 'fail' status.




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