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mirroring for a p2p mesh of swarmlogs

swarmbots are useful for improving the availability of a swarmlog by running dedicated mirroring peers for a list of public keys.

This tool consists of 4 parts:

  • swarmbot api
  • swarmbot rpc interface
  • swarmbot command
  • swarmbot daemon

Heavily inspired by scuttlebot.

Make sure to use node 5 when installing swarmbot from npm.

command-line usage

On a system with high uptime, it's useful to set up a swarmbot to mirror other nodes on poor connections or in other geographic locations for redundancy.

This is easiest to do with the swarmbot command.

First, you should configure one or more signalhubs to use:

$ swarmbot hubs add https://signalhub.mafintosh.com

Now you can start mirroring swarmlog pubkeys:

$ swarmbot mirror U8fatVWlxT4bfCmgIw917pEoHakQs9P/l3VDNfuIm68=.ed25519


swarmbot id
  Print PUBKEY for the swarmbot mirror feed.

swarmbot mirror PUBKEY
  Mirror a PUBKEY.

swarmbot unmirror PUBKEY
  Stop mirroring a PUBKEY.

swarmbot mirroring
  Show mirroring PUBKEYs.

swarmbot server
  Listen in the foreground.

swarmbot pid
  Print the background daemon process id.

swarmbot stop
  Kill the daemon process.

swarmbot restart
  Stop the background process and start a new process in its place.

swarmbot hubs
  Print the list of signalhubs.

swarmbot hubs add HUB
  Add a signalhub to the configuration.

swarmbot hubs remove HUB
  Remove a signalhub from the configuration.

swarmbot plugins
  Print the list of installed plugins.

swarmbot plugins add PLUGIN
  Add an already-installed plugin to the config.

swarmbot plugins remove PLUGIN
  Remove an installed plugin from the config.

swarmbot plugins install PLUGIN
  Install a plugin from npm then add it to the config.

rpc usage

Applications that write to a swarmlog might want to register their keys with the swarmlog daemon on the local system. If the daemon isn't running, the rpc endpoint will automatically spawn it.

var RPC = require('swarmbot/rpc')

var rpc = RPC(opts)

Create new rpc handle from:

  • opts.dir - directory to use for pid/sock/db files. default: ~/.config/swarmbot
  • opts.hubs - array of signalhub URL strings
  • opts.plugins - array of module paths to use as plugins


Get the public key of the swarmbot as cb(err, id).

rpc.mirror(id, cb)

Mirror the public key id.

rpc.unmirror(id, cb)

Stop mirroring the public key id.


List the public keys being mirrored as cb(err, ids).


Get the configuration file as cb(err, configfile).


Read the configuration file contents as cb(err, config).

rpc.writeConfig(config, cb)

Write the configuration in a config object to the config file.


Get the process id as cb(err, pid).

rpc.emitEvent(name, args...)

Emit an event name with args... on the swarmbot instance.

rpc.replicateStream(id, cb)

Open a replication stream with the log at id.

cb(err) fires when there is an error or the replication finishes successfully.

api example

Using the API directly

First, we will generate cryptographic keypairs for a publisher and a mirror node:

$ node -pe "JSON.stringify(require('ssb-keys').generate())" > publish.json
$ node -pe "JSON.stringify(require('ssb-keys').generate())" > mirror.json

Now we can create a swarmlog publisher:

var swarmlog = require('swarmlog')
var level = require('level')
var chloride = require('chloride/browser')
var log = swarmlog({
  db: level('/tmp/publish.db'),
  hubs: ['https://signalhub.mafintosh.com'],
  sodium: chloride,
  valueEncoding: 'json',
  keys: require('./publish.json')
setInterval(function () {
    msg: 'HELLOx' + Math.floor((Date.now()/1000) % 1000)
}, 1000)

and run the publisher:

$ electron-spawn publish.js

Next we can create a swarmbot mirror:

var swarmbot = require('swarmbot')
var level = require('level')
var chloride = require('chloride/browser')
var bot = swarmbot({
  db: level('/tmp/mirror.db'),
  hubs: ['https://signalhub.mafintosh.com'],
  sodium: chloride,
  keys: require('./mirror.json')
var argv = process.argv.slice(2)
if (argv[0] === 'mirror') {
  bot.mirror(argv[1], function (err) {
    if (err) console.error(err)
    else console.log('ok')
} else if (argv[0] === 'mirroring') {
  bot.mirroring(function (err, ids) {
    ids.forEach(function (x) { console.log(x.id) })
} else if (argv[0] === 'log') {
  bot.open(argv[1]).createReadStream({ live: true })
    .on('data', function (row) { console.log(row.value) })

We can mirror the publisher public key:

$ json public < publish.json
$ electron-spawn mirror.js mirror d9h38QqCVLjmCTdB5vNHF5s/QrLmMYbm0B8UoYazZbg=.ed25519
$ electron-spawn mirror.js mirroring

and from the mirror node, we can log all the data from the publisher:

$ electron-spawn mirror.js log d9h38QqCVLjmCTdB5vNHF5s/QrLmMYbm0B8UoYazZbg=.ed25519
{ msg: 'HELLOx998' }
{ msg: 'HELLOx999' }
{ msg: 'HELLOx0' }
{ msg: 'HELLOx1' }
{ msg: 'HELLOx2' }


var swarmbot = require('swarmbot')

var bot = swarmbot(opts)

Create a swarmbot mirror from opts:

  • opts.keys - keypair data from require('ssb-keys').generate()
  • opts.hubs - array of signalhub URL strings
  • opts.sodium - sodium cryptographic API (require('chloride') or require('chloride/browser'))
  • opts.wrtc - provide a webrtc instance to use webrtc outside of the browser

You can specify a single data store:

or you can specify each data store separately:

  • opts.logdb - leveldb instance for the logdb
  • opts.idb - leveldb instance for indexing

Separating the data stores can be useful for upgrades and plugins where the log serves as the source of truth and the indexes present materialized views on the log that can be rebuilt when the index requirements change.

bot.mirror(id, opts={}, cb)

Mirror the swarmlog that has the public key id, remembering id when the swarmbot starts up in the future.

bot.unmirror(id, opts={}, cb)

Stop mirroring the swarmlog at id and stop mirroring automatically in the future.

var stream = bot.mirroring(cb)

Return a readable object stream with all the nodes that are currently being mirrored.

Each mirror object row in the object stream has:

  • row.id - the public key of the remote swarmlog
  • row.key - the key of the document that first initialized the mirroring

Optionally read the data as cb(err, mirrors).

var log = bot.open(id, opts={})

Open a swarmlog to id.


Close the connection for id.


Close all open connections.

bot.on('open', function (id, log) {})

When a swarmlog is opened, this event fires with the id and log.

bot.on('close', function (id, log) {})

When a swarmlog is closed, this event fires with the id and log.

var db = bot.db(name)

Request a prefixed database handle db for a plugin called name.

plugin api

Plugins are modules that receive a swarmbot instance as their first argument and command-line options as their second argument.

For example, this plugin will print messages when a log is opened or closed:

module.exports = function (bot, opts) {
  bot.on('open', function (id, log) { console.log('OPEN', id) })
  bot.on('close', function (id, log) { console.log('CLOSE', id) })


This library currently works only with node 5.

Make sure to run node 5 when running npm install.

To get the library:

npm install swarmbot

To get the swarmbot command:

npm install -g swarmbot



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