
1.3.0 • Public • Published


A population of neural networks built over (synapticjs)[] using evolution process instead of backpropagation


npm i synaptic-population


import Population from 'synaptic-population';        // es6 import


const Population = require('synaptic-population');   // classic nodejs require
// Create a population with some optionals rules
const population = new Population({
  demography : 10,            // Number of brains in the population. Default 10.
  eliteDemography : 4,        // Number of brains that will survive natural selection on each generation. Default 4.
  extinctionFitness : null,   // If all brains in a generation get a lower score that this parameter, then all the population is reset. Default null.
  inputs : 1,                 // Number of inputs required to activate brains. Default 2.
  outputs : 1,                // Number of outputs returned from the brains. Default 1.
  hiddenLayers : [8],         // Array of numbers representing the hidden layers neurons. Default [8] (one hidden layer of 8 neurons)
  mutateRate : 0.2,            // Mutation rate from 0 (no mutation) to 1 (full mutation) applied when evolving
  trainedPop: null            // Retrieve a previously exported population (see method toJSON())
// Activate brains
population.activateBrain(brainID, inputs);
// Set fitness of brains
population.setBrainFitness(brainID, fitness);
// Evolve
// And do it again until your population does what you want them to do !

See x



  • brains : array READ-ONLY // Array of neural networks.
  • demography : int READ-ONLY, // Number of brains in the population. Default 10 .
  • eliteDemography : int READ-ONLY, // Number of brains that will survive natural selection on each generation. Default 4.
  • extinctionFitness : number or null READ-ONLY, // If all brains in a generation get a lower score that this parameter, then all the population is reset. Default null.
  • generation : int READ-ONLY // Number of generation that occurred into the population.
  • hiddenLayers : array of int READ-ONLY, // Array of numbers representing the hidden layers neurons. Default [8] (one hidden layer of 8 neurons)
  • inputs : int READ-ONLY, // Number of inputs required to activate brains. Default 1.
  • mutateRate : float [0-1] // Mutation rate from 0 (no mutation) to 1 (all the children mutates) applied when evolving. Default 0.2.
  • mutateFactor : int // The degree of mutation applied when mutating a child. Default 3.
  • outputs : int READ-ONLY, // Number of outputs returned from the brains. Default 1.
  • trainedPop: JSON object READ-ONLY // retrieve a previously exported population (see method toJSON()). Default null.


// Create a population with some optionals rules

  • constructor({

    • demography = 10, // Number of brains in the population. Default 10.
    • eliteDemography = 4, // Number of brains that will survive natural selection on each generation. Default 4.
    • extinctionFitness = null, // If all brains in a generation get a lower score that this parameter, then all the population is reset. Default null.
    • inputs = 2, // Number of inputs required to activate brains. Default 2.
    • outputs = 1, // Number of outputs returned from the brains. Default 1.
    • hiddenLayers = [8], // Array of numbers representing the hidden layers neurons. Default 8
    • mutateRate = 0.2, // Mutation rate from 0 (no mutation) to 1 (full mutation) applied when evolving. Default 0.2
    • trainedPop = null // Retrieve a previously exported population (see method toJSON()). Default null


// Activate a brain neurons with inputs array

  • activateBrain(id, inputs) id : the brain (individual) ID in your population inputs : an inputs array for activating neurons

// Set the fitness of a brain

  • setBrainFitness(id, fitness) id : the brain (individual) ID in your population fitness : the score to assign to the brain

// Returns a brain given its ID

  • getBrain(id) id : the brain (individual) ID in your population

// Keep the bests, kill the rest and replace them with children of the bests

  • evolve()

// Reset the population to generation 0, all training is lost

  • reset()

// Export the current population into JSON object

  • toJSON()

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  • kevincastejon