
1.2.1 • Public • Published


Darkly elegant theme for The Lounge.


Second preview

Chord is designed to offer a pleasant visual revamp with specific improvements in mobile usability, support for devices with rounded screens, and an emphasis on type and legibility.


If you installed The Lounge with a package manager:

thelounge install thelounge-theme-chord

If you installed The Lounge from source:

node index.js install thelounge-theme-chord


Below are snippets designed to be pasted in the Custom Stylesheet setting to offer basic tweaks, personalization, and configuration.

Style for bots

/* Monospace font for better ASCII */
#chat .msg[data-from=BOT_NICKNAME] .content {
  font-family: monospace !important;
  color: #888;

/* Reduce line height to 1.0 for better ASCII */
#chat .msg[data-from=BOT_NICKNAME] .time, #chat .msg[data-from=BOT_NICKNAME] .from, #chat .msg[data-from=BOT_NICKNAME] .content {
  padding-top: 0;
  padding-bottom: 0;
#chat .msg[data-from=BOT_NICKNAME] .content span {
  display: inline-block;
#chat .msg[data-from=BOT_NICKNAME] {
  margin-bottom: 0;

/* Restore spacing for non-bot messages adjacent to bot messages when using
 * the previous block.
#chat .msg[data-from=BOT_NICKNAME].previous-source + .msg:not(.previous-source) {
  padding-top: 3px;

/* Hide timestamps for consecutive bot messages */
#chat .msg[data-from=BOT_NICKNAME].previous-source .time {
  visibility: hidden;

Set your own nickname color

#chat .msg.self .user {
	color: #236BFF;

Adjust message width

:root {
	--chat-wrap-width: 1200px /* default */

Disable update indicator

:root {
  --update-available: 0;


Bug reports, feature requests, suggestions, and feedback should be posted in the issue tracker.

PRs are welcome and very much appreciated. To get started:

git clone
cd /thelounge-theme-chord
npm run scss

Since The Lounge doesn't at the time of writing support installing themes from local npm packages, for development purposes the theme needs to be installed with thelounge install thelounge-theme-chord and modifications to theme.css need to be copied to /etc/thelounge/packages/node_modules/thelounge-theme-chord/theme.css.

Right now, I'm just manually copying it over after every change, which sucks. I should set up a watcher to do it for me but I haven't.


Feel free to take a crack at any of these that interest you:

  • Optimize for your devices: I only tested Chord on my own devices. If you identify any fixes or areas that can be improved for your device, please open an issue with a screenshot! (Or make a PR if you're feeling generous.) This particularly includes adjustments that can be made to media queries to better scale the UI to your screens.
  • Update the icons: fontawesome is great and free but some of the icons seem a little too thick for Chord.
  • Add some more nickname colors: Chord currently has 14 defined and as many as 32 could be supported.
  • Create GitHub Actions: Triggers to automatically bump the version number and release on NPM would be really awesome.
  • Design a light mode: I would love for the theme to respect a user's prefers-color-scheme setting eventually, but a light mode needs to be created first. This could be achieved by implementing better CSS variable integration into the stylesheet, overriding the dark colors, and making necessary adjustments for legibility.

Package Sidebar


npm i thelounge-theme-chord

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