
1.0.2 • Public • Published

Laser Party

A visual laser module for THREE.js.

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Table of Contents

Getting Started


This guide assumes that you know the basics of JavaScript, THREE.js, and npm.

THREE.js must be installed for three-laser-party to work.


Install three and three-laser-party with npm.

  npm i three 
  npm i three-laser-party

  # or 

  npm i three three-laser-party

Basic Setup

This guide will use examples based on this basic setup.

Copy/paste if you want to follow along.

Importing the Module

To import the module using a named import, you must add the module to your importmap.

In index.html, change your importmap to:

<script type="importmap">
    "imports": {
      "three": "./node_modules/three/build/three.module.js",
      "three-laser-party": "./node_modules/three-laser-party/laserParty.js"

Then, in index.js, under the three.js imports, add:

import laserParty from 'three-laser-party'

Alternatively, you can import the module using a relative path, in which case you would not have to update the importmap.

import laserParty from './node_modules/three-laser-party/laserParty.js'


Adding a Laser

In our buildLasers() function, let's add a laser.

function buildLasers() {

    var laser1 =
    scene.add( laser1 )


Technically, returns a class.

If you prefer to access it as a class, you can change your import to:

import laserParty, { Laser } from 'three-laser-party'

Now you can use normal class syntax:

function buildLasers() {

    var Laser1 = new Laser()
    scene.add( Laser1 )


Currently, our laser goes through the sphere.

Let's fix that with raycasting.


Raycasting is enabled by default, but there are a couple things we need to set up before we can actually see the effect.

First, we need to tell the raycaster which objects to raycast against. There are a couple ways to do this.

Laser Specific Raycast Objects

Laser1.raycast.add( sphereMesh ) 

Now, only Laser1 will raycast against sphereMesh.

This is useful if you want to selectively raycast certain lasers against specific objects. It can also help performance by allowing you to raycast on only what's needed for each laser.

Since we are going to add another laser later, and we won't have a ton of objects in our scene, let's take a different approach.

Global Raycast Objects

laserParty.raycast.addGlobal( sphereMesh )

This enables raycasting against sphereMesh for all lasers.

You can call this method in the buildBasicScene(), after the sphereMesh is created. Lasers do not have to exist before adding global raycast objects.

Next, we need to tell the raycaster to do the raycast.

If your scene is static, or you only want to raycast once, you have a couple of options.

Raycast Once

After creating Laser1, call this method:


The sphere now stops our laser.


Nice. You can call Laser1.raycast.once() at any time to raycast specifically from Laser1.

If you want to raycast one time, right at the beginning, we can use a Laser setting instead.

First, remove the call to once():

-   Laser1.raycast.once()

Raycast Once with a Setting

function buildLasers() {

    var Laser1 = new Laser({
        raycastOnce: true

    scene.add( Laser1 )


This settings object is very useful, and is widely used throughout the party. More on this later.

To see the effect of only raycasting once, let's animate the sphere away from the laser.

Add this to the top of your animate() loop:

+   sphereMesh.position.z += .01

The laser stays where it raycasted to, because we only raycasted one time.

Raycast Every Frame

Add this to your animate() loop:

+   laserParty.updateAll()

Note: We could call Laser1.raycast.once() in our loop instead, and get it to work for this example, but laserParty.updateAll() is required for animations, so let's stick with that method.

Since we are now raycasting on every frame, we can remove raycastOnce: true from Laser1.

function buildLasers() {

    var Laser1 = new Laser()
    scene.add( Laser1 )


Sweet. Now you're raycasting dynamically.

If you want to exclude any lasers from raycasting, you can use the setting raycast: false, or you can disable raycasting directly from the laser.

    var Laser1 = new Laser({
        raycast: false

    // or

    Laser1.raycast.enabled = false

Note: You can use raycast: false with raycastOnce: true to raycast a laser one time, while still updating other lasers on every frame with laserParty.updateAll(). Likewise, calling Laser1.raycast.once() will still work when raycasting is disabled on that laser.

Raycast Against Camera

You might have noticed by now, that a laser intersecting the camera doesn't look great, and it exposes the structure of the beam's planes.


We can (kind of) fix this with raycasting.

Our camera doesn't have any geometry, so we can't raycast directly to the camera.

Instead, we can add a mesh with geometry to the camera, and then raycast against that mesh.

var boxMesh = new THREE.Mesh( new THREE.BoxGeometry() )
boxMesh.scale.set( .3, .3, .2 )

camera.add( boxMesh )

Since we don't want to actually see the mesh, it doesn't need a material.

The scale of the mesh depends on your camera's FOV, and how far you want the beam to stop infront of the view.

( .3, .3, .2 ) seems to work fine for our basic setup.

The last thing we have to do is add the mesh as a raycasting object.

laserParty.raycast.addGlobal( boxMesh )

That looks a bit better. The hard lines are also less noticeable when the laser is animating.

We could probably make this even better by using a custom shader to fade out the very end of the beam, but I am not too great with shaders yet. If you are, and you want to help, feel free to check out the contributing section.

Anyway, lasers aren't supposed to be pointed into eyes, and even though this laser won't do any damage, maybe it's better to just follow general laser safety.

Removing Raycast Objects

If you want to remove an object from global raycasting, use:

laserParty.raycast.removeGlobal( object )

If you want to remove an object that was added to a specific laser's raycasting, use:

Laser1.raycast.remove( object )

Obviously, Laser1 is the vabiable name we gave our laser. You can call raycast.remove() on any laser.

That's it for raycasting. Let's see what else we can do with our laser.

If you're following along, we don't need the sphere to animate anymore.

-   sphereMesh.position.z += .01


Settings can be set with a settings object that is passed when creating a laser.

var Laser1 = new Laser({
    // settings go here

// or

var Laser1 ={
    // settings go here

Notice that we are passing an object literal { } to our constructor.
You can pass an object reference if you prefer that approach.

Settings can also be changed directly on a laser, after it's created, unless specifically noted in this guide.

Laser1.<setting> = <value>

Transform settings have a different syntax after the laser is created. Let's talk about that first.


When using a settings object while creating a laser, you can use these transform properties:

  // position
  x: number
  y: number
  z: number

  // rotation (radians)
  rotX: number
  rotY: number
  rotZ: number

  // overall scale
  scale: number

These are simply shortcuts to make laser creation neater.

Once the laser is created, you must use the usual THREE.js way of transforming objects.

Laser1.position.x = 2

// etc...



enabled: boolean

Default: true

The enabled setting controls the visibility of the laser's beams and sprites.

Setting enabled will not change the visibility of the laser's baseBox.


baseBox: boolean

Default: true

Note: baseBox can only be set on laser creation with a settings object.

The baseBox setting controls the box mesh that the laser comes out of.

When using baseBox: true, the laser object's origin is at the bottom center of the baseBox, and the laser beam starts at the front of the baseBox.

When using baseBox: false, the baseBox mesh will not be created, and the laser beam will start at the origin of the laser object.


addTo: Object3d

Default: null

The addTo setting sets which object to add the laser to upon creation.

var Laser1 = new Laser({ addTo: scene })

// is the same as

var Laser1 = new Laser()
scene.add( Laser1 )

Note: This only works as a property during laser creation.

After creating a laser, you can use the addTo() method.

var Laser1 = new Laser()
Laser1.addTo( scene )
// same as above


count: number

Default: 1

The count setting changes how many beams your laser has.


thickness: number

Default: 1

The thickness setting changes how thick your laser's beams are.

Changing the thickness also changes the size of the beams pointSprites (seen at the end of beams when raycasting intersects) and the baseSprite (if you have baseBox enabled).


distance: number

Default: 30

The distance setting controls how long your laser's beams are, or the distance from the start of the beam, to the end.

If raycasting is enabled, this will be the max distance of the beam, and also the max distance that raycasting will be detected at.


pointAt: Vector3 or Object3d

Default: null

This will run lookAt() on the laserWrap.

This setting can only be set with a settings object. After creation, you can use the pointAt() method.

See the pointAt() method for more info.


raycast: boolean

Default: true

Note: This setting only works when used in a laser's settings object. To change this setting after creating the laser, set raycast.enabled = boolean on your laser variable.

The raycast setting sets whether the laser should raycast or not when laserParty.updateAll() is called.


raycastOnce: boolean

Default: false

Note: This setting only works on laser creation.

On an existing laser, you can use the raycast.once() method.

If the raycastOnce setting is true, the laser will raycast one time after it is created. This setting is not needed if you are raycasting on every frame.

Note: This setting will work, regardless of the state of the raycast setting.


We haven't covered creating animations yet, but there are some included built in animations that will help us visualize the rest of our settings. So let's look at how we can add existing animations to our laser by using a settings object.

Note: Animations will override laser settings. If you want to see the static effect of the setting, you may have to remove an animation (only if that animation is using the same setting).

There are two types of animations, movement and color. First, we'll talk about adding movement animations.


animation: string or movement animation object

Default: null

The animation property sets the current movement animation for that laser.

To test this, add animation: 'exampleMovement' to the laser.

var Laser1 = new Laser({
  animation: 'exampleMovement'

// or

var Laser1 = new Laser()
Laser1.animation = 'exampleMovement'

Note: You must have laserParty.updateAll() in your animate() loop for animations to work.


Now the laser is animating movement.


colorAnimation: string or color animation object

Default: null

The colorAnimation property sets the current color animation for that laser.

To test this, add colorAnimation: 'exampleColor' to our laser.

var Laser1 = new Laser({
  animation: 'exampleMovement',
  colorAnimation: 'exampleColor'

Now the laser is animating color and movement.


speed: number

Default: 1

The speed property multiplies the time and deltaTime values that get passed to animation functions.

Note: If a global animation speed is set, the laser's speed property will also multiply with the global speed property.

Using Examples

The following properties all have built in examples. To see them, add the animation property (at the end of the description) to the laser, as we just did.

You will need the count of your laser to be more than one to see some of the effects.

var Laser1 = new Laser({
    count: 8


Laser Party uses HSL values for color. HSL stands for Hue, Saturation, and Lightness. So naturally, these are the color options.

Note: If you want to set the hue, saturation, or lightness of a specific beam in a laser, you will need to set the property on that beam's beamParent.


hue: number

Default: 0

The hue property sets the color of all beams on our laser. As per usual, 0 is red, and then 360 is also red.

The numbers in between are all of the other available colors.

The neat thing about setting hue is that you can go outside of the 0 - 360 range, and it will still work. So that means 720 is red, and -360 is also red.

Example: colorAnimation: 'exampleHue'


saturation: number

Default: 1

Range: 0 - 1

The saturation property sets how much color is in all beams of a laser.

Setting saturation to 0 will make your laser white. Setting it to 1 makes it full color.

Example: colorAnimation: 'exampleSaturation'


lightness: number

Default: .5

Range: 0 - 1

The lightness property sets how bright all beams of a laser are.

Since our beams and sprites use AdditiveBlending, the lightness values work a little different than they normally would.

Setting lightness to 0 will make your laser's beams invisible. Setting it to 1 makes them completely white. For a full color value, set lightness to .5.

Example: colorAnimation: 'exampleLightness'



side: number

Default: 0

Range: -1 - 1

The side setting will set the angular direction of the laser's beams, with one added benefit. When a beam goes too far to the side, it will become invisible.

This is beneficial when the baseBox is enabled. It stops the beams from clipping through the box.

Setting side to 0 will point the laser's beams forward, as it is the center point between -1 and 1.

The direction that side will go depends on the spin of the laser. If spin is set to 0, and the laser is not rotated, side will move horizontally.

Example: animation: 'exampleSide'

Note: Setting spread and/or side after laser creation requires a call to the laser's method updateSpreadAndSide() after one or both changes. This only applies if you are not calling laserParty.updateAll() in your animate() loop. In that case, it would update automatically.


spread: number

Default: 1

Range: 0 - 1 (not strict)

The spread setting changes how far apart your beams are from each other. Setting this to 1 will give maximum spread, without clipping.

Values above 1 will work, but they will begin to disable visibility for beams on the edge, similar to how side works.

Setting spread to 0 will move all lasers on top of each other.

Negative values are basically the same as positive, except the beams will be spread to opposite sides.

Note: Setting spread when count is 1 will have no effect.

Example: animation: 'exampleSpread'


spin: number

Default: 0

The spin setting rotates the z axis of the laserWrap, in radians.

It will not rotate the baseBox.

Setting spin should not cause clipping with the baseBox.

Note: spin will have no effect if count is 1, or spread is 0, and the beam is pointing directly forward.

Example: animation: 'exampleSpin'


angleX: number

Default: 0

The angleX setting rotates the x axis of the laserWrap, in radians.

Note: Internally, this setting actually rotates value * -1. This is so positive numbers will angle upwards, as that seems more natural for this situation.

Unlike spread and side, angleX has no limit. It will not turn off visibility of any lasers, and if you're using the baseBox, it can cause the beams to clip through the box. So use with caution.

The direction that angleX will go depends on the spin of the laser. If spin is set to 0, and the laser is not rotated, angleX will rotate vertically.

Example: animation: 'exampleAngleX'


angleY: number

Default: 0

The angleY setting rotates the y axis of the laserWrap, in radians.

This setting is the same as angleX in that it will not turn off visibility of any lasers, and if you're using the baseBox, it can cause the beams to clip through the box. So use with caution.

The direction that angleY will go depends on the spin of the laser. If spin is set to 0, and the laser is not rotated, angleY will rotate horizontally.

Example: animation: 'exampleAngleY'

That's it for settings.

Let's check out how we can save ourselves from typing these over and over by setting defaults.

Setting Your Own Defaults

Now that you know about the laser settings, defaults will be easy.

For this, we will use the laserParty.defaults object.

You can change properties on this object, or pass it's set() method a settings object.

These properties are exactly the same as the ones we went over in laser settings, with the exclusion of transform settings: x, y, z, rotX, rotY, and rotZ. This is because these transforms are usually different, and should probably be set explicitly.

Would you actually use these? Feel free to request a feature.

Okay, let's redo our buildLasers() function:

function buildLasers() {

    // set defaults
        addTo: scene,
        count: 8,
        hue: 123, // green

        angleX: .5,
        spread: .05
    // middle laser
    var Laser1 = new Laser({ 

        // laser settings override defaults
        angleX: 0,
        spread: .25
    // change defaults
    laserParty.defaults.hue = 321 // pink
    // outer lasers
    var Laser2 = new Laser({ x: 1 })
    var Laser3 = new Laser({ x: -1 })

As you can see, setting properties on a new laser still overrides the defaults.

Also, any changes made to defaults are applied only to lasers created after the changes were made.

For our final stop on lasers, we'll check out what methods are available.


Methods are called on the laser.


Laser extends Object3d, so you can use THREE's Object3d methods as well.

General Methods

addTo method

addTo( Object3d )

The addTo() method is another approach to THREE's add method, but with the roles reversed.

Laser1.addTo( scene )

// is the same as

scene.add( Laser1 )

pointAt method

pointAt( Vector3 or Object3d )

The pointAt() method will call lookAt() on the laserWrap.

Since this changes the transforms of the laserWrap, this method will override spin, angleX, and angleY.

This method will not change the transforms of the baseBox.

Just like angleX, and angleY, using pointAt() may cause your beams to clip with the baseBox, so use with caution.

destroy method


The destroy() method traverses the laser's hierarchy, calls dispose() on all applicable materials, and removes the laser from its parent.

Once this is called, you cannot get that laser back.

apply method

apply( pose )

The apply() method applies a pose on an object.

You can also call apply() from the pose object.

Reset Methods

The reset methods are useful for setting a starting point for laser settings, when changing poses or animations.

This allows you to have consistent results, rather than combining previous settings, which is also a valid approach.

reset method

reset( 0 )

The reset() method, when called without any arguments, will reset the movement settings of a laser, to whatever settings it was created with.

When reset() is passed a 0 as an argument, it will zero out the movement settings.

resetColor method

resetColor( 0 )

The resetColor() method, when called without any arguments, will reset the color settings of a laser, to whatever settings it was created with.

When resetColor() is passed a 0 as an argument, it will set hue to 0, saturation to 1, and lightness to .5, which is fully red.

resetAnimation method

resetAnimation( 0 )

You guessed it:

The resetAnimation() method, when called without any arguments, will reset the animations settings of a laser, to whatever settings it was created with.

When resetAnimation() is passed a 0 as an argument, it will set both animation and colorAnimation to null, and will set speed to 1.

Update Methods

These final two methods only apply if you are not calling laserParty.updateAll() in your animate() loop.

If you are calling it, these updates will happen automatically.



The updateSpreadAndSide() method is pretty self explanitory. It updates the position of the laser's beams after making changes to spread and/or side.

spread and side work together to create their effect, so it doesn't make sense to update their position until all settings have been set.

This method is called internally by laserParty.updateAll().

update method


This method does two things.

First, it calls updateSpreadAndSide(), and then, if raycasting is enabled, it will call raycast.once() on the laser.

Essentially, laserParty.updateAll() does this on every frame, for every laser.

Congrats, you made it through lasers!


A group is not the same as a THREE.Group(), nor is it an Object3d.

A group is a regular JavaScript object with properties and methods that allow you to change the same settings on multiple lasers at once.

You can have a laser in multiple groups at the same time.

Most settings you can apply to a laser, you can also apply to a group, with the exclusion of transform settings.

Adding Lasers to a Group

To create a group, you can call

function buildLasers() {

    var Laser1 = new Laser({ x: 1 })
    var group1 = Laser1 )

    // you can also add lasers
    // after a group is created

    var Laser2 = new Laser({ x: -1 })
    group1.add( Laser2 )

    group1.addTo( scene )

group() accepts an unlimited amount of lasers and/or arrays of lasers as arguments.

Change a Group Setting

You can set a setting on a group like you would with an existing laser.

group1.hue = 123
group1.count = 16

groups are also useful when working with poses and presets.

Group Methods

You can run all of the same laser methods on groups, and it will run that method on every laser in the group.

// destroy all lasers in a group

For info on these methods, check laser methods.

There are also a few other group methods:
group add

add( lasers and/or arrays of lasers )

The add() method adds lasers to the group after the group was created.

To see it in action, check out Adding Lasers to a Group.

group remove

remove( lasers and/or arrays of lasers )

The remove() method functions the same as the add() method, except that it removes lasers from the group, instead of adding.

group removeAll


The removeAll() method removes all lasers from a group.


A pose is basically a settings object that can be applied to any lasers, groups, or arrays of lasers and/or groups.

It accepts all color, movement, and animation settings.

Poses are also used with presets.

Create a pose

To create a pose, use laserParty.pose().

var pose1 = laserParty.pose({
    spread: 0,
    hue: 123,
    animation: 'exampleSide'
    // etc...

Edit a pose

Once your pose is created, you can edit it with setting properties:

pose1.spread = .5

To delete the setting from the pose, you can set it to null.

pose1.spread = null

Poses will only apply the settings that exist on that pose.

Apply a pose

You can apply() a pose to many lasers at once.


Additional Properties

There are three additional properties you can use on a pose.

They are resetOnApply, resetColorOnApply, and resetAnimationOnApply.

These can be set to true or 0.

This will call the laser methods reset(), resetColor(), and/or resetAnimation() before applying the pose to the lasers.

Setting true or 0 works the same way as it does with the reset methods.


If you've been wondering what the purpose of groups and poses are, now is the moment you've been waiting for.

Presets allow you to set different poses on different lasers or groups, with a single function call.

This means we can abstract all of our different laser states down to one function, and calling this function will set all included lasers to whatever variation of settings we choose for each of them.

Create a Preset

To create a preset, we can call laserParty.preset()

preset() requires configs, passed as arguments.

var preset1 = laserParty.preset(
        target: Laser1, 
        pose: pose1 
        target: Laser2, 
        pose: pose2 

Preset Configs

laserParty.preset() takes an unlimited amount of objects as arguments.

We'll call these objects preset configs.

These config objects use the following properties:

target: laser, group, or array of lasers and/or groups

Note: target is required on every preset config.

At least one of the following properties are also required:

pose: pose

animation: animation object or animation name ( string )

colorAnimation: colorAnimation object or colorAnimation name ( string )

Apply a Preset

To apply a preset, simply call apply() on the preset.


Let's see it in action:

function buildLasers() {
    laserParty.defaults.addTo = scene
    laserParty.defaults.count = 16

    var Laser1 = new Laser({ x: 1 })
    var Laser2 = new Laser({ x: -1 })

    var pose1 = laserParty.pose({ hue: 123 }) // green
    var pose2 = laserParty.pose({ spin: 1.57 }) // quarter rotation
    var preset1 = laserParty.preset(
            target: Laser1,
            pose: pose1
            target: Laser2,
            pose: pose2


The nice part about this, is we can now build up multiple presets, and easily change between them with their apply() method.

Preset Flow

Preset configs are applied in the order they are received.

If multiple preset configs target the same laser, with the same properties, the later config's settings will override the earlier settings.

var pose3 = laserParty.pose({ spin: 0 })

var preset1 = laserParty.preset(
        target: Laser1,
        pose: pose2, // quarter rotation
        target: Laser1, // same target
        pose: pose3, // 0 rotation


// pose3 will override pose2
// Laser1 'spin' will be set to 0

If you have a pose and an animation and/or colorAnimation in your preset config, the pose will be applied first, and then the animations will run.

var preset1 = laserParty.preset(
        target: Laser1,
        pose: pose2,
        animation: 'exampleSpin'


// pose2 applies,
// then animation runs

This means that if your pose has an animation, and you use that pose along with an animation setting in the preset config, then the pose's animation will be overridden.

var pose1 = laserParty.pose({
  hue: 123,
  animation: 'exampleSpin'

var preset1 = laserParty.preset(
        target: Laser1,
        pose: pose1,
        animation: 'exampleAngleX'


// hue will change

// 'exampleSpin' will be overridden
// 'exampleAngleX' will be used

And that's all there is to presets.

Creating Animations

We have already talked about how to add existing animations here.

Animations can also be used with groups, poses, and presets.

Now let's talk about how to create your own animations.

Creating an animation can be fairly simple, or somewhat complex, depending on what you are trying to achieve.

As a reminder, laserParty.updateAll() must be in your animate() loop for animations to work.

Note: It is important to know that animation functions get run on every frame, for every laser they are set on, so the lighter you keep these animations, the better performance you will get.

Creating an Animation Object

To create an animation, you can use:


anim() accepts one object as an argument, which contains either two or three properties.

var anim1 = laserParty.anim({
    name: 'animation1',
    type: 'movement',
    fn() {
        // animation stuff goes here

This would create an animation object.

A colorAnimation object is created in the same way except that the type would be changed to 'color'.

The object you pass to anim() can have three properties: name, type, and fn.

Let's go over those.

Animation Object Properties

name animation

name: string (optional)

The name property allows you to access your animation with a string that you specify, rather than the object reference. Internally both approaches work the same.

If you use names, you must use a unique name for each named animation.

type animation

type: string

This property is required on every animation object.

It can only be set to 'movement' or 'color'.

This property specifies what type of animation you are creating.

fn animation

fn: function

This property is required on every animation object.

This function gets called on every frame, for every laser that the animation is set on.

It gets passed an object as an argument, which you can destructure as needed.

The available properties to destructure are:

  • time: number

  • deltaTime: number

  • init: boolean

    • This will be true on the first frame after switching animations. For all following frames on that animation, init will be false, until the animation is changed again.

One last piece of information before we dive in:

The this property can be used in the function, and will be set to whatever laser it is currently animating.

this is very useful.

Destructuring Argument Properties

As mentioned in the function property, you can destructure time, deltaTime, and init from the function's internally passed argument.

Let's check out how that would look when creating an unnamed movement animation:

var anim1 = laserParty.anim({
    type: 'movement',
    fn( { time, deltaTime, init } ) {
        // animation stuff

You can destructure only the properties that you need:

var anim1 = laserParty.anim({
    type: 'movement',
    fn( { init } ) {
        // animation stuff

Animating Your Laser

It's now time to make an animation function.

Let's remake our buildLasers() function, and then go from there.

function buildLasers() {

    // create animation
    var anim1 = laserParty.anim({
        type: 'movement',
        fn() {


    // create laser
    var Laser1 = new Laser({ 
        addTo: scene,
        count: 8,

        // add animation to laser
        animation: anim1


Note: You must have laserParty.updateAll() in your animate() loop for animations to work.

Since we are now just talking about the animation function, the following examples will only include the fn(){} part.

It should be known that this function must be placed in an animation object to work.

fn() {
    this.spin += .01

Now we are spinning.

Since this is just adding .01 to the spin on every frame, the speed of this spin may vary depending on the refresh rate of your monitor.

To keep the speed consistent, we can use the destructured deltaTime property.

fn( { deltaTime } ) {
    this.spin += deltaTime

Or in this case, time could have worked as well.

fn( { time } ) {
    this.spin = time

Where time really shines, is when used with JavaScript's built in Math methods.

Specifically, Math.sin() and Math.cos() work very well.

If you aren't familiar with these methods, it may be beneficial to understand the basics of what they have to offer.

Also, other Math methods can be useful here as well, but that's beyond what is covered in this guide.

Let's look at Math.sin()

fn( { time } ) {
    this.spin = Math.sin( time )

Now the laser's beams are spinning back and forth.

Math.sin() returns a number between -1 and 1.

That means our laser's beams are rotating back and forth between -1 radian to 1 radian.

If we want our beams to spin more times, we can simply multiply the returned value.

fn( { time } ) {
    this.spin = Math.sin( time ) * 5

Likewise, we can change the speed of the spin by altering the number that we pass into Math.sin().

fn( { time } ) {
    this.spin = Math.sin( time * .25 )

As you can see, these animation functions are where you get to be creative.

Movement animations are for animating movement settings, and you can animate as many as you'd like at a time.

fn( { time } ) {
    this.spin = Math.sin( time )
    this.side = Math.sin( time )
    this.spread = Math.cos( time )


Let's talk about when you would want to destructure the init property.

Initializing the Animation

Sometimes, you want your animation to start with a certain state.

We already know that you can call the reset methods on a laser, and that you can use the additional properties on a pose to reset when applying the pose.

Also, using a preset with an animation and a pose will set the pose, and then run the animation, so this is valid as well.

But what if you want your animation to start at a specific state, different from what the resets have to offer (creation state, or zeroed state), and regardless of how your poses or presets are set up?

That's what our destructured init property is for.

As described in the fn property, init is a boolean value that will only be true on the first frame of an animation.

That means we can use init like this:

fn( { init, deltaTime } ) {

    if ( init ) {
        this.spin = 1.57 // quarter rotation

    this.spin += deltaTime

Now this animation will always start our laser beams with a quarter rotation applied, and then they will spin from there. This will be the case every time we switch to this animation.

Animating Color

You can animate color the same way that you animate movement, with a few minor changes.

First of all, you'll want to change your animation type to 'color'.

var anim1 = laserParty.anim({
    type: 'color',
    fn() {


Switch animation types in your laser as well:

-   animation: anim1
+   colorAnimation: anim1

The last change is that we now update color settings.

fn( { time } ) {
    this.hue = time * 10

Notice we are multiplying time to shift color faster.

This is nice, but what if we want to animate different colors on different beams of a single laser?

Destructuring beamParents

To change the color of a specific beam, you want to set the color properties on the beam's beamParent. This will change the value for both beam planes and the pointSprite for that specific beam.

There is an easy way to iterate over beamParents.

Our laser has a getter called getBeamParents. It returns an array that contains an array for each beam. The first value of the nested array is that beam's index. The second value of the nested array is the beamParent.

Remember that we access our laser by using this.

Let's look at how we can iterate over beamParents:

fn( { time } ) {

    for ( let [ index, beamParent ] of this.getBeamParents ) {

        if ( index % 2 === 1 ) beamParent.hue = time * 10
        else beamParent.hue = time * 10 * -1

Now beams should cycle hues in opposite directions of their neighboring beams.

And, of course, if you prefer, we could shorten this to:

fn( { time } ) {

    for ( let [ i, bP ] of this.getBeamParents ) {

        if ( i % 2 ) bP.hue = time * 10
        else bP.hue = time * -10

Note: Keep in mind that we are now iterating over every beam of every laser that is using this animation.. on every frame. For a small function like this, it should be fine, but it can easily become expensive, so use with caution.

It is important to know that setting color settings directly on a laser will override the color settings set on specific beams. If you want to use both laser and beamParent color properties in the same animation, set the laser properties first, and then set the beamParent properties afterwards.

Advanced Technique

This section is easily the most esoteric part of the party, especially if you're new to JavaScript.

This is because we are going to use closure and IIFEs (Immediately Invoked Function Expressions) to create private variables for our animation functions.

These variables will stick around even after the animation function runs.

By no means do you have to use this technique to make cool animations, but doing so definitely opens up more possibilities for what you can accomplish with your animation functions.

First, let's re-create our animation with the advanced setup:

var anim1 = laserParty.anim({
    type: 'color',
    fn: (function IIFE() {

        return function() {

There are a few things to notice here.

We can no longer use the shortcut fn() to add our function, we have to have a named property fn:. The value of that property ends up becoming whatever gets returned from our IIFE (in this case, it is another function).

The IIFE comes from the parenthesis ( ) around the outer function, along with the following (), which causes that function to run immediately.

Since the outer function returns another function, the value of the fn: property of our animation object becomes the inner function.

Let's add a variable:

var anim1 = laserParty.anim({
    type: 'color',
    fn: (() => {

        var currentHue = 0
        return function() {



Notice that the variable goes in the scope of our outer function. This is how we use closure to keep our variable alive.

Also, notice that we can change the outer (IIFE) function to an arrow function, if you prefer.

This is valid, however, we can not do that for the inner function. Using an arrow function rebinds the this argument. Since the inner function specifically relies on this being a laser (which is bound internally), we can't use an arrow function here.

Now, let's make our function do something:

var anim1 = laserParty.anim({
    type: 'color',
    fn: (() => {

        var currentHue = 0
        return function( { deltaTime } ) {

            currentHue += deltaTime * 10
            this.hue = currentHue

You might be wondering, what's the difference between this technique, and just adding deltaTime to this.hue, similar to what we did in previous examples.

Well, with this approach, the animation will keep track of what hue it used last. If you swap animations, and then switch back, this animation will now start with whatever color it left off with.

We couldn't easily do that before.

If you're really thinking deep, you may realize that this function will operate differently depending on how many lasers it is set on.

This is because the function is run for every laser it is set to, on every frame. So having more lasers means our currentHue value gets increased multiple times per frame, thus causing the color to shift faster with the more lasers the animation is running on.

Since our function is getting called multiple times on the same frame, the destructured time property will be the same value for each function call in a specific frame.

We can use that to check if we should update our currentHue variable or not.

Let's use another variable: currentTime.

var anim1 = laserParty.anim({
    type: 'color',
    fn: (() => {

        var currentHue = 0
        var currentTime = 0
        return function( { time, deltaTime } ) {

            if ( time != currentTime ) {

                currentTime = time
                currentHue += deltaTime * 10

            this.hue = currentHue

Now our animation will run at the same speed, no matter how many lasers are using it, and it will keep track of the last used hue when switching animations. Cool.

This example was simple, but it should somewhat express the capabilities of keeping private variables for your animation functions.

Have fun, and get creative!

The laserParty Object

The laserParty object is the object that you import at the beginning of your code.

import laserParty from 'three-laser-party'

Technically, you can name this anything, as it is a default export.

Most of the contents of this object have already been explained in this guide, so this is more of a quick reference section.

laserParty Methods

laserParty new

new( settings object )

This method is an alias for new Laser().

Creates a new laser.

See Adding a Laser for use.

laserParty raycast addGlobal

raycast.addGlobal( Object3ds and/or arrays of Object3ds )

Adds THREE.Object3d objects to the global pool of objects for all raycast enabled lasers to raycast against.

See Global Raycast Objects for use.

laserParty raycast removeGlobal

raycast.removeGlobal( Object3ds and/or arrays of Object3ds )

Removes THREE.Object3d objects from the global pool of objects for all raycast enabled lasers to raycast against.

See Removing Raycast Objects for use.

laserParty defaults

defaults.set( settings object )

Sets the default settings for laser creation.

You can also set the properties individually on the default object.

See Setting Your Own Defaults for use.

laserParty group

group( lasers and/or arrays of lasers )

Allows you to set settings on multiple lasers at once.

See Group for use.

laserParty pose

pose( settings object )

Allows you to apply a settings object on existing lasers.

See Pose for use.

laserParty preset

preset( configs object )

Used to set various settings on different sets of lasers with one function.

See Preset for use.

laserParty anim

anim( object )

Creates an animation that you can run on your laser.

See Creating an Animation Object for use.

laserParty updateAll


laserParty.updateAll() has been mentioned a few times, because it is required for animations.

It does a few other things too. It manages the clock, and passes the values to animation functions. It multiplies global and local speed for laser animations. It checks if an animation has recenetly been changed. It calls updateSpreadAndSide(), and then finally, it tells all applicable lasers to raycast.

One Final Property

laserParty globalAnimationSpeed

globalAnimationSpeed = number

Sets the global animation speed for all lasers. This multiplies the time and deltaTime values that are sent to laser animations.

And that's it.

The final stop of this guide will talk about laser hierarchy. This is just in case you are curious, or you want to dive in and do something custom.

Otherwise, you are ready to party.

Laser Hierarchy

  • Laser (extended Object3d)

    • baseBox (Mesh)

    • laserWrap (Object3d)

      • baseSprite (Sprite)

      • beamParents (Object3d * count)

        • pointSprite (Sprite)

        • planeParent (Object3d)

          • planes (Plane * 2)

So, the Laser is an Object3d with no geometry, and it has extra properties/methods. It holds the baseBox, and a wrapper Object3d.

This wrapper holds one sprite, the baseSprite, and all of the beamParents, one for each beam, determined by the count setting.

beamParents have three additional properties: hue, saturation, and lightness. These are used for setting color on a specific beam of a laser.

Each of these beamParents hold a pointSprite, which is the sprite you see when raycasting intersects. The beamParents also hold another wrapper Object3d.

This final wrapper holds the two planes that make up the beam.

The laserWrap and beamParents get rotated by movement settings.

The laserWrap visibility property gets set by enabled.

The planeParent gets stretched with distance, and with raycast intersections.

The pointSprite's location gets updated to keep it at the end of the beam. It's visibility also gets turned on and off depending on whether the raycast detected any intersections.

The textures for planes and sprites are created internally with gradients on canvas elements. With a little effort, you could swap the textures out for a better aesthetic.



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