
0.5.7 • Public • Published


TiRunner is a Titanium command line utility to run apps, launch tests and handle components inside a Titanium project

For installation, type

sudo npm install tirunner


In order to work properly, Titanium CLI is needed

sudo npm install titanium

And also Bower might be useful (the Twitter component manager)

sudo npm install bower

Install git command line


Available commands

Run jake -T to list all available commands

  • jake run: Run the current project. It's possibile to specify a iOS version, like jake run[6.0]. This is useful to launch app in a complete different environment (with different settings for example)
  • jake debug: It's like run, but shows all debug information
  • jake test[file,reporter,version]: Run the app with the specified test case. If nothing will run all the tests. Reporter
    • file: The JavaScript test file to run (could also be part of filename)
    • reporter: the reporter to use: cli or html
    • version: the simulator version to use 6.0 or 6.1
  • jake clean: Clean the project
  • jake kill: Kill the simulator
  • jake check: Check the source listed in ./jsduck/jsduck.json against JSHint and report errors
  • jake docs: Generate docs with JsDuck. JsDuck configuration must be in ./jsduck folder.
  • jake components: List all available components
  • jake list: List all installed components
  • jake install[component_name,version]: Install a component, version paramenter could be omitted
  • jake ls: Show all installed components and dependencies
  • jake symlink: Create a symbloci link in the component folder (this is useful for debugging purpose without having to push the changes every time). Cast this command in the component folder, without any params. You'll need to cast this just once
  • jake symlink[component_name]: Create a symbolic link to the component folder (this is useful for debugging purpose without having to push the changes every time). Cast this command in the project directory
  • jake uninstall[component_name]: Uninistall component
  • jake bump: Update the /cfg/* files with the version number of tiapp.xml
  • jake init: Init the component manager
  • jake cacheclean: Clear the cache of Bower


A basic test file looks like

(function() {
	describe('my test 1',function() {		
		it('deve pingare il server sup',function() {
	// asynch testing
	describe('my test 2',function() {
		var async = new AsyncSpec(this);
		it('deve pingare il server sup',function(done) {

It's possibile to choose two kind of reporters: - cli: show the result on the command line (useful for testing user interface elements) - html: show the result in the application (useful for testing models, where the debug output is important)

Test files follows the Jasmine BDD styles, the following commands are available:

  • toHaveProperty(property)
  • toBe(value)
  • toBeA(type): where type is array, object, boolean, number, string, function, date
  • toBeEmpty, toBeElement, toBeisArray, toBeArguments, toBeFunction, toBeString, toBeNumber, toBeBoolean, toBeDate, toBeNaN, toBeNull, toBeUndefined
  • toBeLessThan(value)
  • toBeGreatherThan(value)
  • include
  • all
  • any
  • toBeFlat
  • toHaveUniqueValues
  • toInclude
  • allToSatisfy
  • anyToSatisfy






In order the access the components repository, it's needed to register the ssh key to access the server (see below) and initialize the local project to the components

jake init

List all components available

jake components

To install a component

jake install[my_component]

To install a specific version

jake install[my_component,1.0.0]

To remove a component

jake uninstall[my_component]

Components are installed under /Resources/components Some features are available only with bower command line (install using "sudo npm install bower"). For example to see the installed components

jake ls

or to get information about a component (for example the available versions):

jake info[my_component]	  

Access to GIT repository

To access the components repository, a SSH key is needed

cd ~/.ssh
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "your_email@example.com"

Then add to the server

cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh user@hostname 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys'	

Creating a component

To create a new components in the components server

  1. Log in the the components server with ssh and create a new directory for the component, suppose the component name is my_component

    mkdir /components/my_component.git

  2. Initialize the git repository

    cd /components/my_component.git git init git config --bool core.bare true

  3. Clone the repository locally

    git clone http://titanium.dsgroup.it/dscomponents/my_component.git

  4. Add the component descriptor bower.json in the root of the repository

    { "name": "my_component", "version": "1.0.0", "main": ["./layoutManager.js"], "dependencies": {} }

  5. Start adding your files

  6. Commit and tag your last commit with 'v1.0.0', then push your commit and the tag to the remote repository

  7. Log into components server and edit the file


adding the reference for your component and the end of the array, for example


Then create a file index.json with this content


in this path


(that's because there isn't any automatic component registration procedure) 8. Test your new component jake components You should be able to view your new component in the list jake install[my_component] To install it locally

Every component update, keep in mind that you have to

  1. Increase the version in the bower.json file
  2. Commit all the changes
  3. Tag the last commit with the name 'v1.0.1' where '1.0.1' is the new version (don't forget the 'v')
  4. Push the changes to the remote server alogn with the tag
  5. Don't forget to publish the tag
  6. Check if the new version is available with bower info my_component

At this point you have a separate repository for your component (for example /my_projects/my_component) and the local copy of the component in the project directory (/my_projects/my_app/Resources/components/my_component)

To update a component in a project, just type

cd /my_projects/my_app
jake install[my_component]

It's not very useful, every time a component is updated, repeat the steps 1 to 5 and then make an update. That's where the bower command it's useful: it's possibile, inside a project, to link directly the component repository, in that case any changes to the component repository will be immediately reflected to linked project (but projects that use the component normally will be unaffected). To link a component, enter the component directory (for example /my_projects/my_component) and type

jake symlink

Try with sudo if any problem. This will link your component globally on the system (this operation must be done just once) Then enter the app project directory (for example /my_projects/my_app) and type

jake symlink[my_component]

This will create a symbolic link under ./Resources/components/my_component


  • Git error 128: Perhaps the brach or tag were not pushed to the origin repository
  • jake components returns a strage list of components: you forgot the jake init command

Release notes

  • 0.5.6: Added command: cacheclean
  • 0.5.5: Added commands: symlink, ls, init


TiRunner uses this components

  • Titanium Command Line Interface
  • Bower: the Twitter components managaer
  • JSHint: for JavaScript syntax check
  • JSDuck: for document generation




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  • guidone