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This is a module for React that implements a hook named useTopState for managing application state. It is similar to the provided hook useState, but rather than associating the state with the component that uses the hook, it stores the state outside of the component so it can be shared by many components.

To import this hook:

import {useTopState} from 'top-state-hook';

Like other hooks, this must be called from a function component. It takes a state name and an initial value. The state name can be any string. It is used to identify a particular piece of state. The initial value is optional and can be any kind of value. The hook returns an array containing the current value of the state and a function to set the state to a new value.

For example,

const [count, setCount] = useTopState('count', 0);

Here is an example of a Counter component:

import React from 'react';
import {useTopState} from './top-state-hook';

export default function Counter() {
  const [count, setCount] = useTopState('count', 0);
  return (
      <button onClick={() => setCount(count - 1)} disabled={count === 0}>
      <button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>+</button>

In a simple component like this, the provided useState hook can be used in place of useTopState. But what if other components need to get or set the count? This is where useTopState shines!

Other components can also include a line like:

const [count, setCount] = useTopState('count', 0);

The state used by this is strictly identified by the string passed as the first argument. It will see that a state with this name has already been created, will not initialize it again, and will share it.

When any component that is sharing this state calls the set function change the state value, all the components that are using it will be re-rendered.

A component can make any number of calls to useTopState to use multiple state values and if the state associated with any of them changes, the component will be re-rendered.


The top-state-hook package exports a setOptions function that can be passed an object describing options to be used. Current there are only two options, log and persist. Both default to false.

The log option causes all state changes to be logged to the devtools console for debugging purposes.

The persist option causes all state to be saved in sessionStorage as JSON strings. See the "SessionStorage" section later.

Form Elements Tied to State Paths

It is common to have input, select, and textarea elements with onChange handlers that get their value from and update the associated state. An alternative is to use the provided Input, Select, and TextArea components as follows:

HTML input elements can be replaced by the Input component. For example,

<Input name="user.firstName" />

The type property defaults to 'text', but can be set to any valid value including 'checkbox'.

The value used by the input is the value of the state with the given name. When the user changes the value, this state value is updated.

To perform additional processing of changes such as validation, supply an onChange prop that refers to a function.

HTML textarea elements can be replaced by the TextArea component. For example,

<TextArea name="feedback.comment" />

HTML select elements can be replaced by the Select component. For example,

<Select name="user.favoriteColor">

If the option elements have a value attribute, that value will be used instead of the text inside the option.

Additional props on the Input, TextArea, and Select components are applied to the input, textarea, and select elements that those render. Examples include id, className, and placeholder.

For a set of radio buttons, use the RadioButtons component. For example,

<RadioButtons name="favoriteFlavor" list={radioButtonList} initialValue="van" />

where radioButtonList is set as follows:

const radioButtonList = [
  {text: 'Chocolate', value: 'choc'},
  {text: 'Strawberry', value: 'straw'},
  {text: 'Vanilla', value: 'van'}

When a radio button is clicked, the state associated with the name favoriteFlavor will be set the value of that radio button.

For a set of checkboxes, use the Checkboxes component. For example,

<Checkboxes list={checkboxList} />

where checkboxList is set as follows:

const checkboxList = [
  {name: '', text: 'Red', initialValue: true},
  {name: '', text: 'Green'},
  {name: '', text: 'Blue'}

When a checkbox is clicked the state associated with the corresponding path name will be toggled between false and true.

All of these components take a name prop that identifies the associated state.


Typically React state is lost when users refresh the browser. To avoid this, sessionStorage can be used to save all the state as JSON strings on every state change. The state in sessionStorage can be automatically reloaded into the context state if the browser is refreshed.

An extra step is required to get this behavior. In the top-most component, often named App, import the refreshState function from the top-state-hook package and call it when that component is rendered.

The sessionStorage property names that are set by this package have a prefix of "TSH:" to distinguish them from other uses of sessionStorage.

To opt out of this behavior, turn off the persist option described earlier.

Example app

The GitHub repository at provides an example application that uses top-state-hook.



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  • mvolkmann