TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.0.2 • Public • Published

TypeScript Data Generator


Use TypeScript to generate endless mock data.


TypeScript's type system is very expressive and easy to use, making it perfect to define the shape of mock data.

ts-mimic was built to easily define mock data sent to EventHub: https://eventhub.chriscaruso.dev


ts-mimic provides a set of types that map to specific types of mock data. It can even guess the kind of mock data just from property names!


Install this package through npm

npm i ts-mimic typescript@~4.1.5


Try it out: https://mimic.chriscaruso.dev

Simple example

import { mimic } from 'ts-mimic';

const ts = `
interface Person {
    firstName: asFirstName; // Use built in mock data generators. See below for a complete list.
    lastName: asLastName;
    age: asNumberRange<20, 30>; // Some mock data generators can take parameters to customize them.
    address; // Auto detect mock data from the property name.
    secondaryAddress?: asSecondaryAddress; // Properties can be optional. These have a 50% chance of being undefined.
    city: asCity;
    image: Sometimes<.75, asImagePeople>; // Sometimes is a special type that lets you specify the chance a value will be defined

const { map: { Person } } = mimic(ts);
const mockPerson = Person();


Possible output

    firstName: "Zion",
    lastName: "Block",
    age: 23,
    address: "25612 Rath Avenue",
    secondaryAddress: undefined,
    state: "Utah",
    city: "Alvinaview",
    image: "http://placeimg.com/640/480/people",

Full example

Play with this example live at https://mimic.chriscaruso.dev

import { mimic } from 'ts-mimic';

const ts = `
interface Name {
    firstName: asFirstName; // Use built in mock data generators. See below for a complete list.
    lastName: asLastName;

interface Address {
    address; // Auto detect mock data
    secondaryAddress?: asSecondaryAddress; // Properties can be optional. These have a 50% chance of being undefined
    city: \`City: \${asCity}\`; // Use template literals to define compound strings

interface BitcoinWallet {
    type: 'bitcoin'; // Use type literals for static data

interface EtheriumWallet {
    type: 'etherium';

// Use type aliases to create convenient types (ex. union, array, literal types)
type DigitalWallet = BitcoinWallet | EtheriumWallet; // Union types for an equal chance at any of them

interface Person {
    name: Name; // Reference other defined types
    address: Address;
    digitalWallet?: DigitalWallet;
    age: asNumberRange<20, 30>; // Some mock data generators can take parameters to customize them.
    image?: Sometimes<.75, asImagePeople>; // Sometimes is a special type that lets you specify the chance a value will be defined

// Use type aliases to represent type literals
type Team = {
    members: BoundArray<Person, 6, 2>; // BoundArray is a special type that lets you specify the range of an array

// Use type aliases to represent top level array types
type People = Person[]; // Arrays have a random range of 0 to 10 elements

// Use tuples to represent more precise arrays
type Couple = [Person, Person];`;

const { definitions } = mimic(ts);

// Print out each generator's possible output
for (const { name, generator } of definitions) {

Provided types

Special types

Name Parameters Return type Description Example
BoundArray T: any
Max: number
Min?: number = 0
T[] Specifies the chance T will be defined BoundArray<asEmail, 20, 10>
Sometimes Chance: number
T: any
T | undefined Specifies the chance T will be defined Sometimes<.7, asEmail>

Generator types

Name Parameters Return type Example output
asAlpha Count?: number = 1
UpperCase?: boolean = false
string "n"
asAlphaNumeric Count?: number = 1 string "t"
asArrayElement string "a"
asAvatar string "https://s3.amazonaws.com/uifaces/faces/twitter/jjsiii/128.jpg"
asBitcoinAddress string "3B7qyhh8KcSwnYoYPvfPHmxCSawHutn"
asBoolean boolean true
asCardinalDirection string "West"
asCatchPhraseAdjective string "Self-enabling"
asCatchPhraseDescriptor string "multimedia"
asCatchPhraseNoun string "moratorium"
asCity string "Brockberg"
asCityPrefix string "Lake"
asCitySuffix string "berg"
asCommerceColor string "lime"
asCommonFileExt string "jpg"
asCommonFileName Ext?: string
Type?: string
string "buckinghamshire.gif"
asCommonFileType string "application"
asCompanyCatchPhrase string "User-centric fault-tolerant alliance"
asCompanyName Format?: string string "O'Conner - Littel"
asCompanySuffix string "LLC"
asCountry string "Djibouti"
asCountryCode string "CA"
asCounty string "Borders"
asCreditCardCVV string "076"
asCreditCardNumber Provider?: string string "3528-6276-6216-8478"
asCurrencyAmount Min?: number
Max?: number
Dec?: number
Symbol?: string
string "120.35"
asCurrencyCode string "DZD"
asCurrencyName string "Indian Rupee"
asCurrencySymbol string "¥"
asDatabaseCollation string "utf8_unicode_ci"
asDatabaseColumn string "status"
asDatabaseEngine string "InnoDB"
asDatabaseType string "tinyint"
asDateBetween FromDate: string
ToDate: string
string "2021-04-19T08:38:54.605Z"
asDateFuture Years?: number
DateFrom?: string
string "2021-05-23T11:37:10.412Z"
asDatePast Years?: number
DateFrom?: string
string "2021-01-30T15:27:04.763Z"
asDateRecent Days?: number
DateFrom?: string
string "2021-03-26T01:21:00.681Z"
asDateSoon Days?: number
DateFrom?: string
string "2021-03-27T06:11:06.507Z"
asDepartment string "Health"
asDirection string "Southwest"
asDirectoryPath string "/root"
asDomainName string "tanner.com"
asDomainSuffix string "org"
asDomainWord string "tommie"
asEmail FirstName?: string
LastName?: string
Provider?: string
string "Frankie27@yahoo.com"
asEthereumAddress string "0x2c5ffaafb99bbf3ae3753a467cfa4f8fd225dea7"
asExampleEmail FirstName?: string
LastName?: string
string "Ashlynn_Borer49@example.org"
asFileExt MimeType?: string string "metalink"
asFileName Ext?: string
Type?: string
string "loan.ecelp9600"
asFilePath string "/home/human_resource_optimized.sub"
asFileType string "x-shader"
asFinanceAccount Length?: number string "34792807"
asFinanceAccountName string "Auto Loan Account"
asFinanceTransactionDescription string "payment transaction at Batz, Lowe and Hyatt using card ending with ***1236 for HUF 70.61 in account ***74200311",
asFinanceTransactionType string "deposit"
asFirstName Gender?: 'male' | 'female' | 'm' | 'f' string "Oswaldo"
asFloat Max?: number number 30751.39
asFloatRange Min?: number
Max?: number
Precision?: number
number 69423.14
asGender string "Trans Female"
asGenre string "Pop"
asGitBranch string "feed-quantify"
asGitCommitEntry Merge?: boolean = false string "commit 1ba59e0b835d2b870364e1d6da03770a1eb96d7b\r\nAuthor: Angus Keelin <Ron69@yahoo.com>\r\nDate: Thu Mar 25 2021 10:15:00 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)\r\n\r\n    parse open-source application\r\n",
asGitCommitMessage string "hack primary interface"
asGitCommitSha string "5f80887d406c9748ad1ec07a8b9815ff5cf9593c"
asGitShortSha string "0068808"
asHackerAbbreviation string "AI"
asHackerAdjective string "open-source"
asHackerNoun string "application"
asHackerPhrase string "We need to reboot the mobile FTP driver!"
asHackerVerb string "copy"
asHackingVerb string "hacking"
asHexaDecimal Count?: number string "0xa"
asImage Width?: number = 640
Height?: number = 480
string "http://placeimg.com/640/480/nightlife"
asImageAbstract Width?: number = 640
Height?: number = 480
string "http://placeimg.com/640/480/abstract"
asImageAnimal Width?: number = 640
Height?: number = 480
string "http://placeimg.com/640/480/animals"
asImageBusiness Width?: number = 640
Height?: number = 480
string "http://placeimg.com/640/480/business"
asImageCats Width?: number = 640
Height?: number = 480
string "http://placeimg.com/640/480/cats"
asImageCity Width?: number = 640
Height?: number = 480
string "http://placeimg.com/640/480/city"
asImageDataUri Width?: number = 640
Height?: number = 480
Color?: string
string "data:image/svg+xm;charset=UTF-8,%3Csvg%20xmlns%3D%22http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2000%2Fsvg%22%20version%3D%221.1%22%20baseProfile%3D%22full%22%20width%3D%22undefined%22%20height%3D%22undefined%22%3E%3Crect%20width%3D%22100%25%22%20height%3D%22100%25%22%20fill%3D%22grey%22%2F%3E%3Ctext%20x%3D%22NaN%22%20y%3D%22NaN%22%20font-size%3D%2220%22%20alignment-baseline%3D%22middle%22%20text-anchor%3D%22middle%22%20fill%3D%22white%22%3Eundefinedxundefined%3C%2Ftext%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E",
asImageFashion Width?: number = 640
Height?: number = 480
string "http://placeimg.com/640/480/fashion"
asImageFood Width?: number = 640
Height?: number = 480
string "http://placeimg.com/640/480/food"
asImageNature Width?: number = 640
Height?: number = 480
string "http://placeimg.com/640/480/nature"
asImageNightlife Width?: number = 640
Height?: number = 480
string "http://placeimg.com/640/480/nightlife"
asImagePeople Width?: number = 640
Height?: number = 480
string "http://placeimg.com/640/480/people"
asImageSports Width?: number = 640
Height?: number = 480
string "http://placeimg.com/640/480/sports"
asImageTechnics Width?: number = 640
Height?: number = 480
string "http://placeimg.com/640/480/technics"
asImageTransport Width?: number = 640
Height?: number = 480
string "http://placeimg.com/640/480/transport"
asImageUrl Width?: number = 640
Height?: number = 480
Category?: string
Randomize?: boolean
Https? boolean = false
string "http://placeimg.com/640/480",
asInternetAvatar string "https://s3.amazonaws.com/uifaces/faces/twitter/cbracco/128.jpg"
asIP string ""
asIPv6 string "04fb:cca8:bc84:bbde:16bd:5086:c285:09b3"
asJobArea string "Usability"
asJobDescriptor string "Forward"
asJobTitle string "Human Operations Manager"
asJobType string "Engineer"
asJSON string "{\n \"firstName\": \"Lee\",\n \"lastName\": \"Boyle\",\n \"age\": 23\n}"
asLastName Gender?: 'male' | 'female' | 'm' | 'f' string "Koelpin"
asLatitude Max?: number
Min?: number
string "-36.3442"
asLocale string "pt_PT"
asLongitude Max?: number
Min?: number
string "92.0341"
asLoremLines LineCount?: number string "Hic ut ut ad quia non.\nQuia molestiae iste minima quia ut.\nAut amet vero ea ist cumque quo ducimus aut.\nQuia ipsam quia explicabo doloribus dolor dolores expedita odit.\nAssumenda aperiam inventore.",
asLoremParagraph SentenceCount?: number string "Expedita non nemo ut at dolores sint distinctio minus reprehenderit Voluptate sunt et nam voluptas fugit porro. Est ullam quis magnam et. Ratione aut ea. A sed quia facere voluptatibus praesentium.",
asLoremParagraphs ParagraphCount?: number string "Et qui recusandae blanditiis error officia. Dolor voluptas sapient voluptas fugiat enim tempore. Velit quae et. Accusantium aspernatur at cupiditate. Atque sit expedita. Est explicabo in rerum eos quia pariatur harum quia.\n \rConsequuntur harum et sint aliquam est harum aperiam est minima. Voluptatibus harum qui ipsum debitis animi quis soluta qui. Tenetur ut dolorum non et aliquid. Tempore accusantium non quos voluptatem sunt ut quia corrupti. Perferendis labore sed consequatur eum quo. Pariatur illo in molestias optio excepturi.\n \rIllum iste reprehenderit rerum temporibus voluptatem cumque aliquid minus. Officia quod id consectetur saepe facilis. Porro cum quis sed. Nihil quam non vitae error.",
asLoremSentence WordCount?: number string "Sunt dolorem illo dolore labore voluptate ut est quis."
asLoremSentences SentenceCount?: number string "Et est iste dolorum perspiciatis voluptas quisquam. Magnam reru necessitatibus ut nobis perferendis non nihil aut. Quisquam dolores repudiandae saepe nisi. Qui odit sed ad maxime. Pariatur consequatur nihil sint aut. Rerum nihil nemo molestiae.",
asLoremSlug WordCount?: number string "et-vel-tempore"
asLoremText Times?: number string "Ducimus in enim necessitatibus et ea ipsa omnis aperiam vel. Accusantium quisquam se velit doloremque aspernatur aut et maxime. Odit rem eius labore esse qui id sunt. Facere mollitia praesentium fugit. Labore molestiae consequuntur eos animi.",
asLoremWord Length?: number string "architecto"
asLoremWords WordCount?: number string "velit impedit minima"
asMAC string "65:68:a3:c3:04:bf"
asMiddleName string "b"
asMimeType string "application/vnd.ms-office.activex+xml"
asMonth Abbreviate?: boolean = false string "October"
asNearbyGPSCoordinate [string, string] ["-63.8772", "-59.3663"]
asNumber Max?: number number 1904
asNumberRange Min?: number Max?: number Precision?: number number 62370
asOrdinalDirection string "Southeast"
asPassword Length?: number
Memorable?: boolean
Pattern?: string
Prefix?: number
string "I8MT5BvdDHh92d_"
asPhoneFormats string "!##.!##.#### x####"
asPhoneNumber Format?: string string "(766) 627-9742"
asPhoneNumberFormat PhoneFormatsArrayIndex?: number string "758-900-3026"
asPrefix string "Mr."
asPrice Min?: number
Max?: number
Dec?: number
Symbol?: string
string "287.00"
asProduct string "Mouse"
asProductAdjective string "Refined"
asProductDescription string "New range of formal shirts are designed keeping you in mind. With fits and styling that will mak you stand apart",
asProductMaterial string "Rubber"
asProductName string "Unbranded Plastic Towels"
asProtocol string "http"
asRGB Red?: number
Green?: number
Blue?: number
string "#117846"
asRoutingNumber string "698889345"
asSecondaryAddress string "Suite 819"
asSemVer string "6.0.5"
asState UseAbbr?: boolean = false string "Ohio"
asStateAbbr string "HI"
asStreetAddress UseFullAddress?: boolean = false string "169 Stark Stream"
asStreetName string "Mosciski Fork"
asStreetPrefix string "b"
asStreetSuffix string "Court"
asSuffix string "III"
asTime Kind?: 'abbr' | 'wide' = 'abbr' string "11:51:05 PM"
asTimeZone string "Pacific/Fiji"
asTitle string "Central Group Orchestrator"
asUnixTime number 1616741465160
asUrl string "http://lenore.biz"
asUserAgent string "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.3) AppleWebKit/533.0.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/36.0.843.0 Safar/533.0.1",
asUserName FirstName?: string
LastName?: string
string "Rhiannon82"
asUUID string "62f2c68e-826a-4b1e-994c-1284c6d4c3d8"
asVehicle string "Kia LeBaron"
asVehicleColor string "fuchsia"
asVehicleFuel string "Hybrid"
asVehicleManufacturer string "Kia"
asVehicleModel string "Countach"
asVehicleType string "SUV"
asVehicleVIN string "T06P0XJUZHLW99828"
asWeekday Abbreviate?: string string "Sunday"
asWord Type?: string string "Bike"
asWords Count?: number string "deposit sexy transmit"
asZipCode string "08324"
asZipCodeByState State?: string string "66048-1664"

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  • chriscaruso