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The TypeInspector is a data validation tool that is heavily inspired by Joi. Due to the type-safety, it can prevent a misconfigured data validation (in contrast to Joi).

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  • type safe (no automatic type conversions/casting)
  • determine the value's data type based on the validators used (generic type arguments are mostly optional)
  • custom error messages
  • flexibel & additional custom validation
  • predefined default-validators for most common data types
  • extendable valdators to take external dependencies into account


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  • the validation is terminated immediately when an invalidity occurs.
  • validation order:
    1. Basic data type
    2. Conditions
  • conditions can be chained to make the validation more precise
  • validators can be mixed to achieve more complex validation
import ti from 'ts-type-inspector';

// condition chaining

// mix validators, e.g.:
  prop1: ti.<VALIDATOR>.<CONDITION1>.<CONDITION2>()...,
Parameter Description
<VALIDATOR> There are various validators that can be used for validation of diverse value-types (string, number, date, object, ...)
<VALIDATION_PARAMS> Some validators need configuration parameters to work correctly (array -> item validator, object -> property validators, ...)
<CONDITION> The TypeInspector uses method-chaining to define special validation conditions. These are additional checks that evaluate the incoming value more precisely

Validation modes

All validators provide two validation modes:


Both modes perform the same validation, but their result outputs are different.


This mode uses the type predicate feature of Typescript and therefore returns a boolean value as validation result. This assigns an exact type to the (successfully) validated value based on the validator used.

import ti from 'ts-type-inspector';

function processIncomingValueAsString(value_: unknown): number {
  if (ti.string.isValid(value_)) {
    return value_.length; // typescript knows that the value_ is of type string at this point

  return NaN;


This mode throws a ValidationError when validation fails. On success it returns the same value (same object reference - in contrast to Joi) that was validated but with the correct type information.

import ti from 'ts-type-inspector';

function processIncomingValueAsString(value_: unknown): number {
  try {
    const message = ti.string.validate(value_);
    return message.length; // typescript knows that the value_ is of type string at this point
  } catch {
    return NaN;

Error evaluation

The validator saves the last validation error that occurred, making it easy to evaluate. Since the validation is terminated immediately when an invalidity occurs, the error only contains information about this specific invalidity.

import ti from 'ts-type-inspector';

function processIncomingValueAsString(value_: unknown): number {
  const validator = ti.string;
  if (validator.isValid(value_)) {
    return value_.length; // typescript knows that the value_ is of type string at this point
  } else {
    const <VALIDATION_ERROR> = validator.validationError;

  return NaN;

Or you can use isValidationError with try-catch.

import ti, { isValidationError } from 'ts-type-inspector';

function processIncomingValueAsString(value_: unknown): number {
  try {
    const stringValue = ti.string.validate(value_);
    return stringValue.length;
  } catch (reason_) {
    if (isValidationError(reason_)) {
      console.log(reason_); // <VALIDATION_ERROR>

    return NaN;
Parameter Description
<VALIDATION_ERROR> Undefined if validation succeeds; Defined else; Contains reason for failed validation
propertyPath Trace/Path of property keys (array index, property name) to invalid value; only set if validation value is a complex data type (object, array) >> example: propertyX.5.propertyY
propertyTrace equivalent to propertyPath but stored as array >> [propertyX, 5, propertyY]
subErrors Each chained validator has its own validation error instance. Errors are caught, processed/expanded and then thrown again by parent validators. Each validator captures thrown child validation errors.
message Specific message describing the invalidity

How to define custom validators

Create specialized (data type related) validators

All predefined default validators can be inherited to create custom validators for specific data types. Validation of complex data types can therefore be easily centralized for reuse.

import { DefaultObjectValidator, ti } from 'ts-type-inspector';

export type CommonData = {
  data: string | undefined;

export class CommonDataValidator extends DefaultObjectValidator<CommonData> {
  constructor() {
      data: ti.optional(ti.string)

const cdv = new CommonDataValidator();
cdv.isValide({ data: undefined }) // true
cdv.isValide({ data: false }) // false

Validation based on external influences

Sometimes data validation depends on external influences that limit the actual data type or its range of values. These influencing factors can be defined for custom validators and passed during validation. This means that a new validator does not necessarily have to be developed for every use case.

This simple example demonstrates 3 options to implement extended validation:

import { DefaultObjectValidator, ti } from 'ts-type-inspector';

export type CommonData = {
  data: string | undefined;

export type CommonDataValidationParameter = {
  valueRequired?: boolean;

export class CommonDataValidator extends DefaultObjectValidator<
> {
  constructor() {
      data: ti.optional(ti.string)

    // 1. option - use the custom condition
    this.custom((value_, params_) => {
      if (params_?.valueRequired && value_.data === undefined) {
        return 'data is required';

  // 2. option - create a new condition
  public get failWhenRequired() {
    this.setupCondition((value_, params_) => {
      if (params_?.valueRequired && value_.data === undefined) {
        this.throwValidationError('data is required');
    return this;

  // 3. option - extend base type validation
  protected validateBaseType(
    value_: unknown,
    params_?: CommonDataValidationParameter
  ): CommonData {
    const base = super.validateBaseType(value_, params_);

    if (params_?.valueRequired && base.data === undefined) {
      this.throwValidationError('data is required');

    return base;

const cdv = new CommonDataValidator();
const value: CommonData = { data: undefined };

// when using 1. or 3. option
cdv.isValid(value); // true
cdv.isValid(value, { valueRequired: true }); // false

// when using 2. option
cdv.isValid(value, { valueRequired: true }); // true
cdv.failWhenRequired.isValid(value, { valueRequired: true }); // false

External influences and nested validators

Relevant to: Object, Partial, Dictionary, Array, Tuple

It is possible to pass the external influence parameters to nested validators. For this it is necessary to use a wrapper, which is provided by the main validator.

import { DefaultObjectValidator, DefaultStringValidator } from 'ts-type-inspector';

export type CommonData = {
  data: string | undefined;
export type SpecialStringValidationParams = {
  notEmpty?: boolean;

type CommonDataValidationParams = {
  dataParams?: SpecialStringValidationParams;

export class SpecialStringValidator extends DefaultStringValidator<SpecialStringValidationParams> {
  constructor() {
    this.custom((value_, params_) => {
      if (params_?.notEmpty && value_ === '') {
        return 'empty is not allowed';

export class CommonDataValidator extends DefaultObjectValidator<
> {
  constructor() {
      data: (validateWith, validationParams) =>
        validateWith(new SpecialStringValidator(), validationParams?.dataParams)

const cdv = new CommonDataValidator();
cdv.isValid({ data: '' }); // true
cdv.isValid({ data: '' }, { dataParams: { notEmpty: true } }); // false

Predefined validators

Most of the examples given here indicate generic type information of validators. This is optional, in most cases you can validate values without additional type information. The TypeInspector automatically calculates the resulting value type.

import ti from 'ts-type-inspector';

const <VALUE> = ti.object({
  greeting: ti.string.accept('hello', 'hi')
  greeting2: ti.strict('hello', 'hi')

  <VALUE> will assert the following type:
    greeting: string;
    greeting2: 'hello' | 'hi'


since 1.0.0

Validator for string values.

Condition Description
shortest reject strings with lenght less than minimal value
longest reject strings with lenght greater than maximal value
accept accept specific values only; regexp can be used to apply patterns
reject reject specific values; regexp can be used to apply patterns
length reject strings with divergent length
rejectEmpty reject empty strings
base64 accept just base64 encoded strings
json strings have to be json parsable
date reject strings that are not in ISO8601 date format
numeric strings have to contain a numeric value
uuid reject strings that are no UUIDs
email string has to match email pattern (uses email-validator)
uri string has to match uri pattern (uses url-validator)
url string has to match url pattern
hex accept just hexadecimal strings


since 1.0.0

Validator for number values.

Condition Description
positive accept positive values only (zero is not positive)
negative accept negative values only (zero is not negative)
finite reject NaN or Infinity
rejectNaN reject NaN
rejectInfinity reject Infinity
rejectZero reject 0
min reject numbers less than minimal value
max reject numbers greater than maximal value
accept accept specific numbers only
reject reject specific numbers


since 1.0.0

Validator for object based values.

  • null is rejected by default
Condition Description
noOverload reject objects that contain more keys than have been validated. USE FOR POJOs ONLY!. Getters/setters or private properties can produce false negatives.
import ti from 'ts-type-inspector';

interface DataInterface {
  prop1: string;
  prop2: number;

  prop1: ti.string,
  prop2: ti.number


since 2.0.0

Validator for object based values. This is an UNSAFE validator that only validates some properties and ignores others

  • null is rejected
import ti from 'ts-type-inspector';

interface DataInterface {
  prop1: string;
  prop2: number;

  prop1: ti.string


since 1.0.0

Validator for dictionary objects

Condition Description
keys a string validator will check the dictionary keys
import ti from 'ts-type-inspector';

interface DataInterface {
  prop1: string;
  prop2: number;

interface DictionaryDataInterface {
  [key: string]: DataInterface;

    prop1: ti.string,
    prop2: ti.number


since 1.0.0

Validator for array values.

Condition Description
length reject arrays with divergent length
min reject arrays with length less than minimal value
max reject arrays with length greater than maximal value
accept accept arrays with specific length only
reject reject arrays with specific length values
import ti from 'ts-type-inspector';

interface DataInterface {
  prop1: string;
  prop2: number;

type DataArrayType = DataInterface[];

    prop1: ti.string,
    prop2: ti.number


since 3.0.0

Validator for tuple based values (e.g. [string, number]).

Condition Description
noOverload reject tuples that contain more entries than have been validated
import ti from 'ts-type-inspector';

type DataTuple = [string, number, 'mode1' | 'mode2']

  ti.strict('mode1', 'mode2')


since 1.0.0

Validator for date objects.

  • invalid date objects (isNaN(date.getTime())) are rejected
Condition Description
earliest* reject dates earlier than minimal value
latest* reject dates later than maximal value
accept* accept specific values only
reject* reject specific values

* string (ISO8601), number (timestamp) and date can be used.


since 1.0.0

Validator for method-like values.

Unfortunately (for technical reasons), this validator can only validate the number of parameters.

Condition Description
count reject methods with divergent params count
min reject methods with params count less than minimal value
max reject methods with params count greater than maximal value
accept accept methods with specific params count only
reject reject methods with specific params count


since 1.0.0

Validator for union type values (like "string | number")

This is just a wrapper, other validators will do the job.

import ti from 'ts-type-inspector';

type UnionDataType = string | number;



since 1.0.0

Validator for precisely defined values (not just of specific type).

import ti from 'ts-type-inspector';

type StrictType = 'hello' | 'world';

const <VALUE> = ti.strict<StrictType>('hello', 'world');

In contrast to union the strict validator validates the exact value and not just the value type. The resulting <VALUE> will be of type 'hello' | 'world' (and not just string)


since 1.0.0

Validator for optional values.

  • undefined is valid by default

This is just a wrapper, other validators will do the job.

import ti from 'ts-type-inspector';

interface DataInterface {
  prop1: string;
  prop2: number;

interface MoreDataInterface {
  data1?: DataInterface;
  data2: DataInterface | undefined;

  data1: ti.optional(
      prop1: ti.string;
      prop2: ti.number;
  data2: ti.optional(
      prop1: ti.string;
      prop2: ti.number;


since 1.0.0

This validator should only be used when a value is indeterminate or when you want to bypass deep validation of an object.

Condition Description
notNullish reject null or undefined
notFalsy reject null, undefined, 0, '', false, NaN, ...


since 1.0.0

Provide a validation callback to this validator to process a custom validation.

import ti from 'ts-type-inspector';

ti.custom(value_ => {
  if (value_ === 42) {
    return 'The value cannot be 42'

Return an error message if validation fails. Don't throw your own error!


since 1.0.2

Validator for enum values.

import ti from 'ts-type-inspector';

enum NumberEnum {

enum StringEnum {
  foo = 'foo',
  bar = 'bar'

Condition Description
values add validator for additional base type validation


since 1.1.0

This validator is able to validate if a type doesn't exist in a KNOWN union type.

The generics "Out" and "In" have to be set. "In" describes the incoming union type and "Out" the desired output type. The passed validator checks whether the undesired types (= In - Out) exist in the value.

import ti from 'ts-type-inspector';

type Input = string | number | boolean;

function filter(input_: Input): string | boolean {
  return ti.exclude<string | boolean, Input>(

function filter2(input_: Input): string {
  return ti.exclude<string, Input>(


since 1.0.0

Validator for boolean values.

Condition Description
true only true is valid
false only false is valid


since 1.0.0

This validator rejects all values that are defined (!== undefined).


since 1.0.0

This validator rejects all values that are not null.


since 1.0.0

This validator rejects all values that are not null or undefined.

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