
1.0.0 • Public • Published

Photographer Titanium Alloy License

This widget for the Appcelerator Titanium Alloy MVC framework provides a full autonomous photo manager. It gives the user a way to take picture and browse previously taken pictures through thumbnails. A user may also discard a picture and take new one.






Quick Start

Get it gitTio npm

Download this repository and install it:

  • In your application's config.json file, include the following line in your dependencies:
    "ts.photographer": "1.0"
  • Copy the ts.photographer folder into your app/widgets directory.
  • Be sure to check and install all dependencies.

Or use your favorite package manager

  • gitTio: gittio install ts.photographer

  • npm: npm install ts.photographer

Use it

  • Require the widget in a view:


<Widget id="photographer" src="ts.photographer" />`

Which create a reference in your controller, accessible via: $.photographer

  • Or, require it directly in a controller :
var blurryView = Alloy.createWidget("ts.photographer");

Do not forget to initialize the widget; Before opening your window, call the widget's init method. For instance:

    previewBackgroundColor: "#1DB7FF",
    addBackgroundColor: "#1DB7FF",
    resolution: 1.5,

    fadeDuration: $.photographer.SLOW,
    fadeIntensity: $.photographer.NORMAL,
    rotateIntensity: $.photographer.HIGH,

    animations: {


Here is the list of available methods and options:

retrievePictures : <Image[]>

Retrieve all pictures taken by the user as an array of Image.

init (options <Object>)

Initialize the widget.

  • noPreviewBackgroundColor <String>: The background color to display on initialisation.
  • noPreviewIcon <String | Image>: The icon to display on initialisation.
  • previewHeight <Number>: The height of the preview image. The preview will be full-width.
  • thumbnailSize <Number>: The size (height and width) of each thumbnail; This is also the size of the add button.
  • thumbnailSelectedBorderColor <String>: The border color of a selected thumbnail.
  • thumbnailBarBackgroundColor <String>: The background color of the thumbnail bar. Do not use transparent.
  • addIcon <String | Image>: The add icon.
  • addBackgroundColor <String>: The add button background color.
  • delimiterColor <String>: Color of the delimiter below the preview.
  • discardBackgroundColor <String>: The color use behind the preview when the user perform a discard gesture.
  • discardIcon <String | Image>: The discard icon shown when discarding.
  • undoIcon <String | Image>: The undo icon shown after a discard.
  • discardConfirmTitle <String>: Title of the alert shown when discarding.
  • discardConfirmMessage <String>: Content of the alert shown when discarding.
  • discardConfirmButtonDiscard <String>: Value of the alert button corresponding to the 'discard' action.
  • discardConfirmButtonCancel <String>: Value of the alert button corresponding to the 'cancel' action.
  • maxResolution <Number>: Max resolution of the picture taken, in megapixel.
  • fadeDuration <SLOW | NORMAL | QUICK>: Duration in milliseconds of the fade when changing a picture.
  • scaleIntensity <LOW | NORMAL | HIGH>: Intensity of the scaling down effect on discard gesture.
  • rotateIntensity <LOW | NORMAL | HIGH>: Intensity of the rotation effect on discard gesture.
  • fadeIntensity <LOW | NORMAL | HIGH>: Intensity of the fade effect on discard gesture.
  • shiftDuration <SLOW | NORMAL | QUICK>: Duration of the smooth shift effect on Android.
  • animations <Array>: All animation to perform :
    • DISCARD_SWIPE_HORIZONTAL: Allow the user to translate horizontally the picture on swipe.
    • DISCARD_SWIPE_VERTICAL: Allow the user to translate vertically the picture on swipe.
    • DISCARD_ROTATE: Rotate the picture during the swipe.
    • DISCARD_SCALEDOWN: Scale-down the picture during the swipe.
    • DISCARD_FADEOUT: Fadeout the picture during the swipe.
    • ADD_SMOOTH: Android only, resize smoothly the thumbnail bar when a picture is added / removed.
    • CHANGE_FADEOUT: Fadeout the preview when changing to another.


  • 1.0 First version


  • Tests coming soon.
  • Enhance documentation.


Appcelerator, Appcelerator Titanium and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Appcelerator, Inc.
Titanium is Copyright (c) 2008-2015 by Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Titanium is licensed under the Apache Public License (Version 2).

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