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typedoc-plugin-versions-cli 🧑‍💻

A companion CLI tool for typedoc-plugin-versions.

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npm i --global typedoc-plugin-versions-cli
npm i -D typedoc-plugin-versions-cli


Run any of the following from the command line:

tpv <command> [options..]
typedoc-plugin-versions-cli <command> [options..]
typedoc-plugin-versions <command> [options..]
typedoc-versions <command> [options..]

See details about the various commands and their options via the --help flag:

tpv --help

All boolean flags which are true by default can be negated by prefixing with no-, e.g., the following are equivalent:

tpv purge --no-stale
tpv purge --stale false

When installing as a local dev dependency, you may need to prefix the commands with npx, e.g.:

npx tpv <command> [options..]



Deletes old doc builds and/or versions matching semver ranges. To synchronize metadata and symbolic links after, run tpv sync.

tpv purge [versions..] [flags]

Displays a confirmation prompt before performing changes.

  • --stale [boolean] [default: true]
    Purge stale doc builds, e.g. v1.0.0-alpha.1 is considered stale once v1.0.0 has been built.

  • --major <number> [default: Infinity]
    Purge all but the specified number of major versions.

  • --minor <number> [default: Infinity]
    Purge all but the specified number of minor versions per major version.

  • --patch <number> [default: Infinity]
    Purge all but the specified number of patch versions per minor version.

  • --exclude <versions..>
    Exclude versions matching the specified semver ranges from the purge operation.

  • --pre, --prerelease [boolean] [default: false]
    Include prerelease versions when evaluating semver ranges.

  • -y, --yes [boolean] [default: false]
    Automatically confirms prompts.

  • --out <string>
    The path to your typedoc output directory. By default this is inferred from your typedoc configuration.

  • --typedoc <string> [default: "."]
    The path to your typedoc configuration file, e.g. typedoc.json. By default this is searched for in the current working directory.

  • --tsconfig <string> [default: "."]
    The path to your TypeScript tsconfig file, e.g. tsconfig.json. By default this is searched for in the current working directory.


Ensures your typedoc-plugin-versions metadata and symbolic links are up-to-date. Useful after deleting old doc builds.

tpv synchronize [flags]
tpv sync [flags]

Displays a confirmation prompt before performing changes.

  • -y, --yes [boolean] [default: false]
    Automatically confirms prompts.

  • --symlink [boolean] [default: false]
    Always ensures symbolic links are up-to-date, regardless of confirmation prompts.

  • --out <string>
    The path to your typedoc output directory. By default this is inferred from your typedoc configuration.

  • --typedoc <string> [default: "."]
    The path to your typedoc configuration file, e.g. typedoc.json. By default this is searched for in the current working directory.

  • --tsconfig <string> [default: "."]
    The path to your TypeScript tsconfig file, e.g. tsconfig.json. By default this is searched for in the current working directory.


typedoc-plugin-versions-cli is licensed under MIT © 2022 Tobey Blaber.

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