TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.1.2 • Public • Published


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The javascript library to get or check the type of a given variable.

Table of contents


Usage example

// node js
const Typifier = require('typifier');
// browser
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/lib/typifier.bundle.js"></script>

// code samples
Typifier.isArray([1,2,3])                       // => true
Typifier.isArray("[1,2,3]")                     // => false

Typifier.isObject({ a: b })                     // => true
Typifier.isObject([1,2,3])                      // => false

Typifier.isString("superString")                // => true
Typifier.isString(123)                          // => false
Typifier.isString(new String("string class"))   // => false

Typifier.isStringClass(new String('abc'))       // => true
Typifier.isStringClass("primitive String")      // => false

Typifier.isNumber(123)                          // => true
Typifier.isNumber(123.45)                       // => true
Typifier.isNumber("123")                        // => false
Typifier.isNumber(new Number(123))              // => false

Typifier.isNumberClass(new Number(123))         // => true
Typifier.isNumberClass(123)                     // => false

Typifier.isNumberString("123")                  // => true
Typifier.isNumberString("123.55")               // => true
Typifier.isNumberString("0x123")                // => true
Typifier.isNumberString(123)                    // => false

Typifier.isDate(new Date())                     // => true
Typifier.isDate(123)                            // => false
Typifier.isDate("2021-01-01T00:00:00Z")         // => false (class check only)

Typifier.isRegExp(/abc/g)                       // => true
Typifier.isRegExp("/abc/g")                     // => false

Typifier.isNaN(NaN)                             // => true
Typifier.isNaN(123)                             // => false

Typifier.isInfinity(Infinity)                   // => true
Typifier.isInfinity(NaN)                        // => false

Typifier.isUndefined(undefined)                 // => true
Typifier.isUndefined(0)                         // => false

Typifier.isNull(null)                           // => true
Typifier.isNull(false)                          // => false

Typifier.isBoolean(true)                        // => true
Typifier.isBoolean(false)                       // => true
Typifier.isBoolean("")                          // => false
Typifier.isBoolean(new Boolean(true))           // => false

Typifier.isBooleanClass(new Boolean(true))      // => true
Typifier.isBooleanClass(new Boolean(false))     // => true
Typifier.isBooleanClass(true)                   // => false

Typifier.isFunction((a) => {})                  // => true
Typifier.isFunction("cool")                     // => false

Typifier.isClass(Typifier)                      // => true
Typifier.isClass("stringy")                     // => false

Typifier.is("Typifier", Typifier)               // => true
Typifier.is("MyClass", MyClass)                 // => true
Typifier.is("String", "some string")            // => true
Typifier.is("Array", [1,2,3])                   // => true
Typifier.is("String", 123)                      // => false

Typifier.isSet("some string")                   // => true
Typifier.isSet("")                              // => true
Typifier.isSet(0)                               // => true
Typifier.isSet(false)                           // => true
Typifier.isSet(undefined)                       // => false
Typifier.isSet(null)                            // => false

Typifier.getType("some string")                 // => "string"
Typifier.getType(new String("some string"))     // => "String"
Typifier.getType(123)                           // => "number"
Typifier.getType(new Number(123))               // => "Number"
Typifier.getType(Typifier)                      // => "class"
Typifier.getType({ a: 1})                       // => "Object"
Typifier.getType([1,2,3])                       // => "Array"
Typifier.getType(null)                          // => "null"
Typifier.getType(undefined)                     // => "undefined"
Typifier.getType(Infinity)                      // => "Infinity"
Typifier.getType(NaN)                           // => "NaN"
Typifier.getType(() => {})                      // => "function"
Typifier.getType(true)                          // => "boolean"
Typifier.getType(new Boolean(true))             // => "Boolean"
Typifier.getType(/regex/g)                      // => "RegExp"



You can either use npm or yarn to install typifier.


In your project root directory execute the following command:

yarn add typifier


In your project root directory execute the following command:

npm install typifier


Download the latest release on Github or the from the folder dist and put it in an appropriate folder of your project, e.g. js/lib and reference it by a script tag in your project:

<script type="text/javascript" src="js/lib/typifier.bundle.js"></script>

Optionally you may add the source file to your build pipeline, if you are using webpack, brunch or any other packager.

Bundle releases

As typifier depends on LuckyCase, there is also a bundle release called typifier.bundle.js where the latter is included. If you already use LuckyCase separately, use the default version typifier.js without included dependencies. If you don't know what you should use, use the bundled release!

Minified releases

If you prefer minified builds, use the *.min.js version. Be aware that they do not contain any javascript documentation that may be very useful when working with a powerful IDE.


See JS doc here.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/magynhard/typifier. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.

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  • magynhard